

Work of Distribution resumed - Adventure at Cobenna -Power of the Clergy - Rural Authorities - Fuente la Higuera -Victoriano's Mishap - Village Prison - The Rope -Antonio's Errand - Antonio at Mass.

In my last chapter, I stated that, immediately after my arrival at Madrid, I proceeded to get everything in readiness for commencing operations in the neighbourhood; and I soon entered upon my labours in reality.Considerable success attended my feeble efforts in the good cause, for which at present, after the lapse of some years, I still look back with gratitude to the Almighty.

All the villages within the distance of four leagues to the east of Madrid, were visited in less than a fortnight, and Testaments to the number of nearly two hundred disposed of.

These villages for the most part are very small, some of them consisting of not more than a dozen houses, or I should rather say miserable cabins.I left Antonio, my Greek, to superintend matters in Madrid, and proceeded with Victoriano, the peasant from Villa Seca, in the direction which I have already mentioned.We, however, soon parted company, and pursued different routes.

The first village at which I made an attempt was Cobenna, about three leagues from Madrid.I was dressed in the fashion of the peasants in the neighbourhood of Segovia, in Old Castile; namely, I had on my head a species of leather helmet or montera, with a jacket and trousers of the same material.Ihad the appearance of a person between sixty and seventy years of age, and drove before me a borrico with a sack of Testaments lying across its back.On nearing the village, I met a genteel-looking young woman leading a little boy by the hand:

as I was about to pass her with the customary salutation of VAYA USTED CON DIOS, she stopped, and after looking at me for a moment, she said: "Uncle (TIO), what is that you have got on your borrico? Is it soap?""Yes," I replied: "it is soap to wash souls clean."She demanded what I meant; whereupon I told her that Icarried cheap and godly books for sale.On her requesting to see one, I produced a copy from my pocket and handed it to her.

She instantly commenced reading with a loud voice, and continued so for at least ten minutes, occasionally exclaiming:

"QUE LECTURA TAN BONITA, QUE LECTURA TAN LINDA!" What beautiful, what charming readings!" At last, on my informing her that I was in a hurry, and could not wait any longer, she said, "true, true," and asked me the price of the book: I told her "but three reals," whereupon she said, that though what Iasked was very little, it was more than she could afford to give, as there was little or no money in those parts.I said Iwas sorry for it, but that I could not dispose of the books for less than I had demanded, and accordingly, resuming it, wished her farewell, and left her.I had not, however, proceeded thirty yards, when the boy came running behind me, shouting, out of breath: "Stop, uncle, the book, the book!" Upon overtaking me, he delivered the three reals in copper, and seizing the Testament, ran back to her, who I suppose was his sister, flourishing the book over his head with great glee.

On arriving at the village, I directed my steps to a house, around the door of which I saw several people gathered, chiefly women.On my displaying my books, their curiosity was instantly aroused, and every person had speedily one in his hand, many reading aloud; however, after waiting nearly an hour, I had disposed of but one copy, all complaining bitterly of the distress of the times, and the almost total want of money, though, at the same time, they acknowledged that the books were wonderfully cheap, and appeared to be very good and Christian-like.I was about to gather up my merchandise and depart, when on a sudden the curate of the place made his appearance.After having examined the book for some time with considerable attention, he asked me the price of a copy, and upon my informing him that it was three reals, he replied that the binding was worth more, and that he was much afraid that Ihad stolen the books, and that it was perhaps his duty to send me to prison as a suspicious character; but added, that the books were good books, however they might be obtained, and concluded by purchasing two copies.The poor people no sooner heard their curate recommend the volumes, than all were eager to secure one, and hurried here and there for the purpose of procuring money, so that between twenty and thirty copies were sold almost in an instant.This adventure not only affords an instance of the power still possessed by the Spanish clergy over the minds of the people, but proves that such influence is not always exerted in a manner favourable to the maintenance of ignorance and superstition.

In another village, on my showing a Testament to a woman, she said that she had a child at school for whom she would like to purchase one, but that she must first know whether the book was calculated to be of service to him.She then went away, and presently returned with the school-master, followed by all the children under his care; she then, showing the schoolmaster a book, inquired if it would answer for her son.The schoolmaster called her a simpleton for asking such a question, and said that he knew the book well, and there was not its equal in the world (NO HAY OTRO EN EL MUNDO).He instantly purchased five copies for his pupils, regretting that he had no more money, "for if I had," said he, "I would buy the whole cargo." Upon hearing this, the woman purchased four copies, namely, one for her living son, another for her DECEASEDHUSBAND, a third for herself, and a fourth for her brother, whom she said she was expecting home that night from Madrid.

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