

Wood, on reaching the top of the ridge, with Baird on his left, met with heavy opposition.The enemy was supported by a division from Hardee on the right, advancing just as Baird was getting into position.Here these two divisions were engaged in a sharp contest until after dark.Turchin, with his brigade, which was the left wing of Baird, had taken possession of a small work constructed by the enemy on the ridge when he was attacked by the rebels in a most furious charge, but gallantly repulsed them, when they drew off in the direction of Tunnel Hill.Missionary Ridge was now entirely within our control, with the exception of the point, where Sherman's advance had been so stoutly resisted.During the night, Bragg drew off Hardee's troops from the front of Sherman, where the latter at once placed his command in position for the pursuit the next day.

During the night of the 25th, Thomas was directed to send Granger with his corps, and additional troops to make his command up to 20,000, to march to Burnside's relief at Knoxville, and the other portion of Thomas's command with Sherman's troops to pursue the enemy on the 26th.The latter, on the morning of that day advanced by the road through Chickamauga Station, while Thomas ordered the command under Hooker and Palmer to push on by way of the Greysville and Ringgold road.At the former place the rearguard of the rebels was surprised after night, and three cannon and a large number of prisoners captured.On the next day another piece of artillery was captured at Greysville, and later in the day Hooker's advance again struck the enemy, strongly posted in a pass in Taylor's Ridge.Here, after a heavy fight of over an hour, they were driven from the pass with considerable loss on both sides.The pursuit was discontinued on the 28th.Hooker remained for a few days at Ringgold, while Palmer returned to his camp at Chattanooga.

Sherman's troops, with Davis's division in the advance, pressed through Chickamauga Station, and at about dark struck the rear of the enemy's column, and had a sharp fight.After leaving Greysville, Sherman turned his command to the left, to strike the railroad between Dalton and Cleveland.Howard was sent to destroy this road, which he did in a most thorough manner.On the following day the Fifteenth Corps destroyed the Atlanta Railroad from below Greysville back to the State line.On the 18th, Sherman was ordered to make a reconnoissance to the Hiawassee with his own corps, together with Davis's and Howard's troops of Thomas's command.On reaching Charleston, Sherman received orders to take command of Granger's column, moving to Burnside's relief, and to press forward with all the troops under him in all haste to Knoxville, eighty-four miles distant.Advancing rapidly with his command, Sherman reached Knoxville on the 6th.Longstreet, however, retreated on the 4th of December to Virginia.Leaving Granger's corps to aid in the pursuit of Longstreet, Sherman by easy marches returned to Chattanooga on the 16th of the month, where he ordered Howard and Davis to report with their commands, while he marched west with his own corps to Northern Alabama and placed them in winter quarters.

Sherman with his two days' fighting reports the losses of his command, including Howard's command, but not that of Davis, whose loss he says was small, at 295 killed, 1,402 wounded, and 292missing--making a total of 1,989.This, however, includes the losses in his first division--Osterhaus's, which fought under Hooker on the right--of 87 killed, 344 wounded, and 66 missing, making 497to be deducted, which leaves Sherman's loss proper, 208 killed, 1,058 wounded, and 226 missing--a total of 1,492.Thomas's loss in the part taken by his troops, also including Howard's command and not including Davis's division, was 529 killed, 2,281 wounded, and 141 missing--an aggregate of 3,951.The large bulk of the losses under Thomas were in Sheridan's and Wood's divisions.That of the former was 135 killed, 1,151 wounded, missing, none--aggregate 1,256; that of the latter, 150 killed, 851 wounded, missing, none--aggregate 1,001.These two divisions in their one hour's work storming Missionary Ridge met with a loss of 2,287 men, showing hot work.There was captured by the Army of the Cumberland 40 pieces of artillery, 58 artillery carriages and caissons, 6,175stand of small arms, principally English Enfield, and 5,471 prisoners.

During the winter there were nothing but minor movements of the troops.The railroads up to Chattanooga were repaired, and the first "cracker train" that entered the place was greeted with many hearty cheers by our troops in the town, as the shrill scream of its whistle woke the echoes among the surrounding mountains, so long silent to this music.The roads into and through East Tennessee were repaired to Knoxville and beyond.

In the early spring the organization of the Army of the Cumberland was changed by Granger being relieved of the command of the Fourth Corps, when Howard was assigned to that command.Palmer was retained in command of the Fourteenth Corps, and the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were consolidated into the Twentieth Corps, with Hooker in command.The cavalry was organized in four divisions, under the command of W.L.Elliott.The army in the field consisted of 60,773 effective men.

General Thomas ordered the Fourth Corps to Cleveland.The Fourteenth Corps in front of Chattanooga was well thrown forward toward the enemy's front at Dalton, preparatory to the spring campaign in Atlanta, under General Sherman.The Twentieth Corps was stationed in Lookout Valley.

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