

But the matter was rendered more difficult by the diversity of the aspects under which it was considered.The writings of Dante transport us into the midst of the struggle.His work 'On the Italian Language'

is not only of the utmost importance for the subject itself, but is also the first complete treatise on any modern language.His method and results belong to the history of linguistic science, in which they will always hold a high place.We must here content ourselves with the remark that long before the appearance of this book the subject must have been one of daily and pressing importance, various dialects of Italy had long been the object of study and dispute, and that the birth of the one ideal was not accomplished without many throes.

Nothing certainly contributed so much to this end as the great poem of Dante.The Tuscan dialect became the basis of the new national speech.

If this assertion may seem to some to go too far, as foreigners we may be excused, in a matter on which much difference of opinion prevails, for following the general belief.

Literature and poetry probably lost more than they gained by the contentious purism which was long prevalent in Italy, and which marred the freshness and vigor of many an able writer.Others, again, who felt themselves masters of this magnificent language, were tempted to rely upon its harmony and flow, apart from the thought which it expressed.Avery insignificant melody, played upon such an instrument, can produce a very great effect.But however this may be, it is certain that socially the language had great value.It was, as it were, that the ;of eager language the crown of a noble and dignified behavior, and compelled the gentleman, both in his ordinary bearing and in exceptional moments to observe external propriety.No doubt this classical garment, like the language of Attic society, served to drape much that was foul and malicious; but it was also the adequate expression of all that is noblest and most refined.But politically and nationally it was of supreme importance, serving as an ideal home for the educated classes in all the States of the divided peninsula.Nor was it the special property of the nobles or of any one class, but the poorest and humblest might learn it if they would.Even now-- and perhaps more than ever --in those parts of Italy where, as a rule, the most unintelligible dialect prevails, the stranger is often astonished at hearing pure and well-spoken Italian from the mouths of peasants or artisans, and looks in vain for anything analogous in France or in Germany, where even the educated classes retain traces of a provincial speech.There is certainly a larger number of people able to read in Italy than we should be led to expect from the condition of many parts of the country--as for in- stance, the States of the Church--in other respects; but what is more important is the general and undisputed respect for pure language and pronunciation as something precious and sacred.One part of the country after another came to adopt the classical dialect officially.Venice, Milan, and Naples did so at the noontime of Italian literature, and partly through its influences.It was not till the present century that Piedmont became of its own free will a genuine Italian province by sharing in this chief treasure of the people--pure speech.The dialects were from the beginning of the sixteenth century purposely left to deal with a certain class of subjects, serious as well as comic, and the style which was thus developed proved the equal to all its tasks.Among other nations a conscious separation of this kind did not occur till a much later period.

The opinion of educated people as to the social value of language is fully set forth in the 'Cortigiano.' There were then persons, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, who purposely kept to the antiquated expressions of Dante and the other Tuscan writers of his time, simply because they were old.Our author forbids the use of them altogether in speech, and is unwilling to permit them even in writing, which he considers a form of speech.Upon this follows the admission that the best style of speech is that which most resembles good writing.We can clearly recognize the author's feeling that people who have anything of importance to say must shape their own speech, and that language is something flexible and changing because it is something living.It is allowable to make use of any expression, however ornate, as long as it is used by the people; nor are non-Tuscan words, or even French and Spanish words forbidden, if custom has once applied them to definite purposes.Thus care and intelligence will produce a language, which, if not the pure old Tuscan, is still Italian, rich in flowers and fruit like a well-kept garden.It belongs to the completeness of the 'Cortigiano' that his wit, his polished manners, and his poetry, must be clothed in this perfect dress.

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  • 诗品校定本


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  • 当这星球没有花


    他,高居云端之上;她,深陷泥淖之底。 年少时的无心之约,让他们的命运轨迹悄然改变,却也变成了两败俱伤的禁锢。 《当这星球没有花》是一本成长题材的青春小说,书中的女主角姜画未和好朋友于采薇即使遇到种种挫折也一直为绘画梦想坚持不懈地努力。本书中涉及到家庭关系的处理、少男少女之间懵懂的好感,以及对梦想的执着。 荆棘路途上有欢笑也有泪水,有挫折也有希望。
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