

--The time was that I hated thee, And yet it is not that I bear thee love.

Thy company, which erst was irksome to me, I will endure --But do not look for further recompense.

As You Like It.

Miss Isabella Wardour's complexion was considerably heightened, when, after the delay necessary to arrange her ideas, she presented herself in the drawing-room.

``I am glad you are come, my fair foe,'' said the Antiquary greeting her with much kindness, ``for I have had a most refractory, or at least negligent auditor, in my young friend here, while I endeavoured to make him acquainted with the history of Knockwinnock Castle.I think the danger of last night has mazed the poor lad.But you, Miss Isabel,--why, yon look as if flying through the night air had been your natural and most congenial occupation; your colour is even better than when you honoured my _hospitium_ yesterday.And Sir Arthur--how fares my good old friend?''

``Indifferently well, Mr.Oldbuck; but I am afraid, not quite able to receive your congratulations, or to pay--to pay--Mr.

Lovel his thanks for his unparalleled exertions.''

``I dare say not--A good down pillow for his good white head were more meet than a couch so churlish as Bessy's-apron, plague on her!''

``I had no thought of intruding,'' said Lovel, looking upon the ground, and speaking with hesitation and suppressed emotion;``I did not--did not mean to intrude upon Sir Arthur or Miss Wardour the presence of one who--who must necessarily be unwelcome--as associated, I mean, with painful reflections.''

``Do not think my father so unjust and ungrateful,'' said Miss Wardour.``I dare say,'' she continued, participating in Lovel's embarrassment--``I dare say--I am certain--that my father would be happy to show his gratitude--in any way--that is, which Mr.Lovel could consider it as proper to point out.''

``Why the deuce,'' interrupted Oldbuck, ``what sort of a qualification is that?--On my word, it reminds me of our minister, who, choosing, like a formal old fop as he is, to drink to my sister's inclinations, thought it necessary to add the saving clause, Provided, madam, they be virtuous.Come, let us have no more of this nonsense--I dare say Sir Arthur will bid us welcome on some future day.And what news from the kingdom of subterranean darkness and airy hope?--What says the swart spirit of the mine? Has Sir Arthur had any good intelligence of his adventure lately in Glen-Withershins?''

Miss Wardour shook her head--``But indifferent, I fear, Mr.

Oldbuck; but there lie some specimens which have lately been sent down.''

``Ah! my poor dear hundred pounds, which Sir Arthur persuaded me to give for a share in that hopeful scheme, would have bought a porter's load of mineralogy--But let me see them.''

And so saying, he sat down at the table in the recess, on which the mineral productions were lying, and proceeded to examine them, grumbling and pshawing at each which he took up and laid aside.

In the meantime, Lovel, forced as it were by this secession of Oldbuck, into a sort of tte-

-tte with Miss Wardour, took an opportunity of addressing her in a low and interrupted tone of voice.``I trust Miss Wardour will impute, to circumstances almost irresistible, this intrusion of a person who has reason to think himself--so unacceptable a visitor.''

``Mr.Lovel,'' answered Miss Wardour, observing the same tone of caution, ``I trust you will not--I am sure you are incapable of abusing the advantages given to you by the services you have rendered us, which, as they affect my father, can never be sufficiently acknowledged or repaid.Could Mr.Lovel see me without his own peace being affected--could he see me as a friend--as a sister--no man will be--and, from all Ihave ever heard of Mr.Lovel, ought to be, more welcome but''--Oldbuck's anathema against the preposition _but_ was internally echoed by Lovel.``Forgive me if I interrupt you, Miss Wardour;you need not fear my intruding upon a subject where Ihave been already severely repressed;--but do not add to the severity of repelling my sentiments the rigour of obliging me to disavow them.''

``I am much embarrassed, Mr.Lovel,'' replied the young lady, ``by your--I would not willingly use a strong word--your romantic and hopeless pertinacity.It is for yourself I plead, that you would consider the calls which your country has upon your talents--that you will not waste, in an idle and fanciful indulgence of an ill-placed predilection, time, which, well redeemed by active exertion, should lay the foundation of future distinction.Let me entreat that you would form a manly resolution''--``It is enough, Miss Wardour;--I see plainly that''--``Mr.Lovel, you are hurt--and, believe me, I sympathize in the pain which I inflict; but can I, in justice to myself, in fairness to you, do otherwise? Without my father's consent, Inever will entertain the addresses of any one, and how totally impossible it is that he should countenance the partiality with which you honour me, you are yourself fully aware; and, indeed''--``No, Miss Wardour,'' answered Lovel, in a tone of passionate entreaty; ``do not go farther--is it not enough to crush every hope in our present relative situation?--do not carry your resolutions farther--why urge what would be your conduct if Sir Arthur's objections could be removed?''

``It is indeed vain, Mr.Lovel,'' said Miss Wardour, ``because their removal is impossible; and I only wish, as your friend, and as one who is obliged to you for her own and her father's life, to entreat you to suppress this unfortunate attachment--to leave a country which affords no scope for your talents, and to resume the honourable line of the profession which you seem to have abandoned.''

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  • 满罐


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    以随笔的方式 ,讲述了百年北大的一些老教授的轶事,寻常生活的 点点滴滴,回顾了陕西下放生活的美好时光,国内一 些文化名人、景点的游历,以及去欧洲、俄罗斯、以 色列等国的游记。文笔优美,由于作者的独特经历, 她的所听、所见、所闻与普通人有很大的差异,她的 视角独特,反映的生活层面各种各样,特别是工作关 系,她结识了莫言、铁凝等文化名人。
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  • 帝妃侧


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  • 男人对自己狠一点,离成功近一点


    人生是洒满珍宝的荒原,大多数时候,我们都在通往目的地的路上。一路上有朋友,也有对手,更多时候,陪伴我们左右的只有自己的影子。当等不到黎明的时候,我们只能为自己充电;当冷雨来袭的时候,我们只能为自己取暖;对自己狠一点,我们才会变成马力强大的发动机,自我充电,自我发热。只有内心有了光和热,即使在最阴霾的日子,也会获得温暖和力量。对自己狠一点,如同点燃一支 火把,点燃沸腾的热血;对自己狠一点,如同你在春天里播下一颗成功的种子,总能等到金灿灿的收获季节。你准备好“狠”字当头了吗?当我们无法改变世界时,那就改变我们自己。
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