


Evening had set in. The card-table had been arranged, and Leberecht had rolled his master to it, taking his place behind his chair. The hour of whist the general impatiently awaited the entire day, and it was regularly observed. Even in the contract with his adopted son it had been expressly mentioned as a duty, that he should not only secure to them yearly income, but also devote an hour to cards every evening.

Herr Ebenstreit regarded it as a tax, which he must observe until married. The general was much his superior at cards, and, moreover, played the dummy, and the stake being high, it was quite an income for the future father-in-law, and regarded by him as the one bright spot in his daily life.

The cards had been dealt, and Leberecht had assorted the general's, and placed them in his gouty hand, when Trude entered, exultingly.

"What has happened? What makes you interrupt us?" cried the general.

"Did you not remember that I have told you always not to disturb us at this hour.""Yes, general, but I thought good news was never amiss.""What have you pleasant to tell us?" harshly demanded Frau von Werrig.

"My young lady's compliments," cried Trude, triumphantly; "she begins to see that she must yield to her fate, and that it will do no good to resist any longer. She will be ready for the ceremony at eleven o'clock to-morrow morning."The general uttered a cry of joy, and struck the table so violently, with his hand, that the cards were thrown together.

His wife bowed dignifiedly, and the happy bridegroom gave old Trude some gold-pieces upon the favorable news.

"Has she, then, been converted by your persuasion?" he asked.

"Through my persuasion and her own good sense. She understands that, if she cannot marry her dear Moritz, Herr Ebenstreit is the most fit husband, because he loves her, and is so generous to her old parents. One thing she would like an answer to--can I accompany her to her new home?""Yes, old woman, it will be very agreeable to have so sensible a person," said Ebenstreit. "Tell Marie that it gives me pleasure to fulfil her wish.""In that case I would repeat that Fraulein begs for indulgence and forbearance until to-morrow, and would like to remain alone to compose herself.""I do not wish, in the least, to see her," said her mother; "she can do what she likes until then.""I will tell Marie, and she will rejoice," cried Trude.

"Tell her, from her father, that it is very agreeable to him not to see her pale, wretched-looking face again till morning.--Now, my son, pay attention, and you, Trude, do not presume to interrupt us again. Leberecht, play out my ace of hearts."The latter, with his eyes cast down, and with a perfectly indifferent manner, played the card indicated, and Trude left the room quietly and unobserved.

"Every thing is arranged, my child," said Trude, as she re-entered Marie's room. "They are playing cards, which always lasts two hours, then Herr Ebenstreit goes away, and the family will go to bed. You have eighteen hours, before you will be discovered. Hark! it strikes seven, and it is already quite dark. When the post-horn sounds, then it is time.""Oh, Trude! my dear mother, my heart almost ceases to beat, with anxiety, and I quake with fear," sighed Marie. "I am conscious that I have commenced a fearful undertaking!""They have driven you to it--it is not your fault," said Trude, consolingly. "Every human being is free to work out his own good or bad fortune, and, as our dear Old Fritz says, 'to be happy in the future world in his own way.' They have sold you for money, and you only prove to them that you are no slave.""And I prove also that I am a disobedient daughter," added Marie, trembling. "At this hour, it weighs like a heavy burden upon my heart, and the words of Holy Writ burn into my very soul--'Honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee.'""You have honored them all your life," said Trude, solemnly; "I can witness it before God and man. You have worked for them without thanks or love, receiving only contempt. It is also written, 'Thou shalt leave father and mother, and cleave unto thy husband.' You still follow the commands of God, and may it bring you happiness and blessing. My prayers and thoughts go with you, my child! a mother could not love her offspring more tenderly than I do you.""No mother could more tenderly and faithfully care for her than you have for me, Trude," cried Marie, pressing her lovingly to her breast. "Through you alone is my rescue possible, for you give us the money to undertake the long journey.""Not I," she laughed; "it is Herr Ebenstreit, and that makes it the more amusing; the wicked always set the traps into which they fall themselves." Suddenly the loud, quivering tones of the post-horn were heard, "Es ritten drei Reiter zum Thore hinaus.""He has come!" cried Marie, and her face beamed with delight. "He calls me! I am coming!--Farewell, dear, peaceful room, where I have so toiled, wept, and suffered! I shall never see thee again! My beloved calls me, and I go to follow him even unto death! Pardon me, O God! Thou seest that I cannot do otherwise! They would force me to perjury, and I dare not break my oath! I cannot forsake him whom Ilove!--When they curse me, Trude, kneel, and implor God to bless me, who is the Father of love! My conscience does not reproach me. Ihave worked for them when they needed it; now their adopted son, to whom they have sold their name, allows them a yearly rent, and I can work for myself.""Hark! there is the post-horn again, you must go," murmured Trude, struggling to force back her tears.

"Bless me, mother," implored Marie, kneeling.

"God's blessing go with you," she said, laying her hands upon her head, "and may it render of no avail the curses of men, but permit you to walk in love and happiness!""Amen, amen!" sighed Marie, "now farewell, dear mother, farewell!"Marie rose, and kissing Trude again, flitted down the stairs, and out of the house, Trude following, holding her breath and listening in fearful excitement.

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  • Soldier, Brother, Sorcerer (Of Crowns and Glory—Bo

    Soldier, Brother, Sorcerer (Of Crowns and Glory—Bo

    "Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons).SOLDIER, BROTHER, SORCERER is book #5 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1).
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