

After receving an assurance from both, that she might safely do so, she proceeded in a voice so low that it was often difficult for the listener to discover even the purport of what she said, to describe, by name and situation, the public-house whence she had been followed that night. From the manner in which she occasionally paused, it appeared as if the gentleman were making some hasty notes of the information she communicated. When she had thoroughly explained the localities of the place, the best position from which to watch it without exciting observation, and the night and hour on which Monks was most in the habit of frequenting it, she seemed to consider for a few moments, for the purpose of recalling his features and appearances more forcibly to her recollection.

'He is tall,' said the girl, 'and a strongly made man, but not stout; he has a lurking walk; and as he walks, constantly looks over his shoulder, first on one side, and then on the other.

Don't forget that, for his eyes are sunk in his head so much deeper than any other man's, that you might almost tell him by that alone. His face is dark, like his hair and eyes; and, although he can't be more than six or eight and twenty, withered and haggard. His lips are often discoloured and disfigured with the marks of teeth; for he has desperate fits, and sometimes even bites his hands and covers them with wounds--why did you start?'

said the girl, stopping suddenly.

The gentleman replied, in a hurried manner, that he was not conscious of having done so, and begged her to proceed.

'Part of this,' said the girl, 'I have drawn out from other people at the house I tell you of, for I have only seen him twice, and both times he was covered up in a large cloak. Ithink that's all I can give you to know him by. Stay though,'

she added. 'Upon his throat: so high that you can see a part of it below his neckerchief when he turns his face: there is--'

'A broad red mark, like a burn or scald?' cried the gentleman.

'How's this?' said the girl. 'You know him!'

The young lady uttered a cry of surprise, and for a few moments they were so still that the listener could distinctly hear them breathe.

'I think I do,' said the gentleman, breaking silence. 'I should by your description. We shall see. Many people are singularly like each other. It may not be the same.'

As he expressed himself to this effect, with assumed carelessness, he took a step or two nearer the concealed spy, as the latter could tell from the distinctness with which he heard him mutter, 'It must be he!'

'Now,' he said, returning: so it seemed by the sound: to the spot where he had stood before, 'you have given us most valuable assistance, young woman, and I wish you to be the better for it.

What can I do to serve you?'

'Nothing,' replied Nancy.

'You will not persist in saying that,' rejoined the gentleman, with a voice and emphasis of kindness that might have touched a much harder and more obdurate heart. 'Think now. Tell me.'

'Nothing, sir,' rejoined the girl, weeping. 'You can do nothing to help me. I am past all hope, indeed.'

'You put yourself beyond its pale,' said the gentleman. 'The past has been a dreary waste with you, of youthful energies mis-spent, and such priceless treasures lavished, as the Creator bestows but once and never grants again, but, for the future, you may hope.

  • 严复集


  • An International Episode

    An International Episode

  • 一瓢医案


  • 闺墨萃珍


  • 张文襄公事略


  • 余罪4:我的刑侦笔记


  • 文学与戏曲(和谐教育丛书)


  • 等车的办公室小姐


  • 孩子的第一本读物


  • 腹黑总裁独宠小妻


  • 天降甘霖


  • 登基为皇之皇叔哪里逃


  • 你好海神大人


  • 此禽可待


  • 北京,终究与我无关


    陶洁怀着对爱情的美好憧憬奔赴北京,投奔了坚持要在北京扎根的蚁族男友李耀明。在这里,他们爱过、疯过、悔过、痛过、挥霍过……然而,生活条件的简陋、工作压力的巨大、人际关系的微妙,还有那看得见却永远摸不着的房子,让陶洁对未来充满了苦恼和困惑……心中有着创业梦想的李耀明最终不顾陶洁的反对与人合开了一家软件公司,希望能打开一片天空,也能实现他对女友曾经的允诺,殊不知,他越努力,跟陶洁走得越远…… 他们能坚守住曾经那样纯真的爱情吗?