

The machine had ceased to revolve.Craig stripped a still wet photograph off the telelectrograph instrument and stood regarding it with intense satisfaction.Outside, the car which had been engaged to hurry us over to Brooklyn waited."Morphine fiends,"said Kennedy as he fanned the print to dry it, " are the most unreliable sort of people.They cover their tracks with almost diabolical cunning.In fact they seem to enjoy it.For instance, the crimes committed by morphinists are usually against property and character and based upon selfishness, not brutal crimes such as alcohol and other drugs induce.Kleptomania, forgery, swindling, are among the most common.

"Then, too, one of the most marked phases of morphinism is the pleasure its victims take in concealing their motives and conduct.

They have a mania for leading a double life, and enjoy the deception and mask which they draw about themselves.Persons under the influence of the drug have less power to resist physical and mental impressions and they easily succumb to temptations and suggestions from others.Morphine stands unequalled as a perverter of the moral sense.It creates a person whom the father of lies must recognise as kindred to himself.I know of a case where a judge charged a jury that the prisoner, a morphine addict, was mentally irresponsible for that reason.The judge knew what he was talking about.It subsequently developed that he had been a secret morphine fiend himself for years."Come, come," broke in Carroll impatiently, we're wasting time.The ship sails in an hour and unless you want to go down the bay on a tug you've got to catch Dawson now or never.The morphine business explains, but it does not excuse.Come on, the car is waiting.How long do you think it will take us to get over to - ""Police headquarters?" interrupted Craig."About fifteen minutes.

This photograph shows, as I had hoped, the real forger.John Carroll, this is a peculiar case.You have forged the name of the president of your company, but you have also traced your own name very cleverly to look like a forgery.It is what is technically known as auto-forgery, forging one's own handwriting.At your convenience we'll ride down to Centre Street directly."Carroll was sputtering and almost frothing at the mouth with rage which he made no effort to suppress.Williams was hesitating, nonplussed, until Kennedy reached over unexpectedly and grasped Carroll by the arm.As he shoved up Carroll's sleeve he disclosed the forearm literally covered with little punctures made by the hypodermic needle.

"It may interest you," remarked Kennedy, still holding Carroll in his vise-like grip, while the drug fiend's shattered nerves caused him to cower and tremble, "to know that a special detective working for me has located Mr.and Mrs.Dawson at Bar Harbor, where they are enjoying a quiet honeymoon.Brown is safely in the custody of his counsel, ready to appear and clear himself as soon as the public opinion which has been falsely inflamed against him subsides.Your plan to give us the slip at the last moment at the wharf and board the steamer for South America has miscarried.It is now too late to catch it, but I shall send a wireless that will cause the arrest of Miss DeMott the moment the ship touches an American port at Colon, even if she succeeds in eluding the British authorities at Kingston.The fact is, I don't much care about her, anyway.Thanks to the telelectrograph here we have the real criminal."Kennedy slapped down the now dry print that had come in over his "seeing over a wire machine." Barring the false Van Dyke beard, it was the face of John Carroll, forger and morphine fiend.Next to him in the picture in the brilliant and fashionable dining-room of the Lorraine was sitting Adele DeMott who had used her victim, Bolton Brown, to shield her employer, Carroll.

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