

At length Clym reached the margin of a fir and beech plantation that had been enclosed from heath land in the year of his birth.Here the trees, laden heavily with their new and humid leaves, were now suffering more damage than during the highest winds of winter, when the boughs are especially disencumbered to do battle with the storm.The wet young beeches were undergoing amputations, bruises, cripplings, and harsh lacerations, from which the wasting sap would bleed for many a day to come, and which would leave scars visible till the day of their burning.Each stem was wrenched at the root, where it moved like a bone in its socket, and at every onset of the gale convulsive sounds came from the branches, as if pain were felt.In a neighbouring brake a finch was trying to sing; but the wind blew under his feathers till they stood on end, twisted round his little tail, and made him give up his song.

Yet a few yards to Yeobright's left, on the open heath, how ineffectively gnashed the storm! Those gusts which tore the trees merely waved the furze and heather in a light caress.Egdon was made for such times as these.

Yeobright reached the empty house about midday.

It was almost as lonely as that of Eustacia's grandfather, but the fact that it stood near a heath was disguised by a belt of firs which almost enclosed the premises.

He journeyed on about a mile further to the village in which the owner lived, and, returning with him to the house, arrangements were completed, and the man undertook that one room at least should be ready for occupation the next day.

Clym's intention was to live there alone until Eustacia should join him on their wedding-day.

Then he turned to pursue his way homeward through the drizzle that had so greatly transformed the scene.

The ferns, among which he had lain in comfort yesterday, were dripping moisture from every frond, wetting his legs through as he brushed past; and the fur of the rabbits leaping before him was clotted into dark locks by the same watery surrounding.

He reached home damp and weary enough after his ten-mile walk.It had hardly been a propitious beginning, but he had chosen his course, and would show no swerving.

The evening and the following morning were spent in concluding arrangements for his departure.To stay at home a minute longer than necessary after having once come to his determination would be, he felt, only to give new pain to his mother by some word, look, or deed.

He had hired a conveyance and sent off his goods by two o'clock that day.The next step was to get some furniture, which, after serving for temporary use in the cottage, would be available for the house at Budmouth when increased by goods of a better description.

A mart extensive enough for the purpose existed at Anglebury, some miles beyond the spot chosen for his residence, and there he resolved to pass the coming night.

It now only remained to wish his mother good-bye.She was sitting by the window as usual when he came downstairs.

"Mother, I am going to leave you," he said, holding out his hand.

"I thought you were, by your packing," replied Mrs.Yeobright in a voice from which every particle of emotion was painfully excluded.

"And you will part friends with me?"

"Certainly, Clym."

"I am going to be married on the twenty-fifth.""I thought you were going to be married.""And then--and then you must come and see us.You will understand me better after that, and our situation will not be so wretched as it is now.""I do not think it likely I shall come to see you.""Then it will not be my fault or Eustacia's, Mother.


He kissed her cheek, and departed in great misery, which was several hours in lessening itself to a controllable level.

The position had been such that nothing more could be said without, in the first place, breaking down a barrier;and that was not to be done.

No sooner had Yeobright gone from his mother's house than her face changed its rigid aspect for one of blank despair.

After a while she wept, and her tears brought some relief.

During the rest of the day she did nothing but walk up and down the garden path in a state bordering on stupefaction.

Night came, and with it but little rest.The next day, with an instinct to do something which should reduce prostration to mournfulness, she went to her son's room, and with her own hands arranged it in order, for an imaginary time when he should return again.She gave some attention to her flowers, but it was perfunctorily bestowed, for they no longer charmed her.

It was a great relief when, early in the afternoon, Thomasin paid her an unexpected visit.This was not the first meeting between the relatives since Thomasin's marriage;and past blunders having been in a rough way rectified, they could always greet each other with pleasure and ease.

The oblique band of sunlight which followed her through the door became the young wife well.It illuminated her as her presence illuminated the heath.In her movements, in her gaze, she reminded the beholder of the feathered creatures who lived around her home.All similes and allegories concerning her began and ended with birds.

There was as much variety in her motions as in their flight.

When she was musing she was a kestrel, which hangs in the air by an invisible motion of its wings.

When she was in a high wind her light body was blown against trees and banks like a heron's.When she was frightened she darted noiselessly like a kingfisher.

When she was serene she skimmed like a swallow, and that is how she was moving now.

"You are looking very blithe, upon my word, Tamsie,"said Mrs.Yeobright, with a sad smile."How is Damon?""He is very well."

"Is he kind to you, Thomasin?" And Mrs.Yeobright observed her narrowly.

"Pretty fairly."

"Is that honestly said?"

  • 华严一乘教义分齐章科


  • 小奢摩馆脞录


  • 心经


  • A Hazard of New Fortunes

    A Hazard of New Fortunes

  • 诘术篇


  • 姐要做豪门


  • 首席富千金


  • 702疑问


  • 蜕岩词


  • 健康生活要知道的245种食物


    本书以方便普通家庭日常生活为主旨,通过传统中医药理论和现代营养 学两个途径,结合饮食知识和动植物营养学知识,对所选用的245种食物的 来源与科属、命名与别名、营养成份、药用功效、食用方法、药膳方剂、食 用宜忌等一一作了说明,使读者大众能够在轻松的阅读当中获得有关保健、 康复的知识和方法,从而达到在日常饮食起居中防病、治病的目的。
  • 异能萌宝天价妈


  • 阴源手记


  • 指导青少年自然探索的故事(启发青少年的科学故事集)


  • 帝皇婿


  • 朗月寒星


    李东文, 70后。1999年开始学习写作,以小说及情感专栏为主,曾在《天涯》《长城》《十月》《西湖》《长江文艺》等杂志发表小说,作品多次被《小说选刊》《中篇小说选刊》《读者》等转载。