

"Do you know Canada?" asked Grace.

"Well," was the brief answer--reluctantly given, short as it was.

"Were you ever near Port Logan?"

"I once lived within a few miles of Port Logan.""When?"

"Some time since." With those words Mercy Merrick shrank back into her corner and changed the subject."Your relatives in England must be very anxious about you," she said.

Grace sighed."I have no relatives in England.You can hardly imagine a person more friendless than I am.We went away from Canada, when my father's health failed, to try the climate of Italy, by the doctor's advice.His death has left me not only friendless but poor." She paused, and took a leather letter-case from the pocket of the large gray cloak which the nurse had lent to her."My prospects in life," she resumed, "are all contained in this little case.Here is the one treasure I contrived to conceal when I was robbed of my other things."Mercy could just see the letter-case as Grace held it up in the deepening obscurity of the room."Have you got money in it?" she asked.

"No; only a few family papers, and a letter from my father, introducing me to an elderly lady in England--a connection of his by marriage, whom I have never seen.The lady has consented to receive me as her companion and reader.If I don't return to England soon, some other person may get the place.""Have you no other resource?"

"None.My education has been neglected--we led a wild life in the far West.I am quite unfit to go out as a governess.I am absolutely dependent on this stranger, who receives me for my father's sake." She put the letter-case back in the pocket of her cloak, and ended her little narrative as unaffectedly as she had begun it."Mine is a sad story, is it not?" she said.

The voice of the nurse answered her suddenly and bitterly in these strange words:

"There are sadder stories than yours.There are thousands of miserable women who would ask for no greater blessing than to change places with you."Grace started."What can there possibly be to envy in such a lot as mine?""Your unblemished character, and your prospect of being established honorably in a respectable house."Grace turned in her chair, and looked wonderingly into the dim corner of the room.

"How strangely you say that!" she exclaimed.There was no answer; the shadowy figure on the chest never moved.Grace rose impulsively, and drawing her chair after her, approached the nurse."Is there some romance in your life?" she asked."Why have you sacrificed yourself to the terrible duties which I find you performing here? You interest me indescribably.Give me your hand."Mercy shrank back, and refused the offered hand.

"Are we not friends?" Grace asked, in astonishment.

"We can never be friends."

"Why not?"

The nurse was dumb.Grace called to mind the hesitation that she had shown when she had mentioned her name, and drew a new conclusion from it."Should I be guessing right," she asked, eagerly, "if I guessed you to be some great lady in disguise?"Mercy laughed to herself--low and bitterly."I a great lady!" she said, contemptuously."For Heaven's sake, let us talk of something else!"Grace's curiosity was thoroughly roused.She persisted."Once more," she whispered, persuasively, "let us be friends." She gently laid her hand as she spoke on Mercy's shoulder.Mercy roughly shook it off.There was a rudeness in the action which would have offended the most patient woman living.Grace drew back indignantly."Ah!" she cried, "you are cruel.""I am kind," answered the nurse, speaking more sternly than ever.

"Is it kind to keep me at a distance? I have told you my story."The nurse's voice rose excitedly."Don't tempt me to speak out," she said; "you will regret it."Grace declined to accept the warning."I have placed confidence in you," she went on."It is ungenerous to lay me under an obligation, and then to shut me out of your confidence in return.""You will have it?" said Mercy Merrick."You shall have it! Sit down again." Grace's heart began to quicken its beat in expectation of the disclosure that was to come.She drew her chair closer to the chest on which the nurse was sitting.With a firm hand Mercy put the chair back to a distance from her."Not so near me!" she said, harshly.

"Why not?"

"Not so near," repeated the sternly resolute voice."Wait till you have heard what I have to say."Grace obeyed without a word more.There was a momentary silence.A faint flash of light leaped up from the expiring candle, and showed Mercy crouching on the chest, with her elbows on her knees, and her face hidden in her hands.The next instant the room was buried in obscurity.As the darkness fell on the two women the nurse spoke.

[Next Chapter]

[Table of Contents]

  • The School For Scandal

    The School For Scandal

  • 太上五星七元空常诀


  • 金刚经疏


  • 律抄第三卷手决


  • 佛说睒子经


  • 观阴明道:一本不一样的道德经


  • 都市全民奶爸


    【宠文】 本书以熟,可以宰了。退休都市当奶爸,建立文娱帝国。。“爸爸!琪琪想拍电影?”“ok,爸爸这就给你写剧本!”……“老公……”“ok,知道了!”……读者群:143397437 老作者开新书,三年写书经验,质量保证!
  • 优雅小主妇的美容养颜经


  • 飞扬:第十六届新概念作文获奖者范本小说卷


  • 蛇(中篇小说)


  • 西窗风雨(感动青少年的文学名家名作精选集)


  • 霍先生,请自重


  • 生产管理实用必备全书


  • 三天学会催眠术


    催眠术不是魔术,而是缓解身心压力、揭开人们心结的心理疗法。催眠可以松弛我们紧绷的神经,化解意识构筑的心理防 线,唤醒沉睡的潜意识。在貌似“半睡半醒”的催眠 状态下,遗忘的记忆、尘封的往事会渐渐浮现出来,而我们在现实生活中的诸多困扰都可以从中找到根源,从而得以化解。书内容包括:催眠的原理,如何判断一个人是否 适合接受催眠,催眠的步骤和方法,如何进行自我催眠,催眠的具体应用,例如戒烟、减肥、治疗失眠、增强自信等。
  • 叶剑风云

