

``Well, ma'am, that depends upon what you want.Some of my patients like one, and some like the other.'' I was about to add, ``You pay your money and you take your choice,'' but thought better of it, and held my peace, refraining from classical quotation.

``Being as that's the case,'' said the old lady, ``I'll just tell you my symptoms.You said you give either kind of medicine, didn't you?''

``Just so,'' replied I.

``Clams or oysters, whichever opens most lively, as my old Joe says--tends the oyster-stand at stall No.9.Happen to know Joe?''

No, I did not know Joe; but what were the symptoms?

They proved to be numerous, and included a stunning in the head and a misery in the side, with bokin after victuals.

I proceeded, of course, to apply a stethoscope over her ample bosom, though what Iheard on this and similar occasions I should find it rather difficult to state.I remember well my astonishment in one instance where, having unconsciously applied my instrument over a clamorous silver watch in the watch-fob of a sea-captain, I concluded for a moment that he was suffering from a ratherremarkable displacement of the heart.As to my old lady, whose name was Checkers, and who kept an apple-stand near by, I told her that I was out of pills just then, but would have plenty next day.Accordingly, Iproceeded to invest a small amount at a place called a homeopathic pharmacy, which Iremember amused me immensely.

A stout little German, with great silver spectacles, sat behind a counter containing numerous jars of white powders labeled concisely ``Lac.,'' ``Led.,'' ``Onis.,'' ``Op.,''

``Puls.,'' etc., while behind him were shelves filled with bottles of what looked like minute white shot.

``I want some homeopathic medicine,''

said I.

``Vat kindt?'' said my friend.``Vat you vants to cure!''

I explained at random that I wished to treat diseases in general.

``Vell, ve gifs you a case, mit a pook,'' and thereon produced a large box containing bottles of small pills and powders, labeled variously with the names of the diseases, so that all you required was to use the headache or colic bottle in order to meet the needs of those particular maladies.

I was struck at first with the exquisite simplicity of this arrangement; but before purchasing, I happened luckily to turn over the leaves of a book, in two volumes, which lay on the counter; it was called ``Jahr's Manual.''

Opening at page 310, vol.i, I lit upon ``Lachesis,'' which proved to my amazement to be snake-venom.This Mr.Jahr stated to be indicated for use in upward of a hundred symptoms.At once it occurred to me that ``Lach.'' was the medicine for my money, and that it was quite needless to waste cash on the box.I therefore bought a small jar of ``Lach.'' and a lot of little pills, and started for home.

My old woman proved a fast friend; and as she sent me numerous patients, I by and by altered my sign to ``Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon,'' whatever that may mean, and was regarded by my medical brothers as a lost sheep, and by the little-pill doctors as one who had seen the error of his ways.

In point of fact, my new practice had decided advantages.All pills looked and tasted alike, and the same might be said of the powders, so that I was never troubled by those absurd investigations into the nature of remedies which some patients are prone to make.Of course I desired to get business, and it was therefore obviously unwise to give little pills of ``Lac.,'' or ``Puls.,'' or ``Sep.,''

when a man needed a dose of oil, or a white-faced girl iron, or the like.I soon made the useful discovery that it was only necessary to prescribe cod-liver oil, for instance, as a diet, in order to make use of it where required.When a man got impatient over an ancient ague, I usually found, too, that Icould persuade him to let me try a good dose of quinine; while, on the other hand, there was a distinct pecuniary advantage in those cases of the shakes which could be made to believe that it ``was best not to interfere with nature.'' I ought to add that this kind of faith is uncommon among folks who carry hods or build walls.

For women who are hysterical, and go heart and soul into the business of being sick, I have found the little pills a most charming resort, because you cannot carry the refinement of symptoms beyond what my friend Jahr has done in the way of fitting medicines to them, so that if I had taken seriously to practising this double form of therapeutics, it had, as I saw, certain conveniences.

Another year went by, and I was beginning to prosper in my new mode of life.My medicines (being chiefly milk-sugar, with variations as to the labels) cost next to nothing;and as I charged pretty well for both these and my advice, I was now able to start a gig.

I solemnly believe that I should have continued to succeed in the practice of my profession if it had not happened that fate was once more unkind to me, by throwing in my path one of my old acquaintances.I had a consultation one day with the famous homeopath Dr.Zwanzig.As we walked away we were busily discussing the case of a poor consumptive fellow who previously had lost a leg.In consequence of this defect, Dr.

Zwanzig considered that the ten-thousandth of a grain of aurum would be an overdose, and that it must be fractioned so as to allow for the departed leg, otherwise the rest of the man would be getting a leg-dose too much.

I was particularly struck with this view of the case, but I was still more, and less pleasingly, impressed at the sight of my former patient Stagers, who nodded to me familiarly from the opposite pavement.

I was not at all surprised when, that evening quite late, I found this worthy waiting in my office.I looked around uneasily, which was clearly understood by my friend, who retorted: ``Ain't took nothin' of yours, doc.

You don't seem right awful glad to see me.

You needn't be afraid--I've only fetched you a job, and a right good one, too.''

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