

"It is my turn to speak a word, brother gentles," he began: "listen, my children, to an old man.The Koschevoi spoke well as the head of the Cossack army; being bound to protect it, and in respect to the treasures of the army he could say nothing wiser.That is so! Let that be my first remark; but now listen to my second.And this is my second remark: Taras spoke even more truly.God grant him many years, and that such leaders may be plentiful in the Ukraine! A Cossack's first duty and honour is to guard comradeship.Never in all my life, brother gentles, have I heard of any Cossack deserting or betraying any of his comrades.Both those made captive at the Setch and these taken here are our comrades.Whether they be few or many, it makes no difference;all are our comrades, and all are dear to us.So this is my speech:

Let those to whom the prisoners captured by the Tatars are dear set out after the Tatars; and let those to whom the captives of the Poles are dear, and who do not care to desert a righteous cause, stay behind.The Koschevoi, in accordance with his duty, will accompany one half in pursuit of the Tatars, and the other half can choose a hetman to lead them.But if you will heed the words of an old man, there is no man fitter to be the commanding hetman than Taras Bulba.Not one of us is his equal in heroism."Thus spoke Bovdug, and paused; and all the Cossacks rejoiced that the old man had in this manner brought them to an agreement.All flung up their caps and shouted, "Thanks, father! He kept silence for a long, long time, but he has spoken at last.Not in vain did he say, when we prepared for this expedition, that he might be useful to the Cossack nation: even so it has come to pass!""Well, are you agreed upon anything?" asked the Koschevoi.

"We are all agreed!" cried the Cossacks.

"Then the council is at an end?"

"At an end!" cried the Cossacks.

"Then listen to the military command, children," said the Koschevoi, stepping forward, and putting on his cap; whilst all the Cossacks took off theirs, and stood with uncovered heads, and with eyes fixed upon the earth, as was always the custom among them when the leader prepared to speak."Now divide yourselves, brother gentles! Let those who wish to go stand on the right, and those who wish to stay, on the left.Where the majority of a kuren goes there its officers are to go:

if the minority of a kuren goes over, it must be added to another kuren."Then they began to take up their positions, some to the right and some to the left.Whither the majority of a kuren went thither the hetman went also; and the minority attached itself to another kuren.It came out pretty even on both sides.Those who wished to remain were nearly the whole of the Nezamaikovsky kuren, the entire Oumansky kuren, the entire Kanevsky kuren, and the larger half of the Popovitchsky, the Timoschevsky and the Steblikivsky kurens.All the rest preferred to go in pursuit of the Tatars.On both sides there were many stout and brave Cossacks.Among those who decided to follow the Tatars were Tcherevaty, and those good old Cossacks Pokotipole, Lemisch, and Prokopovitch Koma.Demid Popovitch also went with that party, because he could not sit long in one place: he had tried his hand on the Lyakhs and wanted to try it on the Tatars also.The hetmans of kurens were Nostiugan, Pokruischka, Nevnimsky, and numerous brave and renowned Cossacks who wished to test their swords and muscles in an encounter with the Tatars.There were likewise many brave Cossacks among those who preferred to remain, including the kuren hetmans, Demitrovitch, Kukubenko, Vertikhvist, Balan, and Ostap Bulba.Besides these there were plenty of stout and distinguished warriors:

Vovtuzenko, Tcherevitchenko, Stepan Guska, Okhrim Guska, Vikola Gonstiy, Zadorozhniy, Metelitza, Ivan Zakrutiguba, Mosiy Pisarenko, and still another Pisarenko, and many others.They were all great travellers; they had visited the shores of Anatolia, the salt marshes and steppes of the Crimea, all the rivers great and small which empty into the Dnieper, and all the fords and islands of the Dnieper; they had been in Moldavia, Wallachia, and Turkey; they had sailed all over the Black Sea, in their double-ruddered Cossack boats; they had attacked with fifty skiffs in line the tallest and richest ships; they had sunk many a Turkish galley, and had burnt much, very much powder in their day; more than once they had made foot-bandages from velvets and rich stuffs; more than once they had beaten buckles for their girdles out of sequins.Every one of them had drunk and revelled away what would have sufficed any other for a whole lifetime, and had nothing to show for it.They spent it all, like Cossacks, in treating all the world, and in hiring music that every one might be merry.Even now few of them had amassed any property: some caskets, cups, and bracelets were hidden beneath the reeds on the islands of the Dnieper in order that the Tatars might not find them if by mishap they should succeed in falling suddenly on the Setch; but it would have been difficult for the Tatars to find them, for the owners themselves had forgotten where they had buried them.Such were the Cossacks who wished to remain and take vengeance on the Lyakhs for their trusty comrades and the faith of Christ.The old Cossack Bovdug wished also to remain with them, saying, "I am not of an age to pursue the Tatars, but this is a place to meet a good Cossack death.I have long prayed God that when my life was to end I might end it in battle for a holy and Christian cause.And so it has come to pass.There can be no more glorious end in any other place for the aged Cossack."When they had all separated, and were ranged in two lines on opposite sides, the Koschevoi passed through the ranks, and said, "Well, brother gentles, are the two parties satisfied with each other?""All satisfied, father!" replied the Cossacks.

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    周语,散文家,安徽散文家协会理事、中国散文家协会会员。陕西师范大学出版社《靛蓝小孩》(indigo children)书系的主编。他在自我精神领域里踽踽前行,执着而坦然,他自诩自己笔名意为“一册周易,半部论语”,也只有对历史文化持有如此的敬畏与热爱,才能成为真诚的书写者与解悟者。周语的文字,就是他用“指尖流水”描绘的心灵史,因其为人的赤诚与为文的热诚,让他的文字比天空更加澄明透亮。
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