

"A count, a duke, a marquis? I don't know anything about that, I don't know who is and who is not.But I say I am noble.

I don't exactly know what you mean by it, but it's a fine word and a fine idea; I put in a claim to it.""But what have you to show, my dear fellow, what proofs?""Anything you please! But you don't suppose I am going to undertake to prove that I am noble.It is for you to prove the contrary.""That's easily done.You have manufactured wash-tubs."Newman stared a moment."Therefore I am not noble? I don't see it.

Tell me something I have NOT done--something I cannot do.""You cannot marry a woman like Madame de Cintre for the asking.""I believe you mean," said Newman slowly, "that I am not good enough.""Brutally speaking--yes!"

Bellegarde had hesitated a moment, and while he hesitated Newman's attentive glance had grown somewhat eager.

In answer to these last words he for a moment said nothing.

He simply blushed a little.Then he raised his eyes to the ceiling and stood looking at one of the rosy cherubs that was painted upon it.

"Of course I don't expect to marry any woman for the asking,"he said at last; "I expect first to make myself acceptable to her.

She must like me, to begin with.But that I am not good enough to make a trial is rather a surprise."Bellegarde wore a look of mingled perplexity, sympathy, and amusement.

"You should not hesitate, then, to go up to-morrow and ask a duchess to marry you?""Not if I thought she would suit me.But I am very fastidious;she might not at all."

Bellegarde's amusement began to prevail."And you should be surprised if she refused you?"Newman hesitated a moment."It sounds conceited to say yes, but nevertheless I think I should.For I should make a very handsome offer.""What would it be?"

"Everything she wishes.If I get hold of a woman that comes up to my standard, I shall think nothing too good for her.

I have been a long time looking, and I find such women are rare.

To combine the qualities I require seems to be difficult, but when the difficulty is vanquished it deserves a reward.

My wife shall have a good position, and I'm not afraid to say that I shall be a good husband.""And these qualities that you require--what are they?""Goodness, beauty, intelligence, a fine education, personal elegance--everything, in a word, that makes a splendid woman.""And noble birth, evidently," said Bellegarde.

"Oh, throw that in, by all means, if it's there.

The more the better!"

"And my sister seems to you to have all these things?""She is exactly what I have been looking for.She is my dream realized.""And you would make her a very good husband?""That is what I wanted you to tell her."

Bellegarde laid his hand on his companion's arm a moment, looked at him with his head on one side, from head to foot, and then, with a loud laugh, and shaking the other hand in the air, turned away.He walked again the length of the room, and again he came back and stationed himself in front of Newman."All this is very interesting--it is very curious.

In what I said just now I was speaking, not for myself, but for my tradition, my superstitions.For myself, really, your proposal tickles me.

It startled me at first, but the more I think of it the more I see in it.

It's no use attempting to explain anything; you won't understand me.

After all, I don't see why you need; it's no great loss.""Oh, if there is anything more to explain, try it! I want to proceed with my eyes open.I will do my best to understand.""No," said Bellegarde, "it's disagreeable to me; I give it up.

I liked you the first time I saw you, and I will abide by that.

It would be quite odious for me to come talking to you as if I could patronize you.I have told you before that I envy you; vous m'imposez, as we say.I didn't know you much until within five minutes.

So we will let things go, and I will say nothing to you that, if our positions were reversed, you would not say to me."I do not know whether in renouncing the mysterious opportunity to which he alluded, Bellegarde felt that he was doing something very generous.

If so, he was not rewarded; his generosity was not appreciated.

Newman quite failed to recognize the young Frenchman's power to wound his feelings, and he had now no sense of escaping or coming off easily.

He did not thank his companion even with a glance."My eyes are open, though," he said, "so far as that you have practically told me that your family and your friends will turn up their noses at me.

I have never thought much about the reasons that make it proper for people to turn up their noses, and so I can only decide the question off-hand.Looking at it in that way I can't see anything in it.

I simply think, if you want to know, that I'm as good as the best.

Who the best are, I don't pretend to say.I have never thought much about that either.To tell the truth, I have always had rather a good opinion of myself; a man who is successful can't help it.

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