

"Why, that's rather shabby," said Newman."You shouldn't drop your friends that way.Besides, the last time you came to see me I thought you particularly jolly.""Yes, I remember," said M.Nioche, musingly; "I was in a fever.

I didn't know what I said, what I did.It was delirium.""Ah, well, you are quieter now."

M.Nioche was silent a moment."As quiet as the grave,"he whispered softly.

"Are you very unhappy?"

M.Nioche rubbed his forehead slowly, and even pushed back his wig a little, looking askance at his empty glass."Yes--yes.

But that's an old story.I have always been unhappy.My daughter does what she will with me.I take what she gives me, good or bad.

I have no spirit, and when you have no spirit you must keep quiet.

I shan't trouble you any more."

"Well," said Newman, rather disgusted at the smooth operation of the old man's philosophy, "that's as you please."M.Nioche seemed to have been prepared to be despised but nevertheless he made a feeble movement of appeal from Newman's faint praise.

"After all," he said, "she is my daughter, and I can still look after her.

If she will do wrong, why she will.But there are many different paths, there are degrees.I can give her the benefit--give her the benefit"--and M.Nioche paused, staring vaguely at Newman, who began to suspect that his brain had softened--"the benefit of my experience,"M.Nioche added.

"Your experience?" inquired Newman, both amused and amazed.

"My experience of business," said M.Nioche, gravely.

"Ah, yes," said Newman, laughing, "that will be a great advantage to her!"And then he said good-by, and offered the poor, foolish old man his hand.

M.Nioche took it and leaned back against the wall, holding it a moment and looking up at him."I suppose you think my wits are going,"he said."Very likely; I have always a pain in my head.

That's why I can't explain, I can't tell you.And she's so strong, she makes me walk as she will, anywhere! But there's this--there's this." And he stopped, still staring up at Newman.

His little white eyes expanded and glittered for a moment like those of a cat in the dark."It's not as it seems.

I haven't forgiven her.Oh, no!"

"That's right; don't," said Newman."She's a bad case.""It's horrible, it's horrible," said M.Nioche; "but do you want to know the truth? I hate her! I take what she gives me, and I hate her more.To-day she brought me three hundred francs;they are here in my waistcoat pocket.Now I hate her almost cruelly.

No, I haven't forgiven her."

"Why did you accept the money?" Newman asked.

"If I hadn't," said M.Nioche, "I should have hated her still more.

That's what misery is.No, I haven't forgiven her.""Take care you don't hurt her!" said Newman, laughing again.

And with this he took his leave.As he passed along the glazed side of the cafe, on reaching the street, he saw the old man motioning the waiter, with a melancholy gesture, to replenish his glass.

One day, a week after his visit to the Cafe de la Patrie, he called upon Valentin de Bellegarde, and by good fortune found him at home.

Newman spoke of his interview with M.Nioche and his daughter, and said he was afraid Valentin had judged the old man correctly.

He had found the couple hobnobbing together in all amity;the old gentleman's rigor was purely theoretic.Newman confessed that he was disappointed; he should have expected to see M.Nioche take high ground.

"High ground, my dear fellow," said Valentin, laughing; "there is no high ground for him to take.The only perceptible eminence in M.Nioche's horizon is Montmartre, which is not an edifying quarter.

You can't go mountaineering in a flat country.""He remarked, indeed," said Newman, "that he has not forgiven her.

But she'll never find it out."

"We must do him the justice to suppose he doesn't like the thing,"Valentin rejoined."Mademoiselle Nioche is like the great artists whose biographies we read, who at the beginning of their career have suffered opposition in the domestic circle.Their vocation has not been recognized by their families, but the world has done it justice.

Mademoiselle Nioche has a vocation."

"Oh, come," said Newman, impatiently, "you take the little baggage too seriously.""I know I do; but when one has nothing to think about, one must think of little baggages.I suppose it is better to be serious about light things than not to be serious at all.

This little baggage entertains me."

"Oh, she has discovered that.She knows you have been hunting her up and asking questions about her.She is very much tickled by it.

That's rather annoying."

"Annoying, my dear fellow," laughed Valentin; "not the least!""Hanged if I should want to have a greedy little adventuress like that know I was giving myself such pains about her!" said Newman.

"A pretty woman is always worth one's pains," objected Valentin.

"Mademoiselle Nioche is welcome to be tickled by my curiosity, and to know that I am tickled that she is tickled.

She is not so much tickled, by the way."

"You had better go and tell her," Newman rejoined.

"She gave me a message for you of some such drift.""Bless your quiet imagination," said Valentin, "I have been to see her--three times in five days.She is a charming hostess; we talk of Shakespeare and the musical glasses.She is extremely clever and a very curious type; not at all coarse or wanting to be coarse;determined not to be.She means to take very good care of herself.

She is extremely perfect; she is as hard and clear-cut as some little figure of a sea-nymph in an antique intaglio, and I will warrant that she has not a grain more of sentiment or heart than if she was scooped out of a big amethyst.You can't scratch her even with a diamond.

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    立志改变命运之人不可不读的成功箴言。不甘平庸之人调整心态的最佳 珍藏读物。 平庸与伟大的秘密:我们生存的这个社会就好比战场或是棋局,我们在 这个社会上的生存就好比战争或是对弈。其间,谁的目光更远,谁能多看几 步,谁就将笑到最后。 人生就是要立大志:如果你还因为人生犹豫不决的选择而苦恼,那么, 基于使命的选择就是你最正确的选择。这是伟大人物告诉我们的秘密。成功从做小事开始:天才人物并不是天生的强者,他们的竞争意识与自 我创新力并非与生俱来,而是后天的奋斗逐渐形成。 远离人生的泥淖:来回摇摆的人永远都不可能成功的。
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