

Aileen pulled him out, and carried him in to mother, telling her that he was the bravest little chap in the world; and I remember I got scolded for not going to help him.How these little things come back!

`I'm beginning to be afraid,' says George, one evening, `that it's going to be a dry season.'

`There's plenty of time yet,' says Jim, who always took the bright side of things; `it might rain towards the end of the month.'

`I was thinking the same thing,' I said.`We haven't had any rain to speak of for a couple of months, and that bit of wheat of ours is beginning to go back.

The oats look better.'

`Now I think of it,' put in Jim, `Dick Dawson came in from outside, and he said things are shocking bad; all the frontage bare already, and the water drying up.'

`It's always the way,' I said, bitter-like.`As soon as a poor man's got a chance of a decent crop, the season turns against him or prices go down, so that he never gets a chance.'

`It's as bad for the rich man, isn't it?' said George.`It's God's will, and we can't make or mend things by complaining.'

`I don't know so much about that,' I said sullenly.`But it's not as bad for the rich man.Even if the squatters suffer by a drought and lose their stock, they've more stock and money in the bank, or else credit to fall back on; while the like of us lose all we have in the world, and no one would lend us a pound afterwards to save our lives.'

`It's not quite so bad as that,' said George.`I shall lose my year's work unless rain comes, and most of the cattle and horses besides;but I shall be able to get a few pounds to go on with, however the season goes.'

`Oh! if you like to bow and scrape to rich people, well and good,' I said;`but that's not my way.We have as good a right to our share of the land and some other good things as they have, and why should we be done out of it?'

`If we pay for the land as they do, certainly,' said George.

`But why should we pay? God Almighty, I suppose, made the land and the people too, one to live on the other.Why should we pay for what is our own? I believe in getting my share somehow.'

`That's a sort of argument that doesn't come out right,' said George.

`How would you like another man to come and want to halve the farm with you?'

`I shouldn't mind; I should go halves with some one else who had a bigger one,' I said.`More money too, more horses, more sheep, a bigger house! Why should he have it and not me?'

`That's a lazy man's argument, and -- well, not an honest man's,' said George, getting up and putting on his cabbage-tree.`I can't sit and hear you talk such rot.Nobody can work better than you and Jim, when you like.

I wonder you don't leave such talk to fellows like Frowser, that's always spouting at the Shearers' Arms.'

`Nonsense or not, if a dry season comes and knocks all our work over, I shall help myself to some one's stuff that has more than he knows what to do with.'

`Why can't we all go shearing, and make as much as will keep us for six months?' said George.`I don't know what we'd do without the squatters.'

`Nor I either; more ways than one; but Jim and I are going shearing next week.

So perhaps there won't be any need for "duffing" after all.'

`Oh, Dick!' said Aileen, `I can't bear to hear you make a joke of that kind of thing.Don't we all know what it leads to!

Wouldn't it be better to live on dry bread and be honest than to be full of money and never know the day when you'd be dragged to gaol?'

`I've heard all that before; but ain't there lots of people that have made their money by all sorts of villainy, that look as well as the best, and never see a gaol?'

`They're always caught some day,' says poor Aileen, sobbing, `and what a dreadful life of anxiety they must lead!'

`Not at all,' I said.`Look at Lucksly, Squeezer, and Frying-pan Jack.

Everybody knows how they got their stock and their money.

See how they live.They've got stations, and public-house and town property, and they get richer every year.I don't think it pays to be too honest in a dry country.'

`You're a naughty boy, Dick; isn't he, Jim?' she said, smiling through her tears.`But he doesn't mean half what he says, does he?'

`Not he,' says Jim; `and very likely we'll have lots of rain after all.'

  • Padre Ignacio

    Padre Ignacio

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