

Late that afternoon they went into camp at a little oasis in which was the DOUAR of a sheik whose flocks were being stolen, and whose herdsmen were being killed.The Arabs came out of their goatskin tents, and surrounded the soldiers, asking many questions in the native tongue, for the soldiers were themselves natives.Tarzan, who, by this time, with the assistance of Abdul, had picked up quite a smattering of Arab, questioned one of the younger men who had accompanied the sheik while the latter paid his respects to Captain Gerard.

No, he had seen no party of six horsemen riding from the direction of Djelfa.There were other oases scattered about--possibly they had been journeying to one of these.

Then there were the marauders in the mountains above --they often rode north to Bou Saada in small parties, and even as far as Aumale and Bouira.It might indeed have been a few marauders returning to the band from a pleasure trip to one of these cities.

Early the next morning Captain Gerard split his command in two, giving Lieutenant Gernois command of one party, while he headed the other.They were to scour the mountains upon opposite sides of the plain.

"And with which detachment will Monsieur Tarzan ride?"asked the captain."Or maybe it is that monsieur does not care to hunt marauders?""Oh, I shall be delighted to go," Tarzan hastened to explain.

He was wondering what excuse he could make to accompany Gernois.

His embarrassment was short-lived, and was relieved from a most unexpected source.It was Gernois himself who spoke.

"If my captain will forego the pleasure of Monsieur Tarzan's company for this once, I shall esteem it an honor indeed to have monsieur ride with me today," he said, nor was his tone lacking in cordiality.In fact, Tarzan imagined that he had overdone it a trifle, but, even so, he was both astounded and pleased, hastening to express his delight at the arrangement.

And so it was that Lieutenant Gernois and Tarzan rode off side by side at the head of the little detachment of SPAHIS.Gernois' cordiality was short-lived.No soone had they ridden out of sight of Captain Gerard and his men than he lapsed once more into his accustomed taciturnity.

As they advanced the ground became rougher.Steadily it ascended toward the mountains, into which they filed through a narrow canon close to noon.By the side of a little rivulet Gernois called the midday halt.Here the men prepared and ate their frugal meal, and refilled their canteens.

After an hour's rest they advanced again along the canon, until they presently came to a little valley, from which several rocky gorges diverged.Here they halted, while Gernois minutely examined the surrounding heights from the center of the depression.

"We shall separate here," he said, "several riding into each of these gorges," and then he commenced to detail his various squads and issue instructions to the non-commissioned officers who were to command them.When he had done he turned to Tarzan.

"Monsieur will be so good as to remain here until we return."Tarzan demurred, but the officer cut him short."There may be fighting for one of these sections," he said, "and troops cannot be embarrassed by civilian noncombatants during action.""But, my dear lieutenant," expostulated Tarzan, "I am most ready and willing to place myself under command of yourself or any of your sergeants or corporals, and to fight in the ranks as they direct.It is what I came for.""I should be glad to think so," retorted Gernois, with a sneer he made no attempt to disguise.Then shortly:

"You are under my orders, and they are that you remain here until we return.Let that end the matter," and he turned and spurred away at the head of his men.A moment later Tarzan found himself alone in the midst of a desolate mountain fastness.

The sun was hot, so he sought the shelter of a nearby tree, where he tethered his horse, and sat down upon the ground to smoke.Inwardly he swore at Gernois for the trick he had played upon him.A mean little revenge, thought Tarzan, and then suddenly it occurred to him that the man would not be such a fool as to antagonize him through a trivial annoyance of so petty a description.There must be something deeper than this behind it.With the thought he arose and removed his rifle from its boot.He looked to its loads and saw that the magazine was full.Then he inspected his revolver.After this preliminary precaution he scanned the surrounding heights and the mouths of the several gorges --he was determined that he should not be caught napping.

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