

As far as the darkness would permit us to distinguish, they were naked, but each bore in his hand a long gun.These were rateros, or the common assassins and robbers of the roads.We halted and cried out, "Who goes there?" They replied, "What's that to you? pass by." Their drift was to fire at us from a position from which it would be impossible to miss.We shouted, "If you do not instantly pass to the right side of the road, we will tread you down between the horses' hoofs." They hesitated and then obeyed, for all assassins are dastards, and the least show of resolution daunts them.As we galloped past, one cried, with an obscene oath, "Shall we fire?" But another said, "No, no! there's danger." We reached Aranjuez, where early next morning Lopez rejoined us, and we returned to Madrid.

I am sorry to state that two hundred Testaments were seized at Ocana, from whence, after being sealed up, they were despatched to Toledo.Lopez informed me, that in two hours he could have sold them all, the demand was so great.As it was, twenty-seven were disposed of in less than ten minutes.

"Ride on because of the word of righteousness."Notwithstanding the check which we had experienced at Ocana, we were far from being discouraged, and forthwith prepared ourselves for another expedition.As we returned from Aranjeuz to Madrid, my eyes had frequently glanced towards the mighty wall of mountains dividing the two Castiles, and I said to myself, "Would it not be well to cross those hills, and commence operations on the other side, even in Old Castile?

There I am unknown, and intelligence of my proceedings can scarcely have been transmitted thither.Peradventure the enemy is asleep, and before he has roused himself, I may have sown much of the precious seed amongst the villages of the Old Castilians.To Castile, therefore, to Castile la Vieja!"Accordingly, on the day after my arrival, I despatched several cargoes of books to various places which I proposed to visit, and sent forward Lopez and his donkey, well laden, with directions to meet me on a particular day beneath a particular arch of the aqueduct of Segovia.I likewise gave him orders to engage any persons willing to co-operate with us in the circulation of the Scriptures, and who might be likely to prove of utility in the enterprise.A more useful assistant than Lopez in an expedition of this kind it was impossible to have.

He was not only well acquainted with the country, but had friends, and even connexions on the other side of the hills, in whose houses he assured me that we should at all times find a hearty welcome.He departed in high spirits, exclaiming, "Be of good cheer, Don Jorge; before we return we will have disposed of every copy of your evangelic library.Down with the friars! Down with superstition! Viva Ingalaterra, viva el Evangelio!"In a few days I followed with Antonio.We ascended the mountains by the pass called Pena Cerrada, which lies about three leagues to the eastward of that of Guadarama.It is very unfrequented, the high road between the two Castiles passing through Guadarama.It has, moreover, an evil name, being, according to common report, infested with banditti.The sun was just setting when we reached the top of the hills, and entered a thick and gloomy pine forest, which entirely covers the mountains on the side of Old Castile.The descent soon became so rapid and precipitous, that we were fain to dismount from our horses and to drive them before us.Into the woods we plunged deeper and deeper still; night-birds soon began to hoot and cry, and millions of crickets commenced their shrill chirping above, below, and around us.Occasionally, amidst the trees at a distance, we could see blazes, as if from immense fires."They are those of the charcoal-burners, mon maitre!"said Antonio; "we will not go near them, however, for they are savage people, and half bandits.Many is the traveller whom they have robbed and murdered in these horrid wildernesses."It was blackest night when we arrived at the foot of the mountains; we were still, however, amidst woods and pine forests, which extended for leagues in every direction."We shall scarcely reach Segovia to-night, mon maitre," said Antonio.And so indeed it proved, for we became bewildered, and at last arrived where two roads branched off in different directions, we took not the left hand road, which would have conducted us to Segovia, but turned to the right, in the direction of La Granja, where we arrived at midnight.

We found the desolation of La Granja far greater than that of Aranjuez; both had suffered from the absence of royalty, but the former to a degree which was truly appalling.

Nine-tenths of the inhabitants had left this place, which, until the late military revolution, had been the favourite residence of Christina.So great is the solitude of La Granja, that wild boars from the neighbouring forests, and especially from the beautiful pine-covered mountain which rises like a cone directly behind the palace, frequently find their way into the streets and squares, and whet their tusks against the pillars of the porticos.

"Ride on because of the word of righteousness." After a stay of twenty-four hours at La Granja, we proceeded to Segovia.The day had arrived on which I had appointed to meet Lopez.I repaired to the aqueduct, and sat down beneath the hundred and seventh arch, where I waited the greater part of the day, but he came not, whereupon I rose and went into the city.

At Segovia I tarried two days in the house of a friend, still I could hear nothing of Lopez.At last, by the greatest chance in the world, I heard from a peasant that there were men in the neighbourhood of Abades selling books.

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