

Duenas - Children of Egypt - Jockeyism - The Baggage Pony -The Fall - Palencia - Carlist Priests - The Lookout -Priestly Sincerity - Leon - Antonio alarmed - Heat and Dust.

After a sojourn of about ten days at Valladolid, we directed our course towards Leon.We arrived about noon at Duenas, a town at the distance of six short leagues from Valladolid.It is in every respect a singular place: it stands on a rising ground, and directly above it towers a steep conical mountain of calcareous earth, crowned by a ruined castle.Around Duenas are seen a multitude of caves scooped in the high banks and secured with strong doors.These are cellars, in which is deposited the wine, of which abundance is grown in the neighbourhood, and which is chiefly sold to the Navarrese and the mountaineers of Santander, who arrive in cars drawn by oxen, and convey it away in large quantities.We put up at a mean posada in the suburb for the purpose of refreshing our horses.Several cavalry soldiers were quartered there, who instantly came forth, and began, with the eyes of connoisseurs, to inspect my Andalusian entero."A capital horse that would be for our troop," said the corporal; "what a chest he has.By what right do you travel with that horse, Senor, when so many are wanted for the Queen's service? He belongs to the requiso." "I travel with him by right of purchase, and being an Englishman," I replied."Oh, your worship is an Englishman," answered the corporal; "that, indeed, alters the matter; the English in Spain are allowed to do what they please with their own, which is more than the Spaniards are.

Cavalier, I have seen your countrymen in the Basque provinces;Vaya, what riders! what horses! They do not fight badly either.But their chief skill is in riding: I have seen them dash over barrancos to get at the factious, who thought themselves quite secure, and then they would fall upon them on a sudden and kill them to a man.In truth, your worship, this is a fine horse, I must look at his teeth."I looked at the corporal - his nose and eyes were in the horse's mouth: the rest of the party, who might amount to six or seven, were not less busily engaged.One was examining his forefeet, another his hind; one fellow was pulling at his tail with all his might, while another pinched the windpipe, for the purpose of discovering whether the animal was at all touched there.At last perceiving that the corporal was about to remove the saddle that he might examine the back of the animal, I exclaimed:-"Stay, ye chabes of Egypt, ye forget that ye are hundunares, and are no longer paruguing grastes in the chardy."The corporal at these words turned his face full upon me, and so did all the rest.Yes, sure enough, there were the countenances of Egypt, and the fixed filmy stare of eye.We continued looking at each other for a minute at least, when the corporal, a villainous-looking fellow, at last said, in the richest gypsy whine imaginable, "the erray know us, the poor Calore! And he an Englishman! Bullati! I should not have thought that there was e'er a Busno would know us in these parts, where Gitanos are never seen.Yes, your worship is right; we are all here of the blood of the Calore; we are from Melegrana (Granada), your worship; they took us from thence and sent us to the wars.Your worship is right, the sight of that horse made us believe we were at home again in the mercado of Granada; he is a countryman of ours, a real Andalou.Por dios, your worship, sell us that horse; we are poor Calore, but we can buy him.""You forget that you are soldiers," said I."How should you buy my horse?""We are soldiers, your worship," said the corporal, "but we are still Calore; we buy and sell bestis; the captain of our troop is in league with us.We have been to the wars, but not to fight; we left that to the Busne.We have kept together, and like true Calore, have stood back to back.We have made money in the wars, your worship.NO TENGA USTED CUIDAO (be under no apprehension).We can buy your horse."Here he pulled out a purse, which contained at least ten ounces of gold.

"If I were willing to sell," I replied, "what would you give me for that horse?""Then your worship wishes to sell your horse - that alters the matter.We will give ten dollars for your worship's horse.He is good for nothing.""How is this?" said I."You this moment told me he was a fine horse - an Andalusian, and a countryman of yours.""No, Senor! we did not say that he was an Andalou.We said he was an Estremou, and the worst of his kind.He is eighteen years old, your worship, short-winded and galled.""I do not wish to sell my horse," said I; "quite the contrary; I had rather buy than sell.""Your worship does not wish to sell your horse," said the Gypsy."Stay, your worship, we will give sixty dollars for your worship's horse.""I would not sell him for two hundred and sixty.Meclis!

Meclis! say no more.I know your Gypsy tricks.I will have no dealings with you.""Did I not hear your worship say that you wished to buy a horse?" said the Gypsy.

"I do not want to buy a horse," said I; "if I need any thing, it is a pony to carry our baggage; but it is getting late.Antonio, pay the reckoning.""Stay, your worship, do not be in a hurry," said the Gypsy: "I have got the very pony which will suit you."Without waiting for my answer, he hurried into the stable, from whence he presently returned, leading an animal by a halter.It was a pony of about thirteen hands high, of a dark red colour; it was very much galled all over, the marks of ropes and thongs being visible on its hide.The figure, however, was good, and there was an extraordinary brightness in its eye.

"There, your worship," said the Gypsy; "there is the best pony in all Spain.""What do you mean by showing me this wretched creature?"said I.

"This wretched creature," said the Gypsy, "is a better horse than your Andalou!""Perhaps you would not exchange," said I, smiling.

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