

Relations of friendly diplomacy being thus established, the whole party sat smoking in solemn silence until the pipes were smoked out.Then Cameron, knocking the ashes from his pipe, opened up the matter in hand, with Jerry interpreting.

"The Sioux snake," he began quietly, "will be hungry for his breakfast.Honest men do not run away before breakfast.""Huh," grunted Running Stream, non-committal.

"The Police will get him in due time," continued Cameron in a tone of quiet indifference."He will cease to trouble our Indian brothers with foolish lies.The prison gates are strong and will soon close upon this stranger with the forked tongue."Again the Chief grunted, still non-committal.

"It would be a pity if any of your young men should give heed to these silly tales.None of your wise men have done so.In the Sioux country there is frequent war between the soldiers and the Indians because bad men wish to wrong the Indians and the Indians grow angry and fight, but in this country white men are punished who do wrong to Indians.This Running Stream knows to be true.""Huh," grunted Running Stream acquiescing.

"When Indians do wrong to white men it is just that the Indians should be punished as well.The Police do justly between the white man and the Indian.My brother knows this to be true.""Huh," again grunted Running Stream with an uneasy look on his face.

"Therefore when young and foolish braves steal and kill cattle they must be punished.They must be taught to keep the law." Here Cameron's voice grew gentle as a child's, but there was in its tone something that made the Chief glance quickly at his face.

"Huh, my young men no steal cattle," he said sullenly.

"No? I am glad to hear that.I believe that is true, and that is why I smoke with my brother beside his camp fire.But some young men in this band have stolen cattle, and I want my brother to find them that I might take them with me to the Commissioner.""Not know any Indian take cattle," said Running Stream in surly defiance.

"There are four skins and four heads lying in the bluff up yonder, Running Stream.I am going to take those with me to the Commissioner and I am sure he would like to see you about those skins." Cameron's manner continued to be mild but there ran through his speech an undertone of stern resolution that made the Indian squirm a bit.

"Not know any Indian take cattle," repeated Running Stream, but with less defiance.

"Then it would be well for my brother to find out the thieves, for," and here Cameron paused and looked the Chief steadily in the face for a few moments, "for we are to take them back with us or we will ask the Chief to come and explain to the Commissioner why he does not know what his young men are doing.""No Blackfeet Indian take cattle," said the Chief once more.

"Good," said Cameron."Then it must be the Bloods, or the Piegans or the Stonies.We will call their Chiefs together."There was no hurry in Cameron's manner.He had determined to spend the day if necessary in running down these thieves.At his suggestion Running Stream called together the Chiefs of the various bands of Indians represented.From his supplies Cameron drew forth some more tobacco and, passing it round the circle of Chiefs, calmly waited until all had smoked their pipes out, after which he proceeded to lay the case before them.

"My brothers are not thieves.The Police believe them to be honest men, but unfortunately among them there have crept in some who are not honest.In the bluff yonder are four hides and four heads of steers, two of them from my own herd.Some bad Indians have stolen and killed these steers and they are here in this camp to-day, and I am going to take them with me to the Commissioner.Running Stream is a great Chief and speaks no lies and he tells me that none of his young men have taken these cattle.Will the Chief of the Stonies, the Chief of the Bloods, the Chief of the Piegans say the same for their young men?""The Stonies take no cattle," answered an Indian whom Cameron recognized as the leading representative of that tribe present.

"How many Stonies here?"

The Indian held up six fingers.

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