

Why, what, i' devil's name, tailor, call'st thou this? HORTENSIO [Aside] I see she's like to have neither cap nor gown.Tailor You bid me make it orderly and well, According to the fashion and the time.PETRUCHIO Marry, and did; but if you be remember'd, I did not bid you mar it to the time.

Go, hop me over every kennel home, For you shall hop without my custom, sir:

I'll none of it: hence! make your best of it.KATHARINA I never saw a better-fashion'd gown, More quaint, more pleasing, nor more commendable:

Belike you mean to make a puppet of me.PETRUCHIO Why, true; he means to make a puppet of thee.Tailor She says your worship means to make a puppet of her.PETRUCHIO O monstrous arrogance! Thou liest, thou thread, thou thimble, Thou yard, three-quarters, half-yard, quarter, nail!

Thou flea, thou nit, thou winter-cricket thou!

Braved in mine own house with a skein of thread?

Away, thou rag, thou quantity, thou remnant;Or I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard As thou shalt think on prating whilst thou livest!

I tell thee, I, that thou hast marr'd her gown.Tailor Your worship is deceived; the gown is made Just as my master had direction:

Grumio gave order how it should be done.GRUMIO I gave him no order; I gave him the stuff.Tailor But how did you desire it should be made? GRUMIO Marry, sir, with needle and thread.Tailor But did you not request to have it cut? GRUMIO Thou hast faced many things.Tailor I have.GRUMIO Face not me: thou hast braved many men;brave not me; I will neither be faced nor braved.I say unto thee, I bid thy master cut out the gown; but I did not bid him cut it to pieces: ergo, thou liest.Tailor Why, here is the note of the fashion to testify PETRUCHIO Read it.GRUMIO The note lies in's throat, if he say I said so.Tailor [Reads] 'Imprimis, a loose-bodied gown:' GRUMIO Master, if ever I said loose-bodied gown, sew me in the skirts of it, and beat me to death with a bottom of brown thread: I said a gown.PETRUCHIO Proceed.Tailor [Reads] 'With a small compassed cape:' GRUMIO I confess the cape.Tailor [Reads] 'With a trunk sleeve:' GRUMIO I confess two sleeves.Tailor [Reads] 'The sleeves curiously cut.' PETRUCHIO Ay, there's the villany.GRUMIO Error i' the bill, sir; error i' the bill.

I commanded the sleeves should be cut out and sewed up again; and that I'll prove upon thee, though thy little finger be armed in a thimble.Tailor This is true that I say: an I had thee in place where, thou shouldst know it.GRUMIO I am for thee straight: take thou the bill, give me thy mete-yard, and spare not me.HORTENSIO God-a-mercy, Grumio! then he shall have no odds.PETRUCHIO Well, sir, in brief, the gown is not for me.GRUMIO You are i' the right, sir: 'tis for my mistress.PETRUCHIO Go, take it up unto thy master's use.GRUMIO Villain, not for thy life: take up my mistress'

gown for thy master's use! PETRUCHIO Why, sir, what's your conceit in that? GRUMIO O, sir, the conceit is deeper than you think for:

Take up my mistress' gown to his master's use!

O, fie, fie, fie! PETRUCHIO [Aside] Hortensio, say thou wilt see the tailor paid.

Go take it hence; be gone, and say no more.HORTENSIO Tailor, I'll pay thee for thy gown tomorrow:

Take no unkindness of his hasty words:

Away! I say; commend me to thy master.

Exit Tailor PETRUCHIO Well, come, my Kate; we will unto your father's Even in these honest mean habiliments:

Our purses shall be proud, our garments poor;For 'tis the mind that makes the body rich;And as the sun breaks through the darkest clouds, So honour peereth in the meanest habit.

What is the jay more precious than the lark, Because his fathers are more beautiful?

Or is the adder better than the eel, Because his painted skin contents the eye?

O, no, good Kate; neither art thou the worse For this poor furniture and mean array.

if thou account'st it shame.lay it on me;And therefore frolic: we will hence forthwith, To feast and sport us at thy father's house.

Go, call my men, and let us straight to him;And bring our horses unto Long-lane end;

There will we mount, and thither walk on foot Let's see; I think 'tis now some seven o'clock, And well we may come there by dinner-time.KATHARINA I dare assure you, sir, 'tis almost two;And 'twill be supper-time ere you come there.PETRUCHIO It shall be seven ere I go to horse:

Look, what I speak, or do, or think to do, You are still crossing it.Sirs, let't alone:

I will not go to-day; and ere I do, It shall be what o'clock I say it is.HORTENSIO [Aside] Why, so this gallant will command the sun.


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