

"Yes, every post brings news of seditious meetings up north along the Saskatchewan and of indifference on the part of the Government.

And further, I have the most conclusive evidence that our Indians are being tampered with, and successfully too.There is no reason to doubt that the head chiefs have been approached and that many of the minor chiefs are listening to the proposals of Riel and his half-breeds.But you have some news to give, I understand?

Dickson said you would give me particulars."Thereupon Cameron briefly related the incidents in connection with the attempted arrest of the Sioux Chief, and closed with a brief account of the burning of his home.

"That is most daring, most serious," exclaimed the Superintendent.

"But you are quite certain that it was the Sioux that was responsible for the outrage?""Well," said Cameron, "he met my wife on a trail five miles away, threatened her, and--""Good God, Cameron! Threatened your wife?""Yes, nearly flung her off her horse," replied Cameron, his voice quiet and even, but his eyes glowing like fires in his white face.


"Only that he terrified her with his threats and then went on toward the house, which he left in flames.""My God, Cameron!" said the Superintendent, rising in his excitement."This is really terrible.You must have suffered awful anxiety.I apologize for my abrupt manner a moment ago," he added, offering his hand."I'm awfully sorry.""It's all right, Superintendent," replied Cameron."I'm afraid Iam a little upset myself."

"But what a God's mercy she escaped! How came that, I wonder?"Then Cameron told the story of the rescue of the Indian boy.

"That undoubtedly explains it," exclaimed the Superintendent.

"That was a most fortunate affair.Do an Indian a good turn and he will never forget it.I shudder to think of what might have happened, for I assure you that this Copperhead will stick at nothing.We have an unusually able man to deal with, and we shall put our whole Force on this business of arresting this man.Have you any suggestions yourself?""No," said Cameron, "except that it would appear to be a mistake to give any sign that we were very specially anxious to get him just now.So far we have not shown our hand.Any concentrating of the Force upon his capture would only arouse suspicion and defeat our aim, while my going after him, no matter how keenly, will be accounted for on personal grounds.""There is something in that, but do you think you can get him?""I am going to get him," said Cameron quietly.

The superintendent glanced at his face.

"By Jove, I believe you will! But remember, you can count on me and on my Force to a man any time and every time to back you up, and there's my hand on it.And now, let's get at this thing.We have a cunning devil to do with and he has gathered about him the very worst elements on the reserves."Together they sat and made their plans till far on into the night.

But as a matter of fact they could make little progress.They knew well it would be extremely difficult to discover their man.Owing to the state of feeling throughout the reserves the source of information upon which the Police ordinarily relied had suddenly dried up or become untrustworthy.A marked change had come over the temper of the Indians.While as yet they were apparently on friendly terms and guilty of no open breach of the law, a sullen and suspicious aloofness marked the bearing of the younger braves and even of some of the chiefs toward the Police.Then, too, among the Piegans in the south and among the Sarcees whose reserve was in the neighborhood of Calgary an epidemic of cattle-stealing had broken out and the Police were finding it increasingly difficult to bring the criminals to justice.Hence with this large increase in crime and with the changed attitude and temper of the Indians toward the Police, such an amount of additional patrol-work was necessary that the Police had almost reached the limit of their endurance.

"In fact, we have really a difficult proposition before us, short-handed as we are," said the Superintendent as they closed their interview."Indeed, if things become much worse we may find it necessary to organize the settlers as Home Guards.An outbreak on the Saskatchewan might produce at any moment the most serious results here and in British Columbia.Meantime, while we stand ready to help all we can, it looks to me, Cameron, that you are right and that in this business you must go it alone pretty much.""I realize that, sir," replied Cameron."But first I must get my house built and things in shape, then I hope to take this up.""Most certainly," replied the Superintendent."Take a month.He can't do much more harm in a month, and meantime we shall do our utmost to obtain information and we shall keep you informed of anything we discover."The Superintendent and Sergeant accompanied Cameron and his friend to the door.

"It is a black night," said Sergeant Crisp."I hope they're not running any 'wet freight' in to-night.""It's a good night for it, Sergeant," said Dr.Martin."Do you expect anything to come in?""I have heard rumors," replied the Sergeant, "and there is a freight train standing right there now which I have already gone through but upon which it is worth while still to keep an eye.""Well, good-night," said the Superintendent, shaking Cameron by the hand."Keep me posted and when within reach be sure and see me.

Good-night, Dr.Martin.We may want you too before long.""All right, sir, you have only to say the word."The night was so black that the trail which in the daylight was worn smooth and plainly visible was quite blotted out.The light from the Indian camp fire, which was blazing brightly a hundred yards away, helped them to keep their general direction.

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