

Then she went into the house and took to the bed,which she would only leave for her coffin.

A week went by,one day exactly like another.Old Annette and Louis took it in turns to sit up with Mme.Willemsens,never taking their eyes from the invalid.It was the deeply tragical hour that comes in all our lives,the hour of listening in terror to every deep breath lest it should be the last,a dark hour protracted over many days.On the fifth day of that fatal week the doctor interdicted flowers in the room.The illusions of life were going one by one.

Then Marie and his brother felt their mother's lips hot as fire beneath their kisses;and at last,on the Saturday evening,Mme.

Willemsens was too ill to bear the slightest sound,and her room was left in disorder.This neglect for a woman of refined taste,who clung so persistently to the graces of life,meant the beginning of the death-agony.After this,Louis refused to leave his mother.On Sunday night,in the midst of the deepest silence,when Louis thought that she had grown drowsy,he saw a white,moist hand move the curtain in the lamplight.

"My son!"she said.There was something so solemn in the dying woman's tones,that the power of her wrought-up soul produced a violent reaction on the boy;he felt an intense heat pass through the marrow of his bones.

"What is it,mother?"

"Listen!To-morrow all will be over for me.We shall see each other no more.To-morrow you will be a man,my child.So I am obliged to make some arrangements,which must remain a secret,known only to us.Take the key of my little table.That is it.Now open the drawer.You will find two sealed papers to the left.There is the name of LOUIS on one,and on the other MARIE.""Here they are,mother."

"Those are your certificates of birth,darling;you will want them.

Give them to our poor,old Annette to keep for you;ask her for them when you need them.Now,"she continued,"is there not another paper as well,something in my handwriting?""Yes,mother,"and Louis began to read,"MARIE WILLEMSENS,BORNAT----"

"That is enough,"she broke in quickly,"do not go on.When I am dead,give that paper,too,to Annette,and tell her to send it to the registrar at Saint-Cyr;it will be wanted if my certificate of death is to be made out in due form.Now find writing materials for a letter which I will dictate to you."When she saw that he was ready to begin,and turned towards her for the words,they came from her quietly:--"Monsieur le Comte,your wife,Lady Brandon,died at Saint-Cyr,near Tours,in the department of Indre-et-Loire.She forgave you.""Sign yourself----"she stopped,hesitating and perturbed.

"Are you feeling worse?"asked Louis.

"Put 'Louis-Gaston,'"she went on.

She sighed,then she went on.

"Seal the letter,and direct it.To Lord Brandon,Brandon Square,Hyde Park,London,Angleterre.--That is right.When I am dead,post the letter in Tours,and prepay the postage.--Now,"she added,after a pause,"take the little pocketbook that you know,and come here,my dear child....There are twelve thousand francs in it,"she said,when Louis had returned to her side."That is all your own.Oh me!you would have been better off if your father----""My father,"cried the boy,"where is he?"

"He is dead,"she said,laying her finger on her lips;"he died to save my honor and my life."She looked upwards.If any tears had been left to her,she would have wept for pain.

"Louis,"she continued,"swear to me,as I lie here,that you will forget all that you have written,all that I have told you.""Yes,mother."

"Kiss me,dear angel."

She was silent for a long while,she seemed to be drawing strength from God,and to be measuring her words by the life that remained in her.

"Listen,"she began."Those twelve thousand francs are all that you have in the world.You must keep the money upon you,because when I am dead the lawyers will come and seal everything up.Nothing will be yours then,not even your mother.All that remains for you to do will be to go out,poor orphan children,God knows where.I have made Annette's future secure.She will have an annuity of a hundred crowns,and she will stay at Tours no doubt.But what will you do for yourself and your brother?"She raised herself,and looked at the brave child,standing by her bedside.There were drops of perspiration on his forehead,he was pale with emotion,and his eyes were dim with tears.

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