【新文《败家福晋又又又坑我了》已发~】穿越清朝,作为四爷的脑残死忠粉,顾悠然懵比又惊喜!原本还是个格格,却被腹黑四爷轻易贬为了侍妾。擦!梁子结大了!她身份卑微,又没倚仗,任谁都能踩一脚,乌喇那拉氏笑里藏刀,李侧福晋明目张胆,宋格格心狠手辣,还有各种暗箭难防……无奈,只能抱紧四爷大腿,卖萌扮猪吃虎,斗智斗勇!还好她脸皮够厚,演技够高,只是貌似四爷更高一筹——四爷转了转扳指,“爷帮你,你就没点儿表示?”顾悠然:“……”不要这么直接嘛~【轻松搞笑宠文,不想搞事情的宠妃VS非要搞宠妃的四爷】Breaking Bad 101
AMC's Breaking Bad is among the most beloved, critically acclaimed American television series of our time. Created by Vince Gilligan, the series charts the transformation of high school science teacher Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston) into a cold, calculating meth kingpin. Breaking Bad 101 collects esteemed critic Alan Sepinwall's (Uproxx) popular Breaking Bad recaps in book form, featuring new, exclusive essays and completely revised and updated commentary—as well as insights from and interviews with the creative masterminds behind Breaking Bad. The ultimate critical companion for one of the greatest television dramas of all time, Breaking Bad 101 offers fans Sepinwall's smart, funny, and incisive analysis of the psychology and filmmaking craft behind each episode and celebrates the series' unique place in pop-culture history. ?谢谢你曾来过我的世界