

Nor did the croakers have long to wait.The second night after the drowning of the mate the little yacht was suddenly wracked from stem to stern.About one o'clock in the morning there was a terrific impact that threw the slumbering guests and crew from berth and bunk.A mighty shudder ran through the frail craft; she lay far over to starboard; the engines stopped.For a moment she hung there with her decks at an angle of forty-five degrees--then, with a sullen, rending sound, she slipped back into the sea and righted.

Instantly the men rushed upon deck, followed closely by the women.Though the night was cloudy, there was little wind or sea, nor was it so dark but that just off the port bow a black mass could be discerned floating low in the water.

"A derelict," was the terse explanation of the officer of the watch.

Presently the engineer hurried on deck in search of the captain.

"That patch we put on the cylinder head's blown out, sir," he reported, "and she's makin' water fast for'ard on the port bow."An instant later a seaman rushed up from below.

"My Gawd!" he cried."Her whole bleedin' bottom's ripped out.She can't float twenty minutes.""Shut up!" roared Tennington."Ladies, go below and get some of your things together.It may not be so bad as that, but we may have to take to the boats.It will be safer to be prepared.Go at once, please.And, Captain Jerrold, send some competent man below, please, to ascertain the exact extent of the damage.In the meantime I might suggest that you have the boats provisioned."The calm, low voice of the owner did much to reassure the entire party, and a moment later all were occupied with the duties he had suggested.By the time the ladies had returned to the deck the rapid provisioning of the boats had been about completed, and a moment later the officer who had gone below had returned to report.But his opinion was scarcely needed to assure the huddled group of men and women that the end of the LADY ALICE was at hand.

"Well, sir?" said the captain, as his officer hesitated.

"I dislike to frighten the ladies, sir," he said, "but she can't float a dozen minutes, in my opinion.There's a hole in her you could drive a bally cow through, sir."For five minutes the LADY ALICE had been settling rapidly by the bow.Already her stern loomed high in the air, and foothold on the deck was of the most precarious nature.

She carried four boats, and these were all filled and lowered away in safety.As they pulled rapidly from the stricken little vessel Jane Porter turned to have one last look at her.

Just then there came a loud crash and an ominous rumbling and pounding from the heart of the ship--her machinery had broken loose, and was dashing its way toward the bow, tearing out partitions and bulkheads as it went--the stern rose rapidly high above them; for a moment she seemed to pause there--a vertical shaft protruding from the bosom of the ocean, and then swiftly she dove headforemost beneath the waves.

In one of the boats the brave Lord Tennington wiped a tear from his eye--he had not seen a fortune in money go down forever into the sea, but a dear, beautiful friend whom he had loved.

At last the long night broke, and a tropical sun smote down upon the rolling water.Jane Porter had dropped into a fitful slumber--the fierce light of the sun upon her upturned face awoke her.She looked about her.In the boat with her were three sailors, Clayton, and Monsieur Thuran.Then she looked for the other boats, but as far as the eye could reach there was nothing to break the fearful monotony of that waste of waters--they were alone in a small boat upon the broad Atlantic.

  • 对联话


  • 宣城雪后还望郡中寄


  • 便宜十六策


  • 佛说药师如来本愿经


  • 燕闲录


  • 死丫头,你给本尊死回来


  • 霸少的午夜新娘:38°C妻


  • 恶魔弟弟他吃肉


  • 逮捕前妻


  • 盛世启灵
  • 恶魔总裁之倾城虐恋


  • 再回眸往昔之梦


  • 满地江湖吾尚在:章太炎与近代中国(1895~1916)


  • 中国航空工业人物传·领导篇


  • 第一正妻

