

"I am by no means certain that they are either one or the other," repeated he, advancing forward."I have been examining this man," pointing to myself, "and listening whilst he spoke, and it appears to me that after all he may prove an Englishman;he has their very look and voice.Who knows the English better than Antonio de la Trava, and who has a better right? Has he not sailed in their ships; has he not eaten their biscuit; and did he not stand by Nelson when he was shot dead?"Here the alcalde became violently incensed."He is no more an Englishman than yourself," he exclaimed; "if he were an Englishman would he have come in this manner, skulking across the land? Not so I trow.He would have come in a ship, recommended to some of us, or to the Catalans.He would have come to trade, to buy; but nobody knows him in Finisterra, nor does he know anybody: and the first thing, moreover, that he does when he reaches this place is to inspect the fort, and to ascend the mountain where, no doubt, he has been marking out a camp.What brings him to Finisterra if he is neither Calros nor a bribon of a faccioso?"I felt that there was a good deal of justice in some of these remarks, and I was aware, for the first time, that I had, indeed, committed a great imprudence in coming to this wild place, and among these barbarous people, without being able to assign any motive which could appear at all valid in their eyes.I endeavoured to convince the alcalde that I had come across the country for the purpose of making myself acquainted with the many remarkable objects which it contained, and of obtaining information respecting the character and condition of the inhabitants.He could understand no such motives."What did you ascend the mountain for?" "To see prospects.""Disparate! I have lived at Finisterra forty years and never ascended that mountain.I would not do it in a day like this for two ounces of gold.You went to take altitudes, and to mark out a camp." I had, however, a staunch friend in old Antonio, who insisted, from his knowledge of the English, that all I had said might very possibly be true."The English,"said he, "have more money than they know what to do with, and on that account they wander all over the world, paying dearly for what no other people care a groat for." He then proceeded, notwithstanding the frowns of the alcalde, to examine me in the English language.His own entire knowledge of this tongue was confined to two words - KNIFE and FORK, which words I rendered into Spanish by their equivalents, and was forthwith pronounced an Englishman by the old fellow, who, brandishing his musket, exclaimed:-"This man is not Calros; he is what he declares himself to be, an Englishman, and whosoever seeks to injure him, shall have to do with Antonio de la Trava el valiente de Finisterra."No person sought to impugn this verdict, and it was at length determined that I should be sent to Corcuvion, to be examined by the alcalde mayor of the district."But," said the alcalde of Finisterra, "what is to be done with the other fellow? He at least is no Englishman.Bring him forward, and let us hear what he has to say for himself.Now, fellow, who are you, and what is your master?"GUIDE.- I am Sebastianillo, a poor broken mariner of Padron, and my master for the present is the gentleman whom you see, the most valiant and wealthy of all the English.He has two ships at Vigo laden with riches.I told you so when you first seized me up there in our posada.

ALCALDE.- Where is your passport?

GUIDE.- I have no passport.Who would think of bringing a passport to such a place as this, where I don't suppose there are two individuals who can read? I have no passport; my master's passport of course includes me.

ALCALDE.- It does not.And since you have no passport, and have confessed that your name is Sebastian, you shall be shot.Antonio de la Trava, do you and the musketeers lead this Sebastianillo forth, and shoot him before the door.

ANTONIO DE LA TRAVA.- With much pleasure, Senor Alcalde, since you order it.With respect to this fellow, I shall not trouble myself to interfere.He at least is no Englishman.He has more the look of a wizard or nuveiro; one of those devils who raise storms and sink launches.Moreover, he says he is from Padron, and those of that place are all thieves and drunkards.They once played me a trick, and I would gladly be at the shooting of the whole pueblo.

I now interfered, and said that if they shot the guide they must shoot me too; expatiating at the same time on the cruelty and barbarity of taking away the life of a poor unfortunate fellow who, as might be seen at the first glance, was only half witted; adding, moreover, that if any person was guilty in this case it was myself, as the other could only be considered in the light of a servant acting under my orders.

"The safest plan after all," said the alcalde, "appears to be, to send you both prisoners to Corcuvion, where the head alcalde can dispose of you as he thinks proper.You must, however, pay for your escort; for it is not to be supposed that the housekeepers of Finisterra have nothing else to do than to ramble about the country with every chance fellow who finds his way to this town." "As for that matter," said Antonio, "I will take charge of them both.I am the valiente of Finisterra, and fear no two men living.Moreover, I am sure that the captain here will make it worth my while, else he is no Englishman.

Therefore let us be quick and set out for Corcuvion at once, as it is getting late.First of all, however, captain, I must search you and your baggage.You have no arms, of course? But it is best to make all sure."Long ere it was dark I found myself again on the pony, in company with my guide, wending our way along the beach in the direction of Corcuvion.Antonio de la Trava tramped heavily on before, his musket on his shoulder.

MYSELF.- Are you not afraid, Antonio, to be thus alone with two prisoners, one of whom is on horseback? If we were to try, I think we could overpower you.

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    一朝重生,她是为爱所伤的王牌女特工,他是杀伐果决的异国王爷…… 她,只想风风光光的活这一生。 他,只想复仇,将属于他的一切,夺回来。 “我们本是两个世界的人,今生注定只能站在孤独的彼岸遥望,而不能牵手。上天让我们相知相爱,却不能相惜相守,爱上你等于爱上孤独。因为你注定只是我苍白生命中的过客,你还有很多很多路要走,远方还有另外一个人在等你,那个人才是你一生的传奇。” 沐璃倾不懂,不懂他的这句话,是什么意思,但是后来,她懂了…… 异世王者,总有一天会回归。 她本以为,这一生不会再爱上一个人,可是当她遇见他后便发现,原来……不是不会爱了,而是她爱的那个人,还没有出现。 “爱一个人,或许就是为她变得更加强大,我不懂什么为爱,可是我愿意为你,付出我的一切。”——落君醉 (本文1V1,不接受反驳,男女主身心干净,女主酷炸天,男主“萌萌哒”,当然,这只是在女主面前,其他人面前,他只会,很凶很凶,喜欢这本书的小可爱手动收藏呀~)
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    你应该知道那个胖胖的企鹅形象的QQ,作为全球用户最多的互联网软件产品之一,它的活跃用户超过3亿,QQ成为大多数中国网民上网应用的第一选择。你或许还知道拥有QQ这款产品的腾讯公司,作为在香港上市的内地公司,它的最高市值曾达1200亿港元,是中国互联网公司中市值最高、收入最多、利润最大的公司。但作为这家公司的统领者的马化腾却一向低调,不为人所知。 本书作者通过对包括马化腾在内的多名腾讯前员工,马化腾的成长伙伴、前友人、前同事、多位师长辈,腾讯合作伙伴、投资人等上百人的采访及对腾讯发展历史的全面梳理,客观、实际、权威地为我们解读了马化腾是一个什么样的人,他和我们到底有什么不同?
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