

It was an intensely Western story, and it dealt with enterprises which it will be needless to introduce to the reader in detail.

Newman had come out of the war with a brevet of brigadier-general, an honor which in this case--without invidious comparisons--had lighted upon shoulders amply competent to bear it.But though he could manage a fight, when need was, Newman heartily disliked the business; his four years in the army had left him with an angry, bitter sense of the waste of precious things--life and time and money and "smartness" and the early freshness of purpose; and he had addressed himself to the pursuits of peace with passionate zest and energy.

He was of course as penniless when he plucked off his shoulder-straps as when he put them on, and the only capital at his disposal was his dogged resolution and his lively perception of ends and means.

Exertion and action were as natural to him as respiration; a more completely healthy mortal had never trod the elastic soil of the West.

His experience, moreover, was as wide as his capacity; when he was fourteen years old, necessity had taken him by his slim young shoulders and pushed him into the street, to earn that night's supper.

He had not earned it but he had earned the next night's, and afterwards, whenever he had had none, it was because he had gone without it to use the money for something else, a keener pleasure or a finer profit.

He had turned his hand, with his brain in it, to many things;he had been enterprising, in an eminent sense of the term; he had been adventurous and even reckless, and he had known bitter failure as well as brilliant success; but he was a born experimentalist, and he had always found something to enjoy in the pressure of necessity, even when it was as irritating as the haircloth shirt of the mediaeval monk.

At one time failure seemed inexorably his portion; ill-luck became his bed-fellow, and whatever he touched he turned, not to gold, but to ashes.

His most vivid conception of a supernatural element in the world's affairs had come to him once when this pertinacity of misfortune was at its climax;there seemed to him something stronger in life than his own will.

But the mysterious something could only be the devil, and he was accordingly seized with an intense personal enmity to this impertinent force.

He had known what it was to have utterly exhausted his credit, to be unable to raise a dollar, and to find himself at nightfall in a strange city, without a penny to mitigate its strangeness.

It was under these circumstances that he made his entrance into San Francisco, the scene, subsequently, of his happiest strokes of fortune.If he did not, like Dr.Franklin in Philadelphia, march along the street munching a penny-loaf, it was only because he had not the penny-loaf necessary to the performance.

In his darkest days he had had but one simple, practical impulse--the desire, as he would have phrased it, to see the thing through.

He did so at last, buffeted his way into smooth waters, and made money largely.It must be admitted, rather nakedly, that Christopher Newman's sole aim in life had been to make money;what he had been placed in the world for was, to his own perception, simply to wrest a fortune, the bigger the better, from defiant opportunity.

This idea completely filled his horizon and satisfied his imagination.

Upon the uses of money, upon what one might do with a life into which one had succeeded in injecting the golden stream, he had up to his thirty-fifth year very scantily reflected.

Life had been for him an open game, and he had played for high stakes.

He had won at last and carried off his winnings; and now what was he to do with them? He was a man to whom, sooner or later, the question was sure to present itself, and the answer to it belongs to our story.

A vague sense that more answers were possible than his philosophy had hitherto dreamt of had already taken possession of him, and it seemed softly and agreeably to deepen as he lounged in this brilliant corner of Paris with his friend.

"I must confess," he presently went on, "that here I don't feel at all smart.

My remarkable talents seem of no use.I feel as simple as a little child, and a little child might take me by the hand and lead me about.""Oh, I'll be your little child," said Tristram, jovially; "I'll take you by the hand.Trust yourself to me""I am a good worker," Newman continued, "but I rather think I am a poor loafer.I have come abroad to amuse myself, but I doubt whether I know how.""Oh, that's easily learned."

"Well, I may perhaps learn it, but I am afraid I shall never do it by rote.

I have the best will in the world about it, but my genius doesn't lie in that direction.As a loafer I shall never be original, as I take it that you are.""Yes," said Tristram, "I suppose I am original; like all those immoral pictures in the Louvre.""Besides," Newman continued, "I don't want to work at pleasure, any more than I played at work.I want to take it easily.

I feel deliciously lazy, and I should like to spend six months as I am now, sitting under a tree and listening to a band.

There's only one thing; I want to hear some good music.""Music and pictures! Lord, what refined tastes!

You are what my wife calls intellectual.I ain't, a bit.

But we can find something better for you to do than to sit under a tree.To begin with, you must come to the club.""What club?"

"The Occidental.You will see all the Americans there;all the best of them, at least.Of course you play poker?""Oh, I say," cried Newman, with energy, "you are not going to lock me up in a club and stick me down at a card-table! I haven't come all this way for that.""What the deuce HAVE you come for! You were glad enough to play poker in St.Louis, I recollect, when you cleaned me out.""I have come to see Europe, to get the best out of it I can.

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  • 海明威文集


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    一个天生没有灵根,被所谓“仙人”断定无法修炼的农家少女,无意中获得了一只奇异的纹叶雕花翡翠碧玉钗…… 从而获得了罕见的冰灵根,血液更是化成紫色,拥有了提升炼丹百分之百成功率的逆天神效…… 在无限的星空里,探索长生的奥妙,冰封万里,冰河咆哮,成就冰之极致。 这里有正统的修仙,也有很萌很有趣的黄金小兽,进来看看吧,您一定不会失望!
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