

From this he shall give to the pastor, elected by the whole community, a decent and sufficient maintenance for him and his, as shall seem right to the whole community (or, with the knowledge of the community).What remains over shall be given to the poor of the place, as the circumstances and the general opinion demand.Should anything farther remain, let it be kept, lest any one should have to leave the country from poverty.Provision should also be made from this surplus to avoid laying any land tax on the poor.In case one or more villages themselves have sold their tithes on account of want, and each village has taken action as a whole, the buyer should not suffer loss, but we will that some proper agreement be reached with him for the repayment of the sum by the village with due interest.

But those who have tithes which they have not purchased from a village, but which were appropriated by their ancestors, should not, and ought not, to be paid anything farther by the village which shall apply its tithes to the support of the pastors elected as above indicated, or to solace the poor as is taught by the Scriptures.The small tithes, whether ecclesiastical or lay, we will not pay at an, for the Lord God created cattle for the free use of man.We will not, therefore, pay farther an unseemly tithe which is of man's invention.

The Third Article.-- It has been the custom hitherto for men to bold us as their own property, which is pitiable enough, considering that Christ has delivered and redeemed us all, without exception, by the shedding of His precious blood, the lowly as well as the great.Accordingly, it is consistent with Scripture that we should be free and wish to be so.

Not that we would wish to be absolutely free and under no authority.God does not teach us that we should lead a disorderly life in the lusts of the flesh, but that we should love the Lord our God and our neighbour.

We would gladly observe all this as God has commanded us in the celebration of the communion.He has not commanded us not to obey the authorities, but rather that we should be humble, not only towards those in authority, but towards every one.We are thus ready to yield obedience according to God's law to our elected and regular authorities in all proper things becoming to a Christian.We, therefore, take it for granted that you will release us from serfdom as true Christians, unless it should be shown us from the Gospel that we are serfs.

The Fourth Article.-- In the fourth place it has been the custom heretofore, that no poor man should be allowed to catch venison or wild fowl or fish in flowing water, which seems to us quite unseemly and unbrotherly as well as selfish and not agreeable to the word of God.

In some places the authorities preserve the game to our great annoyance and loss, recklessly permitting the unreasoning animals to destroy to no purpose our crops which God Suffers to grow for the use of man, and yet we must remain quiet.This is neither godly or neighbourly.For when God created man he gave him dominion over all the animals, over the birds of the air and over the fish in the water.Accordingly it is our desire if a man holds possession of waters that he should prove from satisfactory documents that his right has been unwittingly acquired by purchase.We do not wish to take it from him by force, but his rights should be exercised in a Christian and brotherly fashion.But whosoever cannot produce such evidence should surrender his claim with good grace.

The Fifth Article.-- In the fifth place we are aggrieved in the matter of wood-cutting, for the noble folk have appropriated all the woods to themselves alone.If a poor man requires wood he must pay double for it (or, perhaps, two pieces of money).It is our opinion in regard to wood which has fallen into the hands of a lord whether spiritual or temporal, that unless it was duly purchased it should revert again to the community.It should, moreover, be free to every member of the community to help himself to such fire-wood as he needs in his home.Also, if a man requires wood for carpenter's purposes he should have it free, but with the knowledge of a person appointed by the community for that purpose.

Should, however, no such forest be at the disposal of the community let that which has been duly bought be administered in a brotherly and Christian manner.If the forest, although unfairly appropriated in the first instance, was later duly sold let the matter be adjusted in a friendly spirit and according to the Scriptures.

The Sixth Article.-- Our sixth complaint is in regard the excessive services demanded of us which are increase from day to day.

We ask that this matter be properly looked into so that we shall not continue to be oppressed in this way, but that some gracious consideration be given us, since our forefathers were required only to serve according to the word of God.

The Seventh Article.-- Seventh, we will not hereafter allow ourselves to be farther oppressed by our lords, but will let them demand only what is just and proper according to the word of the agreement between the lord and the peasant.The lord should no longer try to force more services or other dues from the peasant without payment, but permit the peasant to enjoy his holding in peace and quiet.The peasant should, however, help the lord when it is necessary, and at proper times when it will not be disadvantageous to the peasant and for a suitable payment.

The Eighth Article.-- In the eighth place, we are greatly burdened by holdings which cannot support the rent exacted from them.The peasants suffer loss in this way and are ruined, and we ask that the lords may appoint persons of honour to inspect these holdings, and fix a rent in accordance with justice, so that the peasants shall not work for nothing, since the labourer is worthy of his hire.

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