

"When Gabriel Grub had had time to fetch his breath, which the rapidity of his descent had for the moment taken away, he found himself in what appeared to be a large cavern, surrounded on all sides by crowds of goblins, ugly and grim; in the centre of the room, on an elevated seat, was stationed his friend of the churchyard; and close beside him stood Gabriel Grub himself, without power of motion.

"`Cold to-night,' said the king of the goblins, `very cold.A glass of something warm, here!'

"At this command, half a dozen officious goblins, with a perpetual smile upon their faces, whom Gabriel Grub imagined to be courtiers, on that account, hastily disappeared, and presently returned with a goblet of liquid fire, which they presented to the king.

"`Ah!' cried the goblin, whose cheeks and throat were transparent, as he tossed down the flame, `This warms one, indeed! Bring a bumper of the same, for Mr.Grub.'

"It was in vain for the unfortunate sexton to protest that he was not in the habit of taking anything warm at night; one of the goblins held him while another poured the blazing liquid down his throat; the whole assembly screeched with laughter as he coughed and choked, and wiped away the tears which gushed plentifully from his eyes, after swallowing the burning draught.

"`And now,' said the king, fantastically poking the taper corner of his sugar-loaf hat into the sexton's eye, and thereby occasioning him the most exquisite pain: `And now, show the man of misery and gloom, a few of the pictures from our own great storehouse!'

"As the goblin said this, a thick cloud which obscured the remoter end of the cavern, rolled gradually away, and disclosed, apparently at a great distance, a small and scantily furnished, but neat and clean apartment.

A crowd of little children were gathered round a bright fire, clinging to their mother's gown, and gambolling around her chair.The mother occasionally rose, and drew aside the window-curtain, as if to look for some expected object: a frugal meal was ready spread upon the table; and an elbow chair was placed near the fire.A knock was heard at the door: the mother opened it, and the children crowded round her, and clapped their hands for joy, as their father entered.He was wet and weary, and shook the snow from his garments, as the children crowded round him, and seizing his cloak, hat, stick, and gloves, with busy zeal, ran with them from the room.Then, as he sat down to his meal before the fire, the children climbed about his knee, and the mother sat by his side, and all seemed happiness and comfort.

"But a change came upon the view, almost imperceptibly.The scene was altered to a small bed-room, where the fairest and youngest child lay dying;the roses had fled from his cheek, and the light from his eye; and even as the sexton looked upon him with an interest he had never felt or known before, he died.His young brothers and sisters crowded round his little bed, and seized his tiny hand, so cold and heavy; but they shrunk back from its touch, and looked with awe on his infant face; for calm and tranquil as it was, and sleeping in rest and peace as the beautiful child seemed to be, they saw that he was dead, and they knew that he was an Angel looking down upon, and blessing them, from a bright and happy Heaven.

"Again the light cloud passed across the picture, and again the subject changed.The father and mother were old and helpless now, and the number of those about them was diminished more than half; but content and cheerfulness sat on every face, and beamed in every eye, as they crowded round the fireside, and told and listened to old stories of earlier and bygone days.Slowly and peacefully, the father sank into the grave, and, soon after, the sharer of all his cares and troubles followed him to a place of rest.The few, who yet survived them, knelt by their tomb, and watered the green turf which covered it, with their tears; then rose, and turned away: sadly and mournfully, but not with bitter cries, or despairing lamentations, for they knew that they should one day meet again; and once more they mixed with the busy world, and their content and cheerfulness were restored.

The cloud settled upon the picture, and concealed it from the sexton's view.

"`What do you think of that ?' said the goblin, turning his large face towards Gabriel Grub.

"Gabriel murmured out something about its being very pretty, and looked somewhat ashamed, as the goblin bent his fiery eyes upon him.

"` You a miserable man!' said the goblin, in a tone of excessive contempt.`You!' He appeared disposed to add more, but indignation choked his utterance, so he lifted up one of his very pliable legs, and flourishing it above his head a little, to insure his aim, administered a good sound kick to Gabriel Grub; immediately after which, all the goblins in waiting, crowded round the wretched sexton, and kicked him without mercy: according to the established and invariable custom of courtiers upon earth, who kick whom royalty kicks, and hug whom royalty hugs.

"`Show him some more!' said the king of the goblins.

  • The Brotherhood of Consolation

    The Brotherhood of Consolation

  • 明宣宗宝训


  • 大唐西域求法高僧传


  • 书谱


  • Taming of the Shrew

    Taming of the Shrew

  • 盛世唐朝之谁是李世民(下)


    他已经赢得了天下,他的臣子,为他殚心竭力,他的敌人,心甘情愿对他誓死效忠。她恋上了这个拥有至高无上权力的王者,她只能用最纯洁无邪的眼眸,来记取他血腥的征服。火树银花中的戎马倥偬,刀光剑影中的海枯石烂。他的一生,金戈铁马,叱咤风云。他已经赢得了天下。他的臣子,为他殚心竭力,他的敌人,心甘情愿对他誓死效忠。而他最爱的女人,是否能倾尽一切地爱他?是否能与他携手共度此生?她恋上了这个拥有至高无上权力的王者,爱上了这个注定会被无数女人拥有的男人,她只能用最纯净无邪的眼眸,来记取他血腥的征服。回首处,多少红颜老去,是否都只是黄粱一梦? 这其中有欢笑也有泪水,有温情也有杀戮,一切都只是为一段人们已经熟悉的历史做出新的注解。
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  • 每天学一点销售心理学


  • 银狐


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  • 康熙政要


  • 本王不愁嫁


  • 巫师神座


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