
第109章 Chapter 22(1)


Proposed Purchase of Land at Asolo --Venice --Letter to Mr.G.Moulton-Barrett --Lines in the 'Athenaeum'--Letter to Miss Keep --Illness --Death --Funeral Ceremonial at Venice --Publication of 'Asolando'--Interment in Poets'Corner.

He had said in writing to Mrs.FitzGerald,'Shall I ever see them'

(the things he is describing)'again?'If not then,soon afterwards,he conceived a plan which was to insure his doing so.

On a piece of ground belonging to the old castle,stood the shell of a house.

The two constituted one property which the Municipality of Asolo had hitherto refused to sell.It had been a dream of Mr.Browning's life to possess a dwelling,however small,in some beautiful spot,which should place him beyond the necessity of constantly seeking a new summer resort,and above the alternative of living at an inn,or accepting --as he sometimes feared,abusing --the hospitality of his friends.He was suddenly fascinated by the idea of buying this piece of ground;and,with the efficient help which his son could render during his absence,completing the house,which should be christened 'Pippa's Tower'.It was evident,he said in one of his letters,that for his few remaining years his summer wanderings must always end in Venice.What could he do better than secure for himself this resting-place by the way?

His offer of purchase was made through Mrs.Bronson,to Count Loredano and other important members of the municipality,and their personal assent to it secured.But the town council was on the eve of re-election;no important business could be transacted by it till after this event;and Mr.Browning awaited its decision till the end of October at Asolo,and again throughout November in Venice,without fully understanding the delay.The vote proved favourable;but the night on which it was taken was that of his death.

The consent thus given would have been only a first step towards the accomplishment of his wish.It was necessary that it should be ratified by the Prefecture of Treviso,in the district of which Asolo lies;and Mr.Barrett Browning,who had determined to carry on the negotiations,met with subsequent opposition in the higher council.This has now,however,been happily overcome.

A comprehensive interest attaches to one more letter of the Asolo time.

It was addressed to Mr.Browning's brother-in-law,Mr.George Moulton-Barrett.


My dear George,--It was a great pleasure to get your kind letter;though after some delay.We were not in the Tyrol this year,but have been for six weeks or more in this little place which strikes me,--as it did fifty years ago,which is something to say,considering that,properly speaking,it was the first spot of Italian soil I ever set foot upon --having proceeded to Venice by sea --and thence here.It is an ancient city,older than Rome,and the scene of Queen Catharine Cornaro's exile,where she held a mock court,with all its attendants,on a miniature scale;Bembo,afterwards Cardinal,being her secretary.Her palace is still above us all,the old fortifications surround the hill-top,and certain of the houses are stately --though the population is not above 1,000souls:

the province contains many more of course.But the immense charm of the surrounding country is indescribable --I have never seen its like --the Alps on one side,the Asolan mountains all round,--and opposite,the vast Lombard plain,--with indications of Venice,Padua,and the other cities,visible to a good eye on a clear day;while everywhere are sites of battles and sieges of bygone days,described in full by the historians of the Middle Ages.

We have a valued friend here,Mrs.Bronson,who for years has been our hostess at Venice,and now is in possession of a house here (built into the old city wall)--she was induced to choose it through what I have said about the beauties of the place:and through her care and kindness we are comfortably lodged close by.

We think of leaving in a week or so for Venice --guests of Pen and his wife;and after a short stay with them we shall return to London.

Pen came to see us for a couple of days:I was hardly prepared for his surprise and admiration which quite equalled my own and that of my sister.All is happily well with them --their palazzo excites the wonder of everybody,so great is Pen's cleverness,and extemporised architectural knowledge,as apparent in all he has done there;why,WHY will you not go and see him there?

He and his wife are very hospitable and receive many visitors.

Have I told you that there was a desecrated chapel which he has restored in honour of his mother --putting up there the inion by Tommaseo now above Casa Guidi?

Fannie is all you say,--and most dear and precious to us all....

Pen's medal to which you refer,is awarded to him in spite of his written renunciation of any sort of wish to contend for a prize.

He will now resume painting and sculpture --having been necessarily occupied with the superintendence of his workmen --a matter capitally managed,I am told.For the rest,both Sarianna and myself are very well;I have just sent off my new volume of verses for publication.

The complete edition of the works of E.B.B.begins in a few days.

The second part of this letter is very forcibly written,and,in a certain sense,more important than the first;but I suppress it by the desire of Mr.Browning's sister and son,and in complete concurrence with their judgment in the matter.

It was a systematic defence of the anger aroused in him by a lately published reference to his wife's death;and though its reasonings were unanswerable as applied to the causes of his emotion,they did not touch the manner in which it had been displayed.

The incident was one which deserved only to be forgotten;and if an injudicious act had not preserved its memory,no word of mine should recall it.Since,however,it has been thought fit to include the 'Lines to Edward Fitzgerald'in a widely circulated Bibliography of Mr.

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