How Xerxes The Son Of Darius Was Well Disposed To The Jews; As Also Concerning Esdras And Nehemiah, 1.Upon the death of Darius, Xerxes his son took the kingdom, who, as he inherited his father's kingdom, so did he inherit his piety towards God, and honor of him; for he did all things suitably to his father relating to Divine worship, and he was exceeding friendly to the Jews.Now about this time a son of Jeshua, whose name was Joacim, was the high priest.Moreover, there was now in Babylon a righteous man, and one that enjoyed a great reputation among the multitude.He was the principal priest of the people, and his name was Esdras.He was very skillful in the laws of Moses, and was well acquainted with king Xerxes.He had determined to go up to Jerusalem, and to take with him some of those Jews that were in Babylon; and he desired that the king would give him an epistle to the governors of Syria, by which they might know who he was.Accordingly, the king wrote the following epistle to those governors: "Xerxes, king of kings, to Esdras the priest, and reader of the Divine law, greeting.Ithink it agreeable to that love which I bear to mankind, to permit those of the Jewish nation that are so disposed, as well as those of the priests and Levites that are in our kingdom, to go together to Jerusalem.Accordingly, I have given command for that purpose; and let every one that hath a mind go, according as it hath seemed good to me, and to my seven counselors, and this in order to their review of the affairs of Judea, to see whether they be agreeable to the law of God.Let them also take with them those presents which I and my friends have vowed, with all that silver and gold that is found in the country of the Babylonians, as dedicated to God, and let all this be carried to Jerusalem to God for sacrifices.Let it also be lawful for thee and thy brethren to make as many vessels of silver and gold as thou pleasest.Thou shalt also dedicate those holy vessels which have been given thee, and as many more as thou hast a mind to make, and shall take the expenses out of the king's treasury.I have, moreover, written to the treasurers of Syria and Phoenicia, that they take care of those affairs that Esdras the priest, and reader of the laws of God, is sent about.And that God may not be at all angry with me, or with my children, I grant all that is necessary for sacrifices to God, according to the law, as far as a hundred cori of wheat.And I enjoin you not to lay any treacherous imposition, or any tributes, upon their priests or Levites, or.sacred singers, or porters, or sacred servants, or scribes of the temple.And do thou, O Esdras, appoint judges according to the wisdom [given thee] of God, and those such as understand the law, that they may judge in all Syria and Phoenicia; and do thou instruct those also which are ignorant of it, that if any one of thy countrymen transgress the law of God, or that of the king, he may be punished, as not transgressing it out of ignorance, but as one that knows it indeed, but boldly despises and contemns it; and such may be punished by death, or by paying fines.Farewell."2.When Esdras had received this epistle, he was very joyful, and began to worship God, and confessed that he had been the cause of the king's great favor to him, and that for the same reason he gave all the thanks to God.So he read the epistle at Babylon to those Jews that were there; but he kept the epistle itself, and sent a copy of it to all those of his own nation that were in Media.And when these Jews had understood what piety the king had towards God, and what kindness he had for Esdras, they were all greatly pleased; nay, many of them took their effects with them, and came to Babylon, as very desirous of going down to Jerusalem;but then the entire body of the people of Israel remained in that country; wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Iomans, while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers.Now there came a great number of priests, and Levites, and porters, and sacred singers, and sacred servants to Esdras.So he gathered those that were in the captivity together beyond Euphrates, and staid there three days, and ordained a fast for them, that they might make their prayers to God for their preservation, that they might suffer no misfortunes by the way, either from their enemies, or from any other ill accident; for Esdras had said beforehand that he had told the king how God would preserve them, and so he had not thought fit to request that he would send horsemen to conduct them.So when they had finished their prayers, they removed from Euphrates on the twelfth day of the first month of the seventh year of the reign of Xerxes, and they came to Jerusalem on the fifth month of the same year.Now Esdras presented the sacred money to the treasurers, who were of the family of the priests, of silver six hundred and fifty talents, vessels of silver one hundred talents, vessels of gold twenty talents, vessels of brass, that was more precious than gold, (8) twelve talents by weight; for these Presents had been made by the king and his counselors, and by all the Israelites that staid at Babylon.So when Esdras had delivered these things to the priests, he gave to God, as the appointed sacrifices of whole burnt-offerings, twelve bulls on account of the common preservation of the people, ninety rams, seventy-two lambs, and twelve kids of the goats, for the remission of sins.He also delivered the king's epistle to the king's officers, and to the governors of Celesyria and Phoenicia;and as they were under a necessity of doing what was enjoined by him, they honored our nation, and were assistant to them in all their necessities.
初见的时候,我们混哥叼着根棒棒糖,纨绔的走到女主大大面前,从口袋里拿出一支他最爱的甜橙味棒棒糖递过去“橙橙,要吃棒棒糖吗?” 多年后再见时,我们混哥变成了怂货,就想避着她走,不想让他自己不堪的模样被喜欢的姑娘瞧去。 “橙橙,我求你了,别再找我了好吗?” “不行,贺慕章是你先招惹我的,现在就别想甩开我。”曾经软软糯糯的小女孩如今也敢大胆的在心爱的人面前娇横。 改过自新ing星二代X才气666软萌作家上海民营股份企业第一人
第一个在上海创建股份制的民营企业。此举不仅在上海这块热土上燃起一片辉煌,而且使整个中国大地躁动不安,这种在当时敢为天下先的现实意义与以后的历史意义,已经远远跃出了经济这个范畴,启迪与影响极其深远。第一家上市股票的民营公司。民营企业中第一个在上海的“钻石地段”——外滩金融区抢滩成功,投资四点五七亿元,建筑了总面积达三万六千平方米的金融大厦,与世界各国金融巨头逐鹿于中国第一滩,其志凌云,令世界金融界对中国民营企业刮目相看。第一个个人捐资一千万,创建慈善事业的中国共产党党员。Here Is Somewhere Else