

"You are here, Monsieur Godefroid,--for you know already that we shall call you by your baptized name,--you are here in the midst of ruins caused by a great tempest.We have each been struck and wounded in our hearts, our family interests, or our fortunes, by that whirlwind of forty years, which overthrew religion and royalty, and dispersed the elements of all that made old France.Words that seem quite harmless do sometimes wound us all, and that is why we are so silent.We speak rarely of ourselves; we forget ourselves, and we have found a way to substitute another life for our lives.It is because, after hearing your confidence at Monsieur Mongenod's, I thought there seemed a likeness between your situation and ours, that I induced my four friends to receive you among us; besides, we wanted another monk in our convent.But what are you going to do? No one can face solitude without some moral resources.""Madame, I should be very glad, after hearing what you have said, if you yourself would be the guide of my destiny.""You speak like a man of the world," she answered, "and are trying to flatter me,--a woman of sixty! My dear child," she went on, "let me tell you that you are here among persons who believe strongly in God;who have all felt his hand, and have yielded themselves to him almost as though they were Trappists.Have you ever remarked the profound sense of safety in a true priest when he has given himself to the Lord, when he listens to his voice, and strives to make himself a docile instrument in the hand of Providence? He has no longer vanity or self-love,--nothing of all that which wounds continually the hearts of the world.His quietude is equal to that of the fatalist; his resignation does truly enable him to bear all.The true priest, such a one as the Abbe de Veze, lives like a child with its mother; for the Church, my dear Monsieur Godefroid, is a good mother.Well, a man can be a priest without the tonsure; all priests are not in orders.To vow one's self to good, that is imitating a true priest; it is obedience to God.I am not preaching to you; I am not trying to convert you; Iam explaining our lives to you."

"Instruct me, madame," said Godefroid, deeply impressed, "so that Imay not fail in any of your rules."

"That would be hard upon you; you will learn them by degrees.Never speak here of your misfortunes; they are slight compared to the catastrophes by which the lives of those you are now among were blasted."While speaking thus, Madame de la Chanterie drew her needle and let her stitches with unbroken regularity; but here she paused, raised her head, and looked at Godefroid.She saw him charmed by the penetrating sweetness of her voice, which possessed, let us say it here, an apostolic unction.The sick soul contemplated with admiration the truly extraordinary phenomenon presented by this woman, whose face was now resplendent.Rosy tints were spreading on the waxen cheeks, her eyes shone, the youthfulness of her soul changed the light wrinkles into gracious lines, and all about her solicited affection.Godefroid in that one moment measured the gulf that separated this woman from common sentiments.He saw her inaccessible on a peak to which religion had led her; and he was still too worldly not to be keenly piqued, and to long to plunge through the gulf and up to the summit on which she stood, and stand beside her.Giving himself up to this desire, he related to her all the mistakes of his life, and much that he could not tell at Mongenod's, where his confidences had been confined to his actual situation.

"Poor child!"

That exclamation, falling now and then from Madame de la Chanterie's lips as he went on, dropped like balm upon the heart of the sufferer.

"What can I substitute for so many hopes betrayed, so much affection wasted?" he asked, looking at his hostess, who had now grown thoughtful."I came here," he resumed, "to reflect and choose a course of action.I have lost my mother; will you replace her?""Will you," she said, "show a son's obedience?""Yes, if you will have the tenderness that commands it.""I will try," she said.

Godefroid put out his hand to take that of his hostess, who gave it to him, guessing his intentions.He carried it respectfully to his lips.

Madame de la Chanterie's hand was exquisitely beautiful,--without a wrinkle; neither fat nor thin; white enough to be the envy of all young women, and shapely enough for the model of a sculptor.Godefroid had already admired those hands, conscious of their harmony with the spell of her voice, and the celestial blue of her glance.

"Wait a moment," said Madame de la Chanterie, rising and going into her own room.

Godefroid was keenly excited; he did not know to what class of ideas her movement was to be attributed.His perplexity did not last long, for she presently returned with a book in her hand.

"Here, my dear child," she said, "are the prescriptions of a great physician of souls.When the things of ordinary life have not given us the happiness we expected of them, we must seek for happiness in a higher life.Here is the key of a new world.Read night and morning a chapter of this book; but bring your full attention to bear upon what you read; study the words as you would a foreign language.At the end of a month you will be another man.It is now twenty years that I have read a chapter every day; and my three friends, Messieurs Nicolas, Alain, and Joseph, would no more fail in that practice than they would fail in getting up and going to bed.Do as they do for love of God, for love of me," she said, with a divine serenity, an august confidence.

Godefroid turned over the book and read upon its back in gilt letters, IMITATION OF JESUS CHRIST.The simplicity of this old woman, her youthful candor, her certainty of doing a good deed, confounded the ex-dandy.Madame de la Chanterie's face wore a rapturous expression, and her attitude was that of a woman who was offering a hundred thousand francs to a merchant on the verge of bankruptcy.

"I have used that volume," she said, "for twenty-six years.God grant its touch may be contagious.Go now and buy me another copy; for this is the hour when persons come here who must not be seen."Godefroid bowed and went to his room, where he flung the book upon the table, exclaiming,--"Poor, good woman! Well, so be it!"

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  • 西归行仪


  • 归元直指集


  • 医方歌括


  • 大吉义神咒经


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  • 重返猎人塔


  • 青少年应该知道的电脑与网络知识


  • 童蒙教草


  • 佛说护诸童子陀罗尼咒经


  • 北洋新军阀


  • 盛宴之后


  • 总裁大人,别卖萌!


  • 听阳光穿窗而过

