
第30章 The River Rises(1)

DURING this big rise these small-fry craft were an intolerable nuisance.

We were running chute after chute,--a new world to me,--and if there was a particularly cramped place in a chute,we would be pretty sure to meet a broad-horn there;and if he failed to be there,we would find him in a still worse locality,namely,the head of the chute,on the shoal water.

And then there would be no end of profane cordialities exchanged.

Sometimes,in the big river,when we would be feeling our way cautiously along through a fog,the deep hush would suddenly be broken by yells and a clamor of tin pans,and all in instant a log raft would appear vaguely through the webby veil,close upon us;and then we did not wait to swap knives,but snatched our engine bells out by the roots and piled on all the steam we had,to scramble out of the way!

One doesn't hit a rock or a solid log craft with a steamboat when he can get excused.

You will hardly believe it,but many steamboat clerks always carried a large assortment of religious tracts with them in those old departed steamboating days.Indeed they did.

Twenty times a day we would be cramping up around a bar,while a string of these small-fry rascals were drifting down into the head of the bend away above and beyond us a couple of miles.

Now a skiff would dart away from one of them,and come fighting its laborious way across the desert of water.It would 'ease all,'in the shadow of our forecastle,and the panting oarsmen would shout,'Gimme a pa-a-per!'as the skiff drifted swiftly astern.

The clerk would throw over a file of New Orleans journals.

If these were picked up without comment,you might notice that now a dozen other skiffs had been drifting down upon us without saying anything.

You understand,they had been waiting to see how No.1 was going to fare.

No.1 making no comment,all the rest would bend to their oars and come on,now;and as fast as they came the clerk would heave over neat bundles of religious tracts,tied to shingles.

The amount of hard swearing which twelve packages of religious literature will command when impartially divided up among twelve raftsmen's crews,who have pulled a heavy skiff two miles on a hot day to get them,is simply incredible.

As I have said,the big rise brought a new world under my vision.

By the time the river was over its banks we had forsaken our old paths and were hourly climbing over bars that had stood ten feet out of water before;we were shaving stumpy shores,like that at the foot of Madrid Bend,which Ihad always seen avoided before;we were clattering through chutes like that of 82,where the opening at the foot was an unbroken wall of timber till our nose was almost at the very spot.Some of these chutes were utter solitudes.

The dense,untouched forest overhung both banks of the crooked little crack,and one could believe that human creatures had never intruded there before.

The swinging grape-vines,the grassy nooks and vistas glimpsed as we swept by,the flowering creepers waving their red blossoms from the tops of dead trunks,and all the spendthrift richness of the forest foliage,were wasted and thrown away there.The chutes were lovely places to steer in;they were deep,except at the head;the current was gentle;under the 'points'the water was absolutely dead,and the invisible banks so bluff that where the tender willow thickets projected you could bury your boat's broadside in them as you tore along,and then you seemed fairly to fly.

Behind other islands we found wretched little farms,and wretcheder little log-cabins;there were crazy rail fences sticking a foot or two above the water,with one or two jeans-clad,chills-racked,yellow-faced male miserables roosting on the top-rail,elbows on knees,jaws in hands,grinding tobacco and discharging the result at floating chips through crevices left by lost teeth;while the rest of the family and the few farm-animals were huddled together in an empty wood-flat riding at her moorings close at hand.

In this flat-boat the family would have to cook and eat and sleep for a lesser or greater number of days (or possibly weeks),until the river should fall two or three feet and let them get back to their log-cabin and their chills again--chills being a merciful provision of an all-wise Providence to enable them to take exercise without exertion.

And this sort of watery camping out was a thing which these people were rather liable to be treated to a couple of times a year:by the December rise out of the Ohio,and the June rise out of the Mississippi.And yet these were kindly dispensations,for they at least enabled the poor things to rise from the dead now and then,and look upon life when a steamboat went by.

They appreciated the blessing,too,for they spread their mouths and eyes wide open and made the most of these occasions.

Now what could these banished creatures find to do to keep from dying of the blues during the low-water season!'

Once,in one of these lovely island chutes,we found our course completely bridged by a great fallen tree.

This will serve to show how narrow some of the chutes were.

The passengers had an hour's recreation in a virgin wilderness,while the boat-hands chopped the bridge away;for there was no such thing as turning back,you comprehend.

From Cairo to Baton Rouge,when the river is over its banks,you have no particular trouble in the night,for the thousand-mile wall of dense forest that guards the two banks all the way is only gapped with a farm or wood-yard opening at intervals,and so you can't 'get out of the river'much easier than you could get out of a fenced lane;but from Baton Rouge to New Orleans it is a different matter.The river is more than a mile wide,and very deep--as much as two hundred feet,in places.

Both banks,for a good deal over a hundred miles,are shorn of their timber and bordered by continuous sugar plantations,with only here and there a scattering sapling or row of ornamental China-trees.The timber is shorn off clear to the rear of the plantations,from two to four miles.

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