

On the one hand, the Hebrew psalms are the only religious poetry on earth; yet they contain sallies that savour rankly of the man of blood.On the other hand, Alfred de Musset had a poisoned and a contorted nature; I am only quoting that generous and frivolous giant, old Dumas, when I accuse him of a bad heart; yet, when the impulse under which he wrote was purely creative, he could give us works like CARMOSINE or FANTASIO, in which the last note of the romantic comedy seems to have been found again to touch and please us.When Flaubert wrote MADAME BOVARY, I believe he thought chiefly of a somewhat morbid realism; and behold! the book turned in his hands into a masterpiece of appalling morality.But the truth is, when books are conceived under a great stress, with a soul of ninefold power, nine times heated and electrified by effort, the conditions of our being are seized with such an ample grasp, that, even should the main design be trivial or base, some truth and beauty cannot fail to be expressed.

Out of the strong comes forth sweetness; but an ill thing poorly done is an ill thing top and bottom.And so this can be no encouragement to knock-kneed, feeble-wristed scribes, who must take their business conscientiously or be ashamed to practise it.

Man is imperfect; yet, in his literature, he must express himself and his own views and preferences; for to do anything else is to do a far more perilous thing than to risk being immoral: it is to be sure of being untrue.To ape a sentiment, even a good one, is to travesty a sentiment; that will not be helpful.To conceal a sentiment, if you are sure you hold it, is to take a liberty with truth.There is probably no point of view possible to a sane man but contains some truth and, in the true connection, might be profitable to the race.I am not afraid of the truth, if any one could tell it me, but I am afraid of parts of it impertinently uttered.There is a time to dance and a time to mourn; to be harsh as well as to be sentimental; to be ascetic as well as to glorify the appetites; and if a man were to combine all these extremes into his work, each in its place and proportion, that work would be the world's masterpiece of morality as well as of art.Partiality is immorality; for any book is wrong that gives a misleading picture of the world and life.The trouble is that the weakling must be partial; the work of one proving dank and depressing; of another, cheap and vulgar; of a third, epileptically sensual;of a fourth, sourly ascetic.In literature as in conduct, you can never hope to do exactly right.All you can do is to make as sure as possible; and for that there is but one rule.

Nothing should be done in a hurry that can be done slowly.

It is no use to write a book and put it by for nine or even ninety years; for in the writing you will have partly convinced yourself; the delay must precede any beginning; and if you meditate a work of art, you should first long roll the subject under the tongue to make sure you like the flavour, before you brew a volume that shall taste of it from end to end; or if you propose to enter on the field of controversy, you should first have thought upon the question under all conditions, in health as well as in sickness, in sorrow as well as in joy.It is this nearness of examination necessary for any true and kind writing, that makes the practice of the art a prolonged and noble education for the writer.

There is plenty to do, plenty to say, or to say over again, in the meantime.Any literary work which conveys faithful facts or pleasing impressions is a service to the public.It is even a service to be thankfully proud of having rendered.

The slightest novels are a blessing to those in distress, not chloroform itself a greater.Our fine old sea-captain's life was justified when Carlyle soothed his mind with THE KING'SOWN or NEWTON FORSTER.To please is to serve; and so far from its being difficult to instruct while you amuse, it is difficult to do the one thoroughly without the other.Some part of the writer or his life will crop out in even a vapid book; and to read a novel that was conceived with any force is to multiply experience and to exercise the sympathies.

Every article, every piece of verse, every essay, every ENTRE-FILET, is destined to pass, however swiftly, through the minds of some portion of the public, and to colour, however transiently, their thoughts.When any subject falls to be discussed, some scribbler on a paper has the invaluable opportunity of beginning its discussion in a dignified and human spirit; and if there were enough who did so in our public press, neither the public nor the Parliament would find it in their minds to drop to meaner thoughts.The writer has the chance to stumble, by the way, on something pleasing, something interesting, something encouraging, were it only to a single reader.He will be unfortunate, indeed, if he suit no one.He has the chance, besides, to stumble on something that a dull person shall be able to comprehend; and for a dull person to have read anything and, for that once, comprehended it, makes a marking epoch in his education.

Here, then, is work worth doing and worth trying to do well.

And so, if I were minded to welcome any great accession to our trade, it should not be from any reason of a higher wage, but because it was a trade which was useful in a very great and in a very high degree; which every honest tradesman could make more serviceable to mankind in his single strength;which was difficult to do well and possible to do better every year; which called for scrupulous thought on the part of all who practised it, and hence became a perpetual education to their nobler natures; and which, pay it as you please, in the large majority of the best cases will still be underpaid.For surely, at this time of day in the nineteenth century, there is nothing that an honest man should fear more timorously than getting and spending more than he deserves.

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