

Captain Obed and Thankful said, "Good evening." Neither Emily nor Heman returned the greeting.John, for the first time, appeared to notice that something was wrong.He looked from Mrs.Barnes to Captain Bangs, standing together at one side of the table, and at Daniels and Emily at the other side.Heman had moved closer to the young lady, and in his manner was a hint of confidential understanding, almost of protection.

Kendrick looked from one pair to the other.When he next spoke it was to Emily Howes.

"Why, what's the matter?" he asked, with a smile."This looks like a council of war."Emily did not smile.

"Mr.Kendrick," she said, "I am very glad you came.Now you can deny it yourself."John gazed at her in puzzled surprise.

"Deny it?" he repeated."Deny what?"

Before Miss Howes could answer Heman Daniels spoke.

"Kendrick," he said, importantly, "Miss Howes has heard something concerning you which she doesn't like to believe.""Indeed? Did she hear it from you, may I ask?""She did."

"And that is why she doesn't believe it? Daniels, I'm surprised.

Even lawyers should occasionally--"

Emily interrupted."Oh, stop!" she cried."Don't joke, please.

This is not a joking matter.If what I have been told IS true Ishould-- But I know it isn't--I KNOW it!"John bowed."Thank you," he said."What have you heard?""She has heard--" began Heman.

"Pardon me, Daniels.I asked Miss Howes."Emily began a reply, but she did not finish it.

"I have been told--" she began."I have been told-- Oh, I can't tell you! I am ashamed to repeat such wicked nonsense.Mr.

Daniels may tell you; it was he who told me."John turned to his fellow practitioner.

"Very well," he said."Now, Daniels, what is it?"Heman did not hesitate.

"Miss Howes has heard," he said, deliberately, "that your client, Mr.Holliday Kendrick, is determined to force Mrs.Barnes here into selling him this house and land, to force her to sell whether she wishes it or not.Is that true?"John nodded, gravely.

"I'm afraid it is," he said."He seems quite determined.In fact, he said he had expressed that determination to the lady herself.

He did that, didn't he, Mrs.Barnes?"

Thankful, who had been so far a perplexed and troubled listener, answered.

"Why, yes," she admitted."He was here today and he give me to understand that he wanted this property of mine and was goin' to have it.If I wouldn't agree to sell it to him now then he'd drive me into sellin' later on.That's about what he said."Captain Obed struck his fists together.

"The swab!" he exclaimed."Well, if that don't beat all my goin'

to sea! Humph! I'd like to know how he cal'lates to do it.""Anything more, Daniels?" inquired John.

"Yes, there is something more.What we want to know from you, Kendrick, is whether or not you, as his legal adviser, propose to help him in this scheme of his.That is what we wish to know.""We? What we? Has Mrs.Barnes--or Miss Howes--have they engaged you as their attorney, Daniels?"Before Daniels could reply Emily asked a question.

"Did he--has he asked you to help him?" she demanded."Has he?"John smiled."I doubt if it could be called asking," he observed.

"He gave me orders to that effect shortly after he left here."Emily gasped.Thankful and Captain Obed said, "Oh!" in concert.

Heman Daniels smiled triumphantly.

"You see, Miss Howes?" he said.

"One moment, Daniels," broke in Kendrick, sharply."You haven't answered my question yet.Just where do you come in on this?""I--I--" began Daniels, but once more Emily interrupted.

"Are you--" she cried."Tell me; are you going to help that man force my cousin into giving up her home?"Again John smiled."Well, to be frank," he said, "since it IS her home and she doesn't wish to sell it I can't for the life of me see how she can be forced into selling, with or without my valuable aid.Miss Howes, I--""Stop! You persist in treating this affair as a joke.It is NOT a joke--to my cousin, or to me.Did you tell that man you would help him?""No."

"I knew it! I was certain of it! Of course you didn't!""Pardon me, Miss Howes," put in Daniels."We have not heard all yet.Kendrick, do I understand that you told your cousin and--er--benefactor that you would NOT help him in his infamous scheme?"John's patience was nearing its limits.He smiled no more.

"I don't know what you understand, Daniels," he said, crisply.

"Your understanding in many matters is beyond me.""But did you say you would not help him?" persisted Emily.

"Why no, not exactly.He did not wait to hear what I had to say.

He seemed to take my assistance for granted."Daniels laughed scornfully.

"You see, Miss Howes?" he said again.Then, turning to Thankful:

"Mrs.Barnes, I met Mr.Holliday Kendrick on the street just after he had come from the interview with his--er--attorney.He told me that he intended to force you into giving up your property to him and he told me also that his cousin here had the case in his hands and would work to carry it through.There seemed to be no doubt in his mind that this gentleman," indicating John, "had accepted the responsibility.In fact he said he had."Captain Obed snorted."That's plaguy nonsense!" he declared."Iknow better.John ain't that kind of feller.You wouldn't help anybody to turn a woman out of her house and home, would you, John?

Course you wouldn't.The swab! Just 'cause he's got money he cal'lates he can run everything.Well, he can't.""Goodness knows I hope he can't!" moaned Thankful.

"And in the meantime we are waiting to hear what his lawyer has to say," observed Heman.

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