It's an ambition of his.I don't want you to think that he's good in a goody-goody way, because he's not.
Laura," she exclaimed, "he's a _fine man_.I didn't intend to brag him up to you, because I wanted you to like him.But no one knows--as I say--no one knows Curtis Jadwin better than Charlie and I, and we just _love_ him.The kindliest, biggest-hearted fellow--oh, well, you'll know him for yourself, and then you'll see.He passes the plate in our church.""Dr.Wendell's church?" asked Laura.
"Yes you know--the Second Presbyterian."
"I'm Episcopalian myself," observed Laura, still thoughtfully gazing into the fire.
"I know, I know.But Jadwin isn't the blue-nosed sort.
And now see here, Laura, I want to tell you.J.--that's what Charlie and I call Jadwin--J.was talking to us the other day about supporting a ward in the Children's Hospital for the children of his Sunday-school that get hurt or sick.You see he has nearly eight hundred boys and girls in his school, and there's not a week passes that he don't hear of some one of them who has been hurt or taken sick.And he wants to start a ward at the Children's Hospital, that can take care of them.He says he wants to get other people interested, too, and so he wants to start a contribution.He says he'll double any amount that's raised in the next six months--that is, if there's two thousand raised, he'll make it four thousand;understand? And so Charlie and I and the Gretrys are going to get up an amateur play--a charity affair--and raise as much money as we can.J.thinks it's a good idea, and--here's the point--we were talking about it coming home in the carriage, and J.said he wondered if that Miss Dearborn wouldn't take part.And we are all wild to have you.You know you do that sort of thing so well.Now don't say yes or no to-night.You sleep over crazy to have you in it.""I'd love to do it," answered Laura."But I would have to see--it takes so long to get settled, and there's so much to do about a big house like ours, I might not have time.But I will let you know."Mrs.Cressler told her in detail about the proposed play.Landry Court was to take part, and she enlisted Laura's influence to get Sheldon Corthell to undertake a role.Page, it appeared, had already promised to help.Laura remembered now that she had heard her speak of it.However, the plan was so immature as yet, that it hardly admitted of very much discussion, and inevitably the conversation came back to its starting-point.
"You know," Laura had remarked in answer to one of Mrs.
Cressler's observations upon the capabilities and business ability of "J.," "you know I never heard of him before you spoke of our theatre party.I don't know anything about him."But Mrs.Cressler promptly supplied the information.