

No, it had been real enough; his clothes, rent and torn, and the blood upon his hands, where the skin had been scraped from his knuckles in the fight, bore evidence to that.He must then have lost consciousness for a while, though it seemed to him that at no moment, hazy, irrational though his brain might have been, had he become entirely oblivious to what was taking place around him.And yet it must have been so!

The eyes from behind the mask were fixed steadily upon him, and below the mask there was the hard, unpleasant set to the lips that Jimmie Dale had grown accustomed to expect.

The man spoke abruptly.

"That you find yourself alive, Mr.Dale," he said grimly, "is no confession of weakness upon the part of those with whom you have had to deal here.To bear witness to that there is one who is not alive, as you have seen.That man we knew.With you it was somewhat different.Your presence in the taxicab was only suspicious.There was always the possibility that you might be one of those ubiquitous 'innocent bystanders.' Your name, your position, the improbability that you could have anything in common with--shall we say, the matter that so deeply interests us?--was all in your favour.However, presumption and probability are the tools of fools.We do not depend upon them--we apply the test.And having applied the test, we are convinced that you have told the truth--that is all."He rose from his chair brusquely."I shall not apologise to you for what has happened.I doubt very much if you are in a frame of mind to accept anything of the sort.I imagine, rather, that you are promising yourself that we shall pay, and pay dearly, for this--that, among other things, we shall answer for the murder of that man in the other room.All this will be quite within your province, Mr.

Dale--and quite fruitless.To-morrow morning the story that you are preparing to tell now would sound incredible even in your own ears;furthermore, as we shall take pains to see that you leave this place with as little knowledge of its location as you obtained when you arrived, your story, even if believed, would do little service to you and less harm to us.I think of nothing more, Mr.Dale, except--"There was a whimsical smile on the lips now."Ah, yes, the matter of your clothes.We can, and shall be glad to make reparation to you to the slight extent of offering you a new suit before you go."Jimmie Dale scowled.Sick, shaken, and weak as he was, the cool, imperturbable impudence of the man was fast growing unbearable.

The man laughed."I am sure you will not refuse, Mr.Dale--since we insist.The condition of the clothes you have on at present might--I say 'might'--in a measure support your story with some degree of tangible evidence.It is not at all likely, of course; but we prefer to discount even so remote a possibility.When you have changed, you will be motored back to your home.I bid you good-night, Mr.Dale."

Jimmie Dale rubbed his eyes.The man was gone--through a door at the rear of the desk, a door that he had not noticed before, that was not even in evidence now, that was simply a movable section of the wall panelling--and for an instant Jimmie Dale experienced a sense of sickening impotence.It was as though he stood defenceless, unarmed, and utterly at the mercy of some venomous power that could crush what it would remorselessly and at will in its might.

The place was a veritable maze, a lair of hellish cleverness.He had no illusions now, he laboured under no false estimate of either the ingenuity or the resources of this inhuman nest of vultures to whom murder was no more than a matter of detail.And it was against these men that henceforth he was to match his wits! There could be no truce, no armistice.It was their lives, or hers, or his! Well, he was alive now, the first round was over, and so far he had won.

His brows furrowed suddenly.Had he? He was not so sure, after all.He was conscious of a disquieting, premonitory intuition that, in some way which he could not explain, the honours were not entirely his.

He was apparently--the "apparently" was a mental reservation--quite alone in the room.He got up from the couch and walked shakily across the floor to the desk.A revolver lay invitingly upon the blotting pad.It was his own, the one they had taken from him after the accident.Jimmie Dale picked it up, examined it--and smiled a little sarcastically at himself for his trouble.It was unloaded, of course.He was twirling it in his hand, as a man, masked as every one in the house was masked, and carrying a neatly folded suit over his arm, entered from the corridor.

"The car is ready as soon as you are dressed," announced the other briefly.He laid the clothes upon the couch--and settled himself significantly in a chair.

Jimmie Dale hesitated.Then, with a shrug of his shoulders, recrossed the room, and began to remove his torn garments.What was the use! They would certainly have their own way in the end.It wasn't worth another fight, and there was nothing to be gained by a refusal except to offer a sop to his own exasperation.

He dressed quickly, in what proved to be an exceedingly well-fitting suit; and finally turned tentatively to the man in the chair.

The other stood up, and produced a heavy black silk scarf.

"If you have no objections," he said curtly, "I'll tie this over your eyes."Again Jimmie Dale shrugged his shoulders.

"I am glad enough to get out on any conditions," he answered caustically.

"'Fortunate' would be the better word," rejoined the other meaningly--and, deftly knotting the scarf, led Jimmie Dale blindfolded from the room.

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