

"Of whom should I speak but Count -, to serve whom you abandoned me, being tempted by an offer of a monthly salary less by four dollars than that which I was giving you.""Your worship brings an affair to my remembrance which Ihad long since forgotten.I have at present no other master than yourself, Monsieur Georges, for I shall always consider you as my master, though I may not enjoy the felicity of waiting upon you.""You have left the Count, then," said I, "after remaining three days in the house, according to your usual practice.""Not three hours, mon maitre," replied Antonio; "but Iwill tell you the circumstances.Soon after I left you Irepaired to the house of Monsieur le Comte; I entered the kitchen, and looked about me.I cannot say that I had much reason to be dissatisfied with what I saw; the kitchen was large and commodious, and every thing appeared neat and in its proper place, and the domestics civil and courteous; yet I know not how it was, the idea at once rushed into my mind that the house was by no means suited to me, and that I was not destined to stay there long; so hanging my haversac upon a nail, and sitting down on the dresser, I commenced singing a Greek song, as I am in the habit of doing when dissatisfied.The domestics came about me asking questions; I made them no answer, however, and continued singing till the hour for preparing the dinner drew nigh, when I suddenly sprang on the floor and was not long in thrusting them all out of the kitchen, telling them that they had no business there at such a season; I then at once entered upon my functions.I exerted myself, mon maitre, Iexerted myself, and was preparing a repast which would have done me honour; there was, indeed, some company expected that day, and I therefore determined to show my employer that nothing was beyond the capacity of his Greek cook.EH BIEN, mon maitre, all was going on remarkably well, and I felt almost reconciled to my new situation, when who should rush into the kitchen but LE FILS DE LA MAISON, my young master, an ugly urchin of thirteen years or thereabouts; he bore in his hand a manchet of bread, which, after prying about for a moment, he proceeded to dip in the pan where some delicate woodcocks were in the course of preparation.You know, mon maitre, how sensitive I am on certain points, for I am no Spaniard but a Greek, and have principles of honour.Without a moment's hesitation I took my young master by the shoulders, and hurrying him to the door, dismissed him in the manner which he deserved; squalling loudly, he hurried away to the upper part of the house.I continued my labours, but ere three minutes had elapsed, I heard a dreadful confusion above stairs, ONFAISOIT UNE HORRIBLE TINTAMARRE, and I could occasionally distinguish oaths and execrations: presently doors were flung open, and there was an awful rushing downstairs, a gallopade.

It was my lord the count, his lady, and my young master, followed by a regular bevy of women and filles de chambre.Far in advance of all, however, was my lord with a drawn sword in his hand, shouting, `Where is the wretch who has dishonoured my son, where is he? He shall die forthwith.' I know not how it was, mon maitre, but I just then chanced to spill a large bowl of garbanzos, which were intended for the puchera of the following day.They were uncooked, and were as hard as marbles; these I dashed upon the floor, and the greater part of them fell just about the doorway.EH BIEN, mon maitre, in another moment in bounded the count, his eyes sparkling like coals, and, as I have already said, with a rapier in his hand.

`TENEZ, GUEUX ENRAGE,' he screamed, making a desperate lunge at me, but ere the words were out of his mouth, his foot slipping on the pease, he fell forward with great violence at his full length, and his weapon flew out of his hand, COMME UNE FLECHE.

You should have heard the outcry which ensued - there was a terrible confusion: the count lay upon the floor to all appearance stunned; I took no notice, however, continuing busily employed.They at last raised him up, and assisted him till he came to himself, though very pale and much shaken.He asked for his sword: all eyes were now turned upon me, and Isaw that a general attack was meditated.Suddenly I took a large caserolle from the fire in which various eggs were frying; this I held out at arm's length peering at it along my arm as if I were curiously inspecting it; my right foot advanced and the other thrown back as far as possible.All stood still, imagining, doubtless, that I was about to perform some grand operation, and so I was; for suddenly the sinister leg advancing, with one rapid COUP DE PIED, I sent the caserolle and its contents flying over my head, so that they struck the wall far behind me.This was to let them know that I had broken my staff and had shaken the dust off my feet; so casting upon the count the peculiar glance of the Sceirote cooks when they feel themselves insulted, and extending my mouth on either side nearly as far as the ears, I took down my haversac and departed, singing as I went the song of the ancient Demos, who, when dying, asked for his supper, and water wherewith to lave his hands:

[Greek text which cannot be reproduced]

And in this manner, mon maitre, I left the house of the Count of -."MYSELF.- And a fine account you have given of yourself;by your own confession, your behaviour was most atrocious.

Were it not for the many marks of courage and fidelity which you have exhibited in my service, I would from this moment hold no farther communication with you.


  • 朱子治家格言


  • Shelley


  • 河源志


  • 念诵结护法普通诸部


  • 洞玄灵宝八节斋宿启仪


  • 天台治略


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  • 雨落古城


  • 泪女仙


    天元大陆修仙界!风天雨只想好好修仙,只是,这种想法是很好。现实却让她很无奈。当她面对一个又一个别人设的局。其实,她是很想绕过的。 可是她不能,因为局中有她在乎的家人。于是,她举起了手中剑,泪落而剑起……
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