

The young Lord Berkeley, with the fresh air of freedom in his nostrils, was feeling invincibly strong for his new career; and yet--and yet--if the fight should prove a very hard one at first, very discouraging, very taxing on untoughened moral sinews, he might in some weak moment want to retreat.Not likely, of course, but possibly that might happen.And so on the whole it might be pardonable caution to burn his bridges behind him.Oh, without doubt.He must not stop with advertising for the owner of that money, but must put it where he could not borrow from it himself, meantime, under stress of circumstances.So he went down town, and put in his advertisement, then went to a bank and handed in the $500 for deposit.

"What name?"

He hesitated and colored a little; he had forgotten to make a selection.

He now brought out the first one that suggested itself:

"Howard Tracy."

When he was gone the clerks, marveling, said:

"The cowboy blushed."

The first step was accomplished.The money was still under his command and at his disposal, but the next step would dispose of that difficulty.

He went to another bank and drew upon the first bank for the 500 by check.The money was collected and deposited a second time to the credit of Howard Tracy.He was asked to leave a few samples of his signature, which he did.Then he went away, once more proud and of perfect courage, saying:

"No help for me now, for henceforth I couldn't draw that money without identification, and that is become legally impossible.No resources to fall back on.It is work or starve from now to the end.I am ready--and not afraid!"Then he sent this cablegram to his father:

"Escaped unhurt from burning hotel.Have taken fictitious name.


During the, evening, while he was wandering about in one of the outlying districts of the city, he came across a small brick church, with a bill posted there with these words printed on it: "MECHANICS' CLUB DEBATE.

ALL INVITED." He saw people, apparently mainly of the working class, entering the place, and he followed and took his seat.It was a humble little church, quite bare as to ornamentation.It had painted pews without cushions, and no pulpit, properly speaking, but it had a platform.On the platform sat the chairman, and by his side sat a man who held a manuscript in his hand and had the waiting look of one who is going to perform the principal part.The church was soon filled with a quiet and orderly congregation of decently dressed and modest people.

This is what the chairman said:

"The essayist for this evening is an old member of our club whom you all know, Mr.Parker, assistant editor of the Daily Democrat.The subject of his essay is the American Press, and he will use as his text a couple of paragraphs taken from Mr.Matthew Arnold's new book.He asks me to read these texts for him.The first is as follows:

"'Goethe says somewhere that "the thrill of awe," that is to say, REVERENCE, is the best thing humanity has.""Mr.Arnold's other paragraph is as follows:

"'I should say that if one were searching for the best means to efface and kill in a whole nation the discipline of respect, one could not do better than take the American newspapers."Mr.Parker rose and bowed, and was received with warm applause.He then began to read in a good round resonant voice, with clear enunciation and careful attention to his pauses and emphases.His points were received with approval as he went on.

The essayist took the position that the most important function of a public journal in any country was the propagating of national feeling and pride in the national name--the keeping the people "in love with their country and its institutions, and shielded from the allurements of alien and inimical systems." He sketched the manner in which the reverent Turkish or Russian journalist fulfilled this function--the one assisted by the prevalent "discipline of respect" for the bastinado, the other for Siberia.Continuing, he said:

The chief function of an English journal is that of all other journals the world over: it must keep the public eye fixed admiringly upon certain things, and keep it diligently diverted from certain others.For instance, it must keep the public eye fixed admiringly upon the glories of England, a processional splendor stretching its receding line down the hazy vistas of time, with the mellowed lights of a thousand years glinting from its banners; and it must keep it diligently diverted from the fact that all these glories were for the enrichment and aggrandizement of the petted and privileged few, at cost of the blood and sweat and poverty of the unconsidered masses who achieved them but might not enter in and partake of them.It must keep the public eye fixed in loving and awful reverence upon the throne as a sacred thing, and diligently divert it from the fact that no throne was ever set up by the unhampered vote of a majority of any nation; and that hence no throne exists that has a right to exist, and no symbol of it, flying from any flagstaff, is righteously entitled to wear any device but the skull and crossbones of that kindred industry which differs from royalty only business-wise-merely as retail differs from wholesale.It must keep the citizen's eye fixed in reverent docility upon that curious invention of machine politics, an Established Church, and upon that bald contradiction of common justice, a hereditary nobility; and diligently divert it from the fact that the one damns him if he doesn't wear its collar, and robs him under the gentle name of taxation whether he wears it or not, and the other gets all the honors while he does all the work.

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