

She saw the false move now, knew that she had lowered her guard.On all accounts it would have been more dignified to have shown only a mild interest in what Corthell wished.She realised that once more she had acted upon impulse, and she even found time to wonder again how it was that when with this man her impulses, and not her reason prevailed so often.With Landry or with Curtis Jadwin she was always calm, tranquilly self-possessed.But Corthell seemed able to reach all that was impetuous, all that was unreasoned in her nature.To Landry she was more than anything else, an older sister, indulgent, kind-hearted.With Jadwin she found that all the serious, all the sincere, earnest side of her character was apt to come to the front.

But Corthell stirred troublous, unknown deeps in her, certain undefined trends of recklessness; and for so long as he held her within his influence, she could not forget her sex a single instant.

It dismayed her to have this strange personality of hers, this other headstrong, impetuous self, discovered to her.She hardly recognised it.It made her a little afraid; and yet, wonder of wonders, she could not altogether dislike it.There was a certain fascination in resigning herself for little instants to the dominion of this daring stranger that was yet herself.

Meanwhile Corthell had answered her:

"I wish," he said, "I _wish_ you could say something--Ihardly know what--something to me.So little would be so much.""But what _can_ I say?" she protested."I don't know--I--what _can_ I say?"

"It must be yes or no for me," he broke out."I can't go on this way.""But why not? Why not?" exclaimed Laura."Why must we--terminate anything? Why not let things go on just as they are? We are quite happy as we are.There's never been a time of my life when I've been happier than this last three or four months.I don't want to change anything.Ah, here we are."The hansom drew up in front of the house.Aunt Wess'

and Page were already inside.The maid stood in the vestibule in the light that streamed from the half-open front door, an umbrella in her hand.And as Laura alighted, she heard Page's voice calling from the front hall that the others had umbrellas, that the maid was not to wait.

The hansom splashed away, and Corthell and Laura mounted the steps of the house.

"Won't you come in?" she said."There is a fire in the library."But he said no, and for a few seconds they stood under the vestibule light, talking.Then Corthell, drawing off his right-hand glove, said:

"I suppose that I have my answer.You do not wish for a change.I understand.You wish to say by that, that you do not love me.If you did love me as I love you, you would wish for just that--a change.You would be as eager as I for that wonderful, wonderful change that makes a new heaven and a new earth."This time Laura did not answer.There was a moment's silence.Then Corthell said:

"Do you know, I think I shall go away."

"Go away?"

"Yes, to New York.Possibly to Paris.There is a new method of fusing glass that I've promised myself long ago I would look into.I don't know that it interests me much--now.But I think I had better go.At once, within the week.I've not much heart in it; but it seems--under the circumstances--to be appropriate." He held out his bared hand.Laura saw that he was smiling.

"Well, Miss Dearborn--good-by."

"But _why_ should you go?" she cried, distressfully.

"How perfectly--ah, don't go," she exclaimed, then in desperate haste added: "It would be absolutely foolish.""_Shall_ I stay?" he urged."Do you tell me to stay?""Of course I do," she answered."It would break up the play--your going.It would spoil my part.You play opposite me, you know.Please stay.""Shall I stay," he asked, "for the sake of your part?

There is no one else you would rather have?" He was smiling straight into her eyes, and she guessed what he meant.

She smiled back at him, and the spirit of daring never more awake in her, replied, as she caught his eye:

"There is no one else I would rather have."Corthell caught her hand of a sudden.

"Laura," he cried, "let us end this fencing and quibbling once and for all.Dear, dear girl, I _love_you with all the strength of all the good in me.Let me be the best a man can be to the woman he loves."Laura flashed a smile at him.

"If you can make me love you enough," she answered.

"And you think I can?" he exclaimed, "You have my permission to try," she said.

She hoped fervently that now, without further words, he would leave her.It seemed to her that it would be the most delicate chivalry on his part--having won this much--to push his advantage no further.She waited anxiously for his next words.She began to fear that she had trusted too much upon her assurance of his tact.

Corthell held out his hand again.

"It is good-night, then, not good-by."

"It is good-night," said Laura.

With the words he was gone, and Laura, entering the house, shut the door behind her with a long breath of satisfaction.

Page and Landry were still in the library.Laura joined them, and for a few moments the three stood before the fireplace talking about the play.Page at length, at the first opportunity, excused herself and went to bed.She made a great show of leaving Landry and Laura alone, and managed to convey the impression that she understood they were anxious to be rid of her.

"Only remember," she remarked to Laura severely, "to lock up and turn out the hall gas.Annie has gone to bed _long_ ago.""I must dash along, too," declared Landry when Page was gone.

He buttoned his coat about his neck, and Laura followed him out into the hall and found an umbrella for him.

"You were beautiful to-night," he said, as he stood with his hand on the door knob."Beautiful.I could not keep my eyes off of you, and I could not listen to anybody but you.And now," he declared, solemnly, "Iwill see your eyes and hear your voice all the rest of the night.I want to explain," he added, "about those hansoms--about coming home with Miss Page and Mrs.

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