

"The result is that the end of the finger, instead of healing over, grows into the fine meshes of the pieces of sponge, by capillary attraction.Of course even this would heal in a few days, but the doctor does not let it heal.In three days he pulls the sponge off gently.The end of the finger has grown up just a fraction of an inch.Then a new thin layer of sponge is added.Day after day this process is repeated, each time the finger growing a little more.Anew nail develops if any of the matrix is left, and I suppose a clever surgeon by grafting up pieces of epidermis could produce on such a stump very passable finger-prints."No one of us said anything, but Kennedy seemed to realise the thought in our minds and proceeded to elaborate the method.

"It is known as the 'education sponge method,' and was first described by Dr.D.J.Hamilton, of Edinburgh, in 1881.It has frequently been used in America since then.The sponge really acts in a mechanical manner to support the new finger-tissue that is developed.The meshes are filled in by growing tissue, and as it grows the tissue absorbs part of the sponge, which is itself an animal tissue and acts like catgut.Part of it is also thrown off.In fact, the sponge imitates what happens naturally in the porous network of a regular blood-clot.It educates the tissue to grow, stimulates it - new blood-vessels and nerves as well as flesh.

"In another case I know of, almost the whole of the first joint of a finger was crushed off, and the doctor was asked to amputate the stump of bone that protruded.Instead, he decided to educate the tissue to grow out to cover it and appear like a normal finger.In these cases the doctors succeeded admirably in giving the patients entire new fingertips, without scars, and, except for the initial injury and operation, with comparatively little inconvenience except that absolute rest of the hands was required..

"That is what happened, gentlemen," concluded Kennedy."That is why Mr.Forbes, alias Williams, made a trip to Philadelphia to be treated-for crushed finger-tips, not for the kick of an automobile engine.He may have paid the doctors in counterfeits.In reality this man was playing a game in which there was indeed a heavy stake at issue.He was a counterfeiter sought by two governments with the net closing about him.What are the tips of a few fingers compared with life, liberty, wealth, and a beautiful woman? The first two sets of prints are different from the third because they are made by different finger-tips-on the same man.The very core of the prints was changed.But the finger-print system is vindicated by the very ingenuity of the man who so cleverly has contrivred to beat it.""Very interesting - to one who is interested," remarked the stranger, "but what has that to do with detaining my wife and myself, making us miss our train, and insulting us?""Just this," replied Craig."If you will kindly oblige us by laying your fingers on this inking-pad and then lightly on this sheet of paper, I think I can show you an answer."Knight demurred, and his wife grew hysterical at the idea, but there was nothing to do but comply.Kennedy glanced at the fourth set of prints, then at the third set taken a week ago, and smiled.No one said a word.Knight or Williams, which was it? He nonchalantly lit a cigarette.

"So you say I am this Williams, the counterfeiter?" he asked superciliously.

"I do," reiterated Kennedy."You are also Forbes.""I don't suppose Scotland Yard has neglected to furnish you with photographs and a description of this Forbes?"Burke reluctantly pulled out a Bertillon card from his pocket and laid it on the table.It bore the front face and profile of the famous counterfeiter, as well as his measurements.

The man picked it up as if indeed it was a curious thing.His coolness nearly convinced me.Surely he should have hesitated in actually demanding this last piece of evidence.I had heard, however, that the Bertillon system of measurements often depended on the personal equation of the measurer as well as on the measured.

Was he relying on that, or on his difference in features?

I looked over Kennedy's shoulder at the card on the table.There was the concave nose of the "portrait parle" " of Forbes, as it had first been described to us.Without looking further I involuntarily glanced at the man, although I had no need to do so.I knew that his nose was the exact opposite of that of Forbes.

  • 影后进化论


  • 终遇你:大神缺腿部挂件吗


    【已完结】隔壁新书开坑啦 楚暮只是想单纯的玩个游戏,自力更生,自给自足。不过一结婚游戏伴侣就弃游是什么情况?刚申请号就被别人针对是什么情况?自己师父和自己的徒弟打了起来最后还只能自己背锅是什么情况?突然被大神伴侣针对又是什么情况?纵横游戏圈的亲哥告诉她:因为你当初不抱我这个大腿。楚暮拍桌:不就是抱大腿吗?我楚暮,要抱,就抱最粗的腿。从此开启了漫漫抱腿路。不过最后,大腿没抱到,反而把自己卖了是什么情况?ps:你有没有听说过《逐天》的云长大神和她的媳妇潇湘沐雨呢?当然听说过,那你又听说过寒卿楚大神的和他的媳妇暮卿寂吗?
  • 切肤之爱(一)


  • 狼孩历险记(语文新课标课外读物)


  • 极品娇妻好V5


  • 重生之校园王者荣耀


  • 星念师


  • 国学经典导读(上册)(中华诵·经典诵读行动)


  • 郑史编年辑录


  • 重生幸福小生活


    她的前世充满了彷徨与无奈, 当所有的一切莫名回溯到她六岁时,她下定决定,不让命运重蹈覆辙。 那些曾经错过的,她会努力争取;那些不曾有过的,她会认真拼搏; 终于,一切都脱离了原有的轨道,她知道她的命运改变了。 可是,为何老天爷又给了她难题,爱人、亲人、朋友,她注定不能拥有吗? 我命由我不由天,她不愿放手,即使要面对的是上天,她亦要放手一搏!(p.s——074-075不喜虐的,可以直接跳过,不会影响后面的剧情。)