

"Well, the long and the short is, he knew thy Gerard in Italy; and a letter came saying you were dead; and it broke thy poor lad's heart.Let me see; who was the letter written by? Oh, by the demoiselle van Eyck.That was his way of it.But I up and told him nay; 'twas neither demoiselle nor dame that penned yon lie, but Ghysbrecht Van Swieten, and those foul knaves, Cornelis and Sybrandt; these changed the true letter for one of their own; Itold him as how I saw the whole villainy done through a chink; and now, if I have not been and told you!""Oh, cruel! cruel! But he lives.The fear of fears is gone.Thank God!""Ay, lass; and as for thine enemies, I have given them a dig.For yon friar is friendly to Gerard, and he is gone to Eli's house, methinks.For I told him where to find Gerard's enemies and thine, and wow but he will give them their lesson.If ever a man was mad with rage, its yon.He turned black and white, and parted like a stone from a sling.Girl, there was thunder in his eye and silence on his lips.Made me cold a did.""Oh, Jorian, what have you done?" cried Margaret."Quick! quick!

help me thither, for the power is gone all out of my body.You know him not as I do.Oh, if you had seen the blow he gave Ghysbrecht; and heard the frightful crash! Come, save him from worse mischief.The water is deep enow; but not bloody yet;come!"Her accents were so full of agony that Jorian sprang out of the grave and came with her, huddling on his jerkin as he went.

But as they hurried along, he asked her what on earth she meant?

"I talk of this friar, and you answer me of Gerard.""Man, see you not, this is Gerard!"

"This, Gerard? what mean ye?"

"I mean, yon friar is my boy's father.I have waited for him long, Jorian.Well, he is come to me at last.And thank God for it.Oh, my poor child! Quicker, Jorian, quicker!""Why, thou art mad as he.Stay! By St.Bavon, yon was Gerard's face; 'twas nought like it; yet somehow - 'twas it.Come on! come on! let me see the end of this.""The end? How many of us will live to see that?"They hurried along in breathless silence, till they reached Hoog Straet.

Then Jorian tried to reassure her."You are making your own trouble," said he; who says he has gone thither? more likely to the convent to weep and pray, poor soul.Oh, cursed, cursed villains!""Did not you tell him where those villains bide?""Ay, that I did,"

"Then quicker, oh, Jorian, quicker.I see the house.Thank God and all the saints, I shall be in time to calm him.I know what I'll say to him; Heaven forgive me! Poor Catherine; 'tis of her Ithink: she has been a mother to me."

The shop was a corner house, with two doors; one in the main street, for customers, and a house-door round the corner.

Margaret and Jorian were now within twenty yards of the shop, when they heard a roar inside, like as of some wild animal, and the friar burst out, white and raging, and went tearing down the street.

Margaret screamed, and sank fainting on Jorian's arm.

Jorian shouted after him, "Stay, madman, know thy friends." But he was deaf, and went headlong, shaking his clenched fists high, high in the air.

"Help me in, good Jorian," moaned Margaret, turning suddenly calm.

"Let me know the worst; and die."

He supported her trembling limbs into the house.

It seemed unnaturally still; not a sound.

Jorian's own heart beat fast.

A door was before him, unlatched.He pushed it softly with his left hand, and Margaret and he stood on the threshold.

What they saw there you shall soon know.

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    Trudchen grew up hearing Odette's stories of their monster-slaying mother and a magician's curse. But now that Tru's older, she's starting to wonder if her older sister's tales were just comforting lies, especially because there's nothing fantastic about her own life—permanently disabled and in constant pain from childhood polio. In 1909, after a two-year absence, Od reappears with a suitcase supposedly full of weapons and a promise to rescue Tru from the monsters on their way to attack her. But it's Od who seems haunted by something. And when the sisters' search for their mother leads them to a face-off with the Leeds Devil, a nightmarish beast that's wreaking havoc in the Mid-Atlantic states, Tru discovers the peculiar possibility that she and her sister—despite their dark pasts and ordinary appearances—might, indeed, have magic after all.
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