

Padua.Before BAPTISTA'S house.Enter TRANIO and HORTENSIO TRANIO Is't possible, friend Licio, that Mistress Bianca Doth fancy any other but Lucentio?

I tell you, sir, she bears me fair in hand.HORTENSIO Sir, to satisfy you in what I have said, Stand by and mark the manner of his teaching.

Enter BIANCA and LUCENTIO LUCENTIO Now, mistress, profit you in what you read? BIANCA What, master, read you? first resolve me that.LUCENTIO I read that I profess, the Art to Love.BIANCA And may you prove, sir, master of your art! LUCENTIO While you, sweet dear, prove mistress of my heart! HORTENSIO Quick proceeders, marry! Now, tell me, I pray, You that durst swear at your mistress Bianca Loved none in the world so well as Lucentio.TRANIO O despiteful love! unconstant womankind!

I tell thee, Licio, this is wonderful.HORTENSIO Mistake no more: I am not Licio, Nor a musician, as I seem to be;But one that scorn to live in this disguise, For such a one as leaves a gentleman, And makes a god of such a cullion:

Know, sir, that I am call'd Hortensio.TRANIO Signior Hortensio, I have often heard Of your entire affection to Bianca;And since mine eyes are witness of her lightness, I will with you, if you be so contented, Forswear Bianca and her love for ever.HORTENSIO See, how they kiss and court! Signior Lucentio, Here is my hand, and here I firmly vow Never to woo her no more, but do forswear her, As one unworthy all the former favours That I have fondly flatter'd her withal.TRANIO And here I take the unfeigned oath, Never to marry with her though she would entreat:

Fie on her! see, how beastly she doth court him! HORTENSIO Would all the world but he had quite forsworn!

For me, that I may surely keep mine oath, I will be married to a wealthy widow, Ere three days pass, which hath as long loved me As I have loved this proud disdainful haggard.

And so farewell, Signior Lucentio.

Kindness in women, not their beauteous looks, Shall win my love: and so I take my leave, In resolution as I swore before.

Exit TRANIO Mistress Bianca, bless you with such grace As 'longeth to a lover's blessed case!

Nay, I have ta'en you napping, gentle love, And have forsworn you with Hortensio.BIANCA Tranio, you jest: but have you both forsworn me? TRANIO Mistress, we have.LUCENTIO Then we are rid of Licio.TRANIO I' faith, he'll have a lusty widow now, That shall be wood and wedded in a day.BIANCA God give him joy! TRANIO Ay, and he'll tame her.BIANCA He says so, Tranio.TRANIO Faith, he is gone unto the taming-school.BIANCA The taming-school! what, is there such a place? TRANIO Ay, mistress, and Petruchio is the master;That teacheth tricks eleven and twenty long, To tame a shrew and charm her chattering tongue.

Enter BIONDELLO BIONDELLO O master, master, I have watch'd so long That I am dog-weary: but at last I spied An ancient angel coming down the hill, Will serve the turn.TRANIO What is he, Biondello? BIONDELLO Master, a mercatante, or a pedant, I know not what; but format in apparel, In gait and countenance surely like a father.LUCENTIO And what of him, Tranio? TRANIO If he be credulous and trust my tale, I'll make him glad to seem Vincentio, And give assurance to Baptista Minola, As if he were the right Vincentio Take in your love, and then let me alone.


Enter a Pedant Pedant God save you, sir! TRANIO And you, sir! you are welcome.

Travel you far on, or are you at the farthest? Pedant Sir, at the farthest for a week or two:

But then up farther, and as for as Rome;

And so to Tripoli, if God lend me life.TRANIO What countryman, I pray? Pedant Of Mantua.TRANIO Of Mantua, sir? marry, God forbid!

And come to Padua, careless of your life? Pedant My life, sir! how, I pray? for that goes hard.TRANIO 'Tis death for any one in Mantua To come to Padua.Know you not the cause?

Your ships are stay'd at Venice, and the duke, For private quarrel 'twixt your duke and him, Hath publish'd and proclaim'd it openly:

'Tis, marvel, but that you are but newly come, You might have heard it else proclaim'd about.Pedant Alas! sir, it is worse for me than so;For I have bills for money by exchange From Florence and must here deliver them.TRANIO Well, sir, to do you courtesy, This will I do, and this I will advise you:

First, tell me, have you ever been at Pisa? Pedant Ay, sir, in Pisa have I often been, Pisa renowned for grave citizens.TRANIO Among them know you one Vincentio? Pedant I know him not, but I have heard of him;A merchant of incomparable wealth.TRANIO He is my father, sir; and, sooth to say, In countenance somewhat doth resemble you.BIONDELLO [Aside] As much as an apple doth an oyster, and all one.TRANIO To save your life in this extremity, This favour will I do you for his sake;And think it not the worst of an your fortunes That you are like to Sir Vincentio.

His name and credit shall you undertake, And in my house you shall be friendly lodged:

Look that you take upon you as you should;You understand me, sir: so shall you stay Till you have done your business in the city:

If this be courtesy, sir, accept of it.Pedant O sir, I do; and will repute you ever The patron of my life and liberty.TRANIO Then go with me to make the matter good.

This, by the way, I let you understand;

my father is here look'd for every day, To pass assurance of a dower in marriage 'Twixt me and one Baptista's daughter here:

In all these circumstances I'll instruct you:

Go with me to clothe you as becomes you.


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