

The old justice of the peace ceased reading his voluminous record.

His hearers, the detective and the doctor remained silent under the influence of this distressing narrative.M.Plantat had read it impressively, throwing himself into the recital as if he had been personally an actor in the scenes described.

M.Lecoq was the first to recover himself.

"A strange man, Sauvresy," said he.

It was Sauvresy's extraordinary idea of vengeance which struck him in the story.He admired his "good playing" in a drama in which he knew he was going to yield up his life.

"I don't know many people," pursued the detective, "capable of so fearful a firmness.To let himself be poisoned so slowly and gently by his wife! Brrr! It makes a man shiver all over!""He knew how to avenge himself," muttered the doctor.

"Yes," answered M.Plantat, "yes, Doctor; he knew how to avenge himself, and more terribly than he supposed, or than you can imagine.

The detective rose from his seat.He had remained motionless, glued to his chair for more than three hours, and his legs were benumbed.

"For my part," said he, "I can very well conceive what an infernal existence the murderers began to suffer the day after their victim's death.You have depicted them, Monsieur Plantat, with the hand of a master.I know them as well after your description as if I had studied them face to face for ten years."He spoke deliberately, and watched for the effect of what he said in M.Plantat's countenance.

"Where on earth did this old fellow get all these details?" he asked himself."Did he write this narrative, and if not, who did?

How was it, if he had all this information, that he has said nothing?"M.Plantat appeared to be unconscious of the detective's searching look.

"I know that Sauvresy's body was not cold," said he, "before his murderers began to threaten each other with death.""Unhappily for them," observed Dr.Gendron, "Sauvresy had foreseen the probability of his widow's using up the rest of the vial of poison.""Ah, he was shrewd," said M.Lecoq, in a tone of conviction, "very shrewd.""Bertha could not pardon Hector," continued M.Plantat, "for refusing to take the revolver and blow his brains out; Sauvresy, you see, had foreseen that.Bertha thought that if her lover were dead, her husband would have forgotten all; and it is impossible to tell whether she was mistaken or not.""And nobody knew anything of this horrible struggle that was going on in the house?""No one ever suspected anything."

"It's marvellous!"

"Say, Monsieur Lecoq, that is scarcely credible.Never was dissimulation so crafty, and above all, so wonderfully sustained.

If you should question the first person you met in Orcival, he would tell you, as our worthy Courtois this morning told Monsieur Domini, that the count and countess were a model pair and adored each other.Why I, who knew - or suspected, I should say - what had passed, was deceived myself."Promptly as M.Plantat had corrected himself, his slip of the tongue did not escape M.Lecoq.

"Was it really a slip, or not? " he asked himself.

"These wretches have been terribly punished," pursued M.Plantat, "and it is impossible to pity them; all would have gone rightly if Sauvresy, intoxicated by his hatred, had not committed a blunder which was almost a crime.""A crime! "exclaimed the doctor.

M.Lecoq smiled and muttered in a low tone:


But low as he had spoken, M.Plantat heard him.

"Yes, Monsieur Lecoq," said he severely."Yes, Laurence.Sauvresy did a detestable thing when he thought of making this poor girl the accomplice, or I should say, the instrument of his wrath.He piteously threw her between these two wretches, without asking himself whether she would be broken.It was by using Laurence's name that he persuaded Bertha not to kill herself.Yet he knew of Tremorel's passion for her, he knew her love for him, and he knew that his friend was capable of anything.He, who had so well foreseen all that could serve his vengeance, did not deign to foresee that Laurence might be dishonored; and yet he left her disarmed before this most cowardly and infamous of men!"The detective reflected.

"There is one thing," said he, "that I can't explain.Why was it that these two, who execrated each other, and whom the implacable will of their victim chained together despite themselves, did not separate of one accord the day after their marriage, when they had fulfilled the condition which had established their crime?"The old justice of the peace shook his head.

"I see," he answered, "that I have not yet made you understand Bertha's resolute character.Hector would have been delighted with a separation; his wife could not consent to it.Ah, Sauvresy knew her well! She saw her life ruined, a horrible remorse lacerated her; she must have a victim upon whom to expiate her errors and crimes; this victim was Hector.Ravenous for her prey, she would not let him go for anything in the world.""I' faith," observed Dr.Gendron, "your Tremorel was a chicken-hearted wretch.What had he to fear when Sauvresy's manuscript was once destroyed?""Who told you it had been destroyed?" interrupted M.Plantat.

M.Lecoq at this stopped promenading up and down the room, and sat down opposite M.Plantat.

"The whole case lies there," said he, "Whether these proofs have or have not been destroyed."M.Plantat did not choose to answer directly.

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    原书名《报告长官:夫人在捉鬼》 第五家女人代代只能活到28岁,是报应也是命。第五念作为第五家87代传人,以收服妖魔为己任,她因为追一只千年的狐狸精,误闯了某个人的梦境,本着救人一命胜造七级浮屠的理念,在妖物的手上救了他一条小命,虽然梦中拜天地不算什么,却是秉承了天地,也算是夫妻了。姑姑哭啼,“第五念,你是蠢货吗?救人就救人,干嘛在梦里与那人拜了天地,你死后如何入得了第五家的祖坟?”第五念没心没肺的问,“为啥?”“你已经是闵家的媳妇儿了,我不管,你赶快给我去求一封休书。”“姑姑,别闹!”拜托,二十一世纪去找人求休书,她不被人笑掉大牙才怪。果不其然,她求也求了,人家根本把她当成了另类引起他注意的不轨女花痴。不仅如此,还大力的表扬了她,说是他有生以来见过最特别的手段。闵御尘冷冷的说道,“休书,可以有,看你的表现。”表现你个球啊!
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