

"'My Captain--/compadre mio/!' shouted Carlos, while yet my boat was being lowered.'You should see them in the drill by /companies/--in the column wheel--in the march by fours--they are superb! Also in the manual of arms--but, alas! performed only with sticks of bamboo.The guns, /capitan/--say that you have brought the guns!'

"'A thousand Winchesters, Carlos,' I called to him.'And two Gatlings.'

"'/Valgame Dios/!' he cried, throwing his cap in the air.'We shall sweep the world!'

"At that moment Kearny tumbled from the steamer's side into the river.

He could not swim, so the crew threw him a rope and drew him back aboard.I caught his eye and his look of pathetic but still bright and undaunted consciousness of his guilty luck.I told myself that although he might be a man to shun, he was also one to be admired.

"I gave orders to the sailing-master that the arms, ammunition, and provisions were to be landed at once.That was easy in the steamer's boats, except for the two Gatling guns.For their transportation ashore we carried a stout flatboat, brought for the purpose in the steamer's hold.

"In the meantime I walked with Carlos to the camp and made the soldiers a little speech in Spanish, which they received with enthusiasm; and then I had some wine and a cigarette in Carlos's tent.

Later we walked back to the river to see how the unloading was being conducted.

"The small arms and provisions were already ashore, and the petty officers and squads of men conveying them to camp.One Gatling had been safely landed; the other was just being hoisted over the side of the vessel as we arrived.I noticed Kearny darting about on board, seeming to have the ambition of ten men, and doing the work of five.I think his zeal bubbled over when he saw Carlos and me.A rope's end was swinging loose from some part of the tackle.Kearny leaped impetuously and caught it.There was a crackle and a hiss and a smoke of scorching hemp, and the Gatling dropped straight as a plummet through the bottom of the flatboat and buried itself in twenty feet of water and five feet of river mud.

"I turned my back on the scene.I heard Carlos's loud cries as if from some extreme grief too poignant for words.I heard the complaining murmur of the crew and the maledictions of Torres, the sailing master --I could not bear to look.

"By night some degree of order had been restored in camp.Military rules were not drawn strictly, and the men were grouped about the fires of their several messes, playing games of chance, singing their native songs, or discussing with voluble animation the contingencies of our march upon the capital.

"To my tent, which had been pitched for me close to that of my chief lieutenant, came Kearny, indomitable, smiling, bright-eyed, bearing no traces of the buffets of his evil star.Rather was his aspect that of a heroic martyr whose tribulations were so high-sourced and glorious that he even took a splendour and a prestige from them.

"'Well, Captain,' said he, 'I guess you realize that Bad-Luck Kearny is still on deck.It was a shame, now, about that gun.She only needed to be slewed two inches to clear the rail; and that's why I grabbed that rope's end.Who'd have thought that a sailor--even a Sicilian lubber on a banana coaster--would have fastened a line in a bow-knot?

Don't think I'm trying to dodge the responsibility, Captain.It's my luck.'

"'There are men, Kearny,' said I gravely, 'who pass through life blaming upon luck and chance the mistakes that result from their own faults and incompetency.I do not say that you are such a man.But if all your mishaps are traceable to that tiny star, the sooner we endow our colleges with chairs of moral astronomy, the better.'

"'It isn't the size of the star that counts,' said Kearny; 'it's the quality.Just the way it is with women.That's why they give the biggest planets masculine names, and the little stars feminine ones--to even things up when it comes to getting their work in.Suppose they had called my star Agamemnon or Bill McCarty or something like that instead of Phoebe.Every time one of those old boys touched their calamity button and sent me down one of their wireless pieces of bad luck, I could talk back and tell 'em what I thought of 'em in suitable terms.But you can't address such remarks to a Phoebe.'

"'It pleases you to make a joke of it, Kearny,' said I, without smiling.'But it is no joke to me to think of my Gatling mired in the river ooze.'

"'As to that,' said Kearny, abandoning his light mood at once, 'I have already done what I could.I have had some experience in hoisting stone in quarries.Torres and I have already spliced three hawsers and stretched them from the steamer's stern to a tree on shore.We will rig a tackle and have the gun on terra firma before noon to-morrow.'

"One could not remain long at outs with Bad-Luck Kearny.

"'Once more,' said I to him, 'we will waive this question of luck.

Have you ever had experience in drilling raw troops?'

"'I was first sergeant and drill-master,' said Kearny, 'in the Chilean army for one year.And captain of artillery for another.'

"'What became of your command?' I asked.

"'Shot down to a man,' said Kearny, 'during the revolutions against Balmaceda.'

"Somehow the misfortunes of the evil-starred one seemed to turn to me their comedy side.I lay back upon my goat's-hide cot and laughed until the woods echoed.Kearny grinned.'I told you how it was,' he said.

"'To-morrow,' I said, 'I shall detail one hundred men under your command for manual-of-arms drill and company evolutions.You rank as lieutenant.Now, for God's sake, Kearny,' I urged him, 'try to combat this superstition if it is one.Bad luck may be like any other visitor --preferring to stop where it is expected.Get your mind off stars.

Look upon Esperando as your planet of good fortune.'

"'I thank you, Captain,' said Kearny quietly.'I will try to make it the best handicap I ever ran.'

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  • 誓言 (龙人日志系列#7)

    誓言 (龙人日志系列#7)

    在《誓言》(龙人日志#7),凯特琳和迦勒发现,自己来到了中世纪的苏格兰,在1350年,在骑士和金甲的年代,在城堡和战士的年代,在寻求传说中包含真正的龙人不死之谜的圣杯的年代。他们降落在古代的斯凯岛,一个西苏格兰偏远的岛屿,在这里,生活着最精锐的战士,而且还接受了训练,他们欣喜若狂与山姆和波利团聚,还有斯嘉丽和露丝,一个人类国王和他的战士,以及艾登所有的家族成员。在他们可以继续完成使命,找到第四把也是最后一把钥匙的之前,迦勒和凯特琳举行了婚礼。在凯特琳从没想过的惊人大背景下,精心策划了一场龙人婚礼,包括所有的古老仪式和典礼。这是由波利和其他人精心策划的,一场永恒的婚礼。凯特琳和迦勒从来都没有如此幸福过。同时,山姆和波利,连他们自己都感到惊讶的是,都深深地爱上了彼此。随着他们关系的加深,山姆用用自己的誓言,给了波利惊喜。而波利则用她自己的令人震惊的消息给了他惊喜。但这一切美好的的表面之下。布雷克再次出现了,就在她的婚礼的前一天,他对凯特琳深深的爱,威胁到了她的团聚。塞拉再次出现,也并誓言要拆散她不能拥有的爱情。斯嘉丽也是,她发现自己处于危险之中,她的深层力量开始显现——伴随着她真实父母身份的显露。最糟糕的是,凯尔也跟着穿越了回来,并找到了他的老门生,Rynd,迫使他使用他的变身技能,以欺骗和杀害凯特琳和她的朋友。当他们落入他的精心陷阱中时,凯特琳和其他人发现,自己比以往任何时候都陷入了深深的危险。这将是一场比赛,在凯特琳所珍视的人都被消灭之前,她需要找到最后的钥匙。这一次,她将不得不做出她生活中最困难的选择和牺牲。《誓言》是龙人日志第七部(继《转变》、《爱》、《背叛》、《命中注定》、《理想》、《订婚》之后) ,但它也可以作为一本独立的小说。《誓言》越有60000字。
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