

Moreover, though I write for all Americans, without distinction of sect or party, I have had more especially in view the people of my own xiv religious communion.It is no discredit to a man in the United States at the present day to be a firm, sincere, and devout Catholic.The old sectarian prejudice may remain with a few, "whose eyes," as Emerson says, "are in their hind-head, not in their fore-head;" but the American people are not at heart sectarian, and the nothingarianism so prevalent among them only marks their state of transition from sectarian opinions to positive Catholic faith.At any rate, it can no longer be denied that Catholics are an integral, living, and growing element in the American population, quite too numerous, too wealthy, and too influential to be ignored.They have played too conspicuous a part in the late troubles of the country, and poured out too freely and too much of their richest and noblest blood in defence of the unity of the nation and the integrity of its domain, for that.Catholics henceforth must be treated as standing, in all respects, on a footing of equality with any other class of American citizens, and their views of political science, or of any other science, be counted of equal importance, and listened to with equal attention.

I have no fears that my book will be neglected because avowedly by a Catholic author, and from a Catholic publishing house.They xv who are not Catholics will read it, and it will enter into the current of American literature, if it is one they must read in order to be up with the living and growing thought of the age.

If it is not a book of that sort, it is not worth reading by any one.

Furthermore, I am ambitious, even in my old age, and I wish to exert an influence on the future of my country, for which I have made, or, rather, my family have made, some sacrifices, and which I tenderly love.Now, I believe that he who can exert the most influence on our Catholic population, especially in giving tone and direction to our Catholic youth, will exert the most influence in forming the character and shaping the future destiny of the American Republic.Ambition and patriotism alike, as well as my own Catholic faith and sympathies, induce me to address myself primarily to Catholics.I quarrel with none of the sects;I honor virtue wherever I see it, and accept truth wherever Ifind it; but, in my belief, no sect is destined to a long life, or a permanent possession.I engage in no controversy with any one not of my religion, for, if the positive, affirmative truth is brought out and placed in a clear light before the public, whatever is sectarian in any of the sects will disappear as the morning mists before the rising sun.

xvi I expect the most intelligent and satisfactory appreciation of my book from the thinking and educated classes among Catholics;but I speak to my countrymen at large.I could not personally serve my country in the field: my habits as well as my infirmities prevented, to say nothing of my age; but I have endeavored in this humble work to add my contribution, small though it may be, to political science, and to discharge, as far as I am able, my debt of loyalty and patriotism.I would the book were more of a book, more worthy of my countrymen, and a more weighty proof of the love I beat them, and with which I have written it.All I can say is, that it is an honest book, a sincere book, and contains my best thoughts on the subjects treated.If well received, I shall be grateful; if neglected, Ishall endeavor to practise resignation, as I have so often done.


ELIZABETH, N.J., September , .

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