

"Yes, I think it well," said the king, "that the prince should learn not to throw money out of the window. I will send you, monthly, for the prince, two Fredericks d'or, and, before you hand it over to him, change it into small pieces, that there may be a great pile of it." [Footnote: The king's own words--See "Confidential Letters."]

Just at that moment the prince tried to seize the battle door. Herr Behnisch felt the movement, and was on the point of turning around, when Frederick stopped him, by saying, "I believe it is time to commence a regular course of instruction for the prince. At eight years of age the education of an heir to the throne must progress rapidly, and be regulated by fixed principles. I will write out my instructions, that you may always have them before you.""It will be my most earnest endeavor to follow your majesty's commands to the letter," answered the tutor, who saw not the little prince, with beaming face, behind him, swinging the battledoor high in the air.

"I am about to enter upon a new war; no one knows if he will ever return from a campaign. I dare not spare my life, when the honor and fame of my house are at stake. Our life and death, however, are in God's hands. Before we risk our lives, we should put every thing in order, and leave nothing undone which it is our duty to do. I will write my instructions to-day, and send them to you. Promise me, upon your word of honor as a man, that you will act upon them, as long as you are tutor to Prince Frederick William, even if I should not return from the campaign.""I promise it to your majesty," answered the tutor. "I will, in all things, according to the best of my ability, follow your majesty's instructions.""I believe you; I take you to be an honorable man," said the king.

"You will always be mindful of the great responsibility which rests upon you, as you have a prince to educate who will one day govern a kingdom, and upon whom the weal and woe of many millions are dependent. And when those millions of men one day bless the king whom you have educated, a part of the blessing will fall upon you;but when they curse him, so falls the curse likewise upon your guilty head, and you will feel the weight of it, though you may be in your grave!. Be mindful of this, and act accordingly. Now you may depart. I will write the instructions immediately, so that you may receive them to-day."Herr Behnisch bowed, backing out toward the door.

"One thing more," cried the king, motioning with his Staff to the tutor. "In order that you may ever remember our interview, I will present you with a souvenir."He opened the drawer of his private writing-table, and took out a gold snuff-box, with his initials set in brilliants upon the cover;handing it to Herr Behnisch, he motioned him to retire, and thus spare him the expression of his gratitude.

"Your majesty," stammered Herr Behnisch, with tears in his eyes, "I--""You are an honest man, and so long as you remain so, you can count upon me. Adieu!--Now," said the king, as the door closed, "have you recovered the plaything?""Here it is, your majesty," shouted the prince, as he held up triumphantly the battledoor and shuttlecock high in the air.

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