
第19章 VI(3)

Quennebert,without changing hiS attitude,replied--"Commander de Jars,and you,Messire Jeannin de Castille,king's treasurer,--you see,my gentles,that besides the advantage of arms which strike swiftly and surely,I have the further advantage of knowing who you are,whilst I am myself unknown,--you will carry the wounded man into this house,into which I will not enter,for I have nothing to do within;but I shall remain here;to await your return.

After you have handed over the patient to the doctor,you will procure paper and write---now pay great attention--that on November 20th,1658,about midnight,you,aided by an unknown man,carried to this house,the address of which you will give,a young man whom you call the Chevalier de Moranges,and pass off as your nephew--""As he really is."

"Very well."

"But who told you--?"

"Let me go on:who had been wounded in a fight with swords on the same night behind the church of Saint-Andre-des-Arts by the Duc de Vitry.""The Duc de Vitry!--How do you know that?"

"No matter how,I know it for a fact.Having made this declaration,you will add that the said Chevalier de Moranges is no other than Josephine-Charlotte Boullenois,whom you,commander,abducted four months ago from the convent of La Raquette,whom you have made your mistress,and whom you conceal disguised as a man;then you will add your signature.Is my information correct?"De Jars and Jeannin were speechless with surprise for a few instants;then the former stammered--

"Will you tell us who you are?"

"The devil in person,if you like.Well,will you do as I order?

Supposing that I am awkward enough not to kill you at two paces,do you want me to ask you in broad daylight and aloud what I now ask at night and in a whisper?And don't think to put me off with a false declaration,relying on my not being able to read it by the light of the moon;don't think either that you can take me by surprise when you hand it me:you will bring it to me with your swords sheathed as now.If this condition is not observed,I shall fire,and the noise will bring a crowd about us.To-morrow I shall speak differently from to-day:I shall proclaim the truth at all the street corners,in the squares,and under the windows of the Louvre.It is hard,I know,for men of spirit to yield to threats,but recollect that you are in my power and that there is no disgrace in paying a ransom for a life that one cannot defend.What do you say?"In spite of his natural courage,Jeannin,who found himself involved in an affair from which he had nothing to gain,and who was not at all desirous of being suspected of having helped in an abduction,whispered to the commander--"Faith!I think our wisest course is to consent."De Jars,however,before replying,wished to try if he could by any chance throw his enemy off his guard for an instant,so as to take him unawares.His hand still rested on the hilt of his sword,motionless,but ready to draw.

"There is someone coming over yonder,"he cried,--"do you hear?""You can't catch me in that way,"said Quennebert."Even were there anyone coming,I should not look round,and if you move your hand all is over with you.""Well,"said Jeannin,"I surrender at discretion--not on my own account,but out of regard for my friend and this woman.However,we are entitle to some pledge of your silence.This statement that you demand,once written,--you can ruin us tomorrow by its means.""I don't yet know what use I shall make of it,gentlemen.Make up your minds,or you will have nothing but a dead body to place--in the doctor's hands.There is no escape for you."For the first time the wounded man faintly groaned.

"I must save her!"cried de Jars,--"I yield.""And I swear upon my honour that I will never try to get this woman out of your hands,and that I will never interfere with your conquest.Knock,gentlemen,and remain as long as may be necessary.

I am patient.Pray to God,if you will,that she may recover;my one desire is that she may die."They entered the house,and Quennebert,wrapping himself once more in his mantle,walked up and down before it,stopping to listen from time to time.In about two hours the commander and the treasurer came out again,and handed him a written paper in the manner agreed on.

"I greatly fear that it will be a certificate of death,"said de Jars.

"Heaven grant it,commander!Adieu,messieurs."He then withdrew,walking backwards,keeping the two friends covered with his pistols until he had placed a sufficient distance between himself and them to be out of danger of an attack.

The two gentlemen on their part walked rapidly away,looking round from time to time,and keeping their ears open.They were very much mortified at having been forced to let a mere boor dictate to them,and anxious,especially de Jars,as to the result of the wound.

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