

Mr.McLean was in the ticket-office,where the newspaper had transiently reminded him of politics."Wall Street,"he was explaining to the agent,"has been lunched on by them Ross-childs,and they're moving on.Feeding along to Chicago.We want--"Here he noticed me and,dragging his gauntlet off,shook my hand with his lusty grasp.

"Your eldest son just said you were in haste to find me,"I remarked.

"Lose you,he meant.The kid gets his words twisted.""Didn't know you were a father,Mr.McLean,"simpered the agent.

Lin fixed his eye on the man."And you don't know it now,"said he.Then he removed his eye."Let's grub,"he added to me.My friend did not walk to the hotel,but slowly round and about,with a face overcast."Billy is a good kid,"he said at length,and,stopping,began to kick small mounds in the dust.Politics floated lightly over him,but here was a matter dwelling with him,heavy and real."He's dead stuck on being a cow-puncher,"he presently said.

"Some day--"I began.

"He don't want to wait that long,"Lin said,and smiled affectionately.

"And,anyhow,what is 'some day'?Some day we punchers will not be here.

The living will be scattered,and the dead--well,they'll be all right.

Have yu'studied the wire fence?It's spreading to catch us like nets do the salmon in the Columbia River.No more salmon,no more cow-punchers,"stated Mr.McLean,sententiously;and his words made me sad,though Iknow that progress cannot spare land and water for such things."But Billy,"Lin resumed,"has agreed to school again when it starts up in the fall.He takes his medicine because I want him to."Affection crept anew over the cow-puncher's face."He can learn books with the quickest when he wants,that Bear Creek school-marm says.But he'd ought to have a regular mother till--till I can do for him,yu'know.It's onwholesome him seeing and hearing the boys--and me,and me when I forget!--but shucks!how can I fix it?Billy was sure enough dropped and deserted.But when I found him the little calf could run and notice like everything!""I should hate your contract,Lin,"said I."Adopting's a touch-and-go business even when a man has a home.""I'll fill the contract,you bet!I wish the little son-of-a-gun was mine.I'm a heap more natural to him than that pair of drunkards that got him.He likes me:I think he does.I've had to lick him now and then,but Lord!his badness is all right--not sneaky.I'll take him hunting next month,and then the foreman's wife at Sunk Creek boards him till school.

Only when they move,Judge Henry'll make his Virginia man foreman--and he's got no woman to look after Billy,yu'see.""He's asking one hard enough,"said I,digressing.

"Oh yes;asking!Talk of adopting--"said Mr.McLean,and his wide-open,hazel eyes looked away as he coughed uneasily.Then abruptly looking at me again,he said:"Don't you get off any more truck about eldest son and that,will yu',friend?The boys are joshing me now--not that I care for what might easy enough be so,but there's Billy.Maybe he'd not mind,but maybe he would after a while;and I am kind o'set on--well--he didn't have a good time till he shook that home of his,and I'm going to make this old bitch of a world pay him what she owes him,if I can.Now you'll drop joshing,won't yu'?"His forehead was moist over getting the thing said and laying bare so much of his soul.

"And so the world owes us a good time,Lin?"said I.

He laughed shortly."She must have been dead broke,then,quite a while,you bet!Oh no.Maybe I used to travel on that basis.But see here"(Lin laid his hand on my shoulder),"if you can't expect a good time for yourself in reason,you can sure make the kids happy out o'reason,can't yu'?"I fairly opened my mouth at him.

"Oh yes,"he said,laughing in that short way again (and he took his hand off my shoulder);"I've been thinking a wonderful lot since we met last.

I guess I know some things yu'haven't got to yet yourself--Why,there's a girl!""That there is!"said I."And certainly the world owes her a better--""She's a fine-looker,"interrupted Mr.McLean,paying me no further attention.Here the decrepit,straw-hatted proprietor of the Hotel Brunswick stuck his beard out of the door and uttered "Supper!"with a shrill croak,at which the girl rose.

"Come!"said Lin,"let's hurry!"

But I hooked my fingers in his belt,and in spite of his plaintive oaths at my losing him the best seat at the table,told him in three words the sister's devoted journey.

"Nate Buckner!"he exclaimed."Him with a decent sister!""It's the other way round,"said I."Her with him for a brother!""He goes to the penitentiary this week,"said Lin."He had no more cash to stake his lawyer with,and the lawyer lost interest in him.So his sister could have waited for her convict away back at Joliet,and saved time and money.How did she act when yu'told her?""I've not told her."

"Not?Too kind o'not your business?Well,well!You'd ought to know better 'n me.Only it don't seem right to let her--no,sir;it's not right,either.Put it her brother was dead (and Miss.Fligg's husband would like dearly to make him dead),you'd not let her come slap up against the news unwarned.You would tell her he was sick,and start her gently.""Death's different,"said I.

"Shucks!And she's to find him caged,and waiting for stripes and a shaved head?How d'yu'know she mightn't hate that worse 'n if he'd been just shot like a man in a husband scrape,instead of jailed like a skunk for thieving?No,sir,she mustn't.Think of how it'll be.Quick as the stage pulls up front o'the Buffalo post-office,plump she'll be down ahead of the mail-sacks,inquiring after her brother,and all that crowd around staring.Why,we can't let her do that;she can't do that.If you don't feel so interfering,I'm good for this job myself."And Mr.McLean took the lead and marched jingling in to supper.

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    A Discourse of Coin and Coinage

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  • 将军盛宠之娇妻入怀


  • 改变:用新的自我缔造新的生活


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