

exertion brought us to the top.

Shortly afterwards the rain abated, and the moon arising cast a dim light through the watery mists; the way had become less precipitous, and in about two hours we descended to the shore of an extensive creek, along which we proceeded till we reached a spot where many boats and barges lay with their keels upward upon the sand.Presently we beheld before us the walls of Viveiro, upon which the moon was shedding its sickly lustre.

We entered by a lofty and seemingly ruinous archway, and the guide conducted us at once to the posada.

Every person in Viveiro appeared to be buried in profound slumber; not so much as a dog saluted us with his bark.After much knocking we were admitted into the posada, a large and dilapidated edifice.We had scarcely housed ourselves and horses when the rain began to fall with yet more violence than before, attended with much thunder and lightning.Antonio and I, exhausted with fatigue, betook ourselves to flock beds in a ruinous chamber, into which the rain penetrated through many a cranny, whilst the guides ate bread and drank wine till the morning.

When I arose I was gladdened by the sight of a fine day.

Antonio forthwith prepared a savoury breakfast of stewed fowl, of which we stood in much need after the ten league journey of the preceding day over the ways which I have attempted to describe.I then walked out to view the town, which consists of little more than one long street, on the side of a steep mountain thickly clad with forests and fruit trees.At about ten we continued our journey, accompanied by our first guide, the other having returned to Coisa doiro some hours previously.

Our route throughout this day was almost constantly within sight of the shores of the Cantabrian sea, whose windings we followed.The country was barren, and in many parts covered with huge stones: cultivated spots, however, were to be seen, where vines were growing.We met with but few human habitations.We however journeyed on cheerfully, for the sun was once more shining in full brightness, gilding the wild moors, and shining upon the waters of the distant sea, which lay in unruffled calmness.

At evening fall we were in the neighbourhood of the shore, with a range of wood-covered hills on our right.Our guide led us towards a creek bordered by a marsh, but he soon stopped and declared that he did not know whither he was conducting us.

"Mon maitre," said Antonio, "let us be our own guides; it is, as you see, of no use to depend upon this fellow, whose whole science consists in leading people into quagmires."We therefore turned aside and proceeded along the marsh for a considerable distance, till we reached a narrow path which led us into a thick wood, where we soon became completely bewildered.On a sudden, after wandering about a considerable time, we heard the noise of water, and presently the clack of a wheel.Following the sound, we arrived at a low stone mill, built over a brook; here we stopped and shouted, but no answer was returned."The place is deserted," said Antonio; "here, however, is a path, which, if we follow it, will doubtless lead us to some human habitation." So we went along the path, which, in about ten minutes, brought us to the door of a cabin, in which we saw lights.Antonio dismounted and opened the door: "Is there any one here who can conduct us to Rivadeo?" he demanded.

"Senhor," answered a voice, "Rivadeo is more than five leagues from here, and, moreover, there is a river to cross!""Then to the next village," continued Antonio.

"I am a vecino of the next village, which is on the way to Rivadeo," said another voice, "and I will lead you thither, if you will give me fair words, and, what is better, fair money."A man now came forth, holding in his hand a large stick.

He strode sturdily before us, and in less than half an hour led us out of the wood.In another half hour he brought us to a group of cabins situated near the sea; he pointed to one of these, and having received a peseta, bade us farewell.

The people of the cottage willingly consented to receive us for the night: it was much more cleanly and commodious than the wretched huts of the Gallegan peasantry in general.The ground floor consisted of a keeping room and stable, whilst above was a long loft, in which were some neat and comfortable flock beds.I observed several masts and sails of boats.The family consisted of two brothers with their wives and families;one was a fisherman, but the other, who appeared to be the principal person, informed me that he had resided for many years in service at Madrid, and having amassed a small sum, he had at length returned to his native village, where he had purchased some land which he farmed.All the family used the Castilian language in their common discourse, and on inquiry Ilearned that the Gallegan was not much spoken in that neighbourhood.I have forgotten the name of this village, which is situated on the estuary of the Foz, which rolls down from Mondonedo.In the morning we crossed this estuary in a large boat with our horses, and about noon arrived at Rivadeo.

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