对于大多数人来说,他们缺乏的不是知识、智慧和韬略,而是辩论的方法和技巧。辩论需要辩论者妙语如珠。逻辑严谨,同时,辩论也需要辩论者具有奇谋妙计。在辩论中,当我们面对强大的对手时,怎样能够神机妙算,以弱胜强?当我们面对骄横的对手时,又怎样诱敌上钩,给对手一个下马威?当己方陷入困境时,又怎样能够巧施妙计,化险为夷?这一切,都需要辩论者有制胜之道。Could You Succeed as a Business Leader?
Have you ever thought about moving from an individual contributor role or management role into a business leadership role? Maybe it sounds like fun, but are you ready to take the plunge? Find out in this fun yet informative ebook that explores the ups and downs of business management. It also includes a short personality quiz to see if you have what it takes.