

"Ha, only six.What about the Bloods and the Piegans?" demanded Cameron."It is not for me," he continued, when there was no reply, "to discover the cattle-thieves.It is for the Big Chief of this camp, it is for you, Running Stream, and when you have found the thieves I shall arrest them and bring them to the Commissioner, for I will not return without them.Meantime I go to bring here the skins."So saying, Cameron rode leisurely away, leaving Jerry to keep an eye upon the camp.For more than an hour they talked among themselves, but without result.Finally they came to Jerry, who, during his years with the Police, had to a singular degree gained the confidence of the Indians.But Jerry gave them little help.

There had been much stealing of cattle by some of the tribes, not by all.The Police had been patient, but they had become weary.

They had their suspicions as to the thieves.

Eagle Feather was anxious to know what Indians were suspected.

"Not the Stonies and not the Blackfeet," replied Jerry quietly.It was a pity, he continued, that innocent men should suffer for the guilty.He knew Running Stream was no thief, but Running Stream must find out the thieves in the band under his control.How would Running Stream like to have the great Chief of the Blackfeet, Crowfoot, know that he could not control the young men under his command and did not know what they were doing?

This suggestion of Jerry had a mighty effect upon the Blackfeet Chief, for old Crowfoot was indeed a great Chief and a mighty power with his band, and to fall into disfavor with him would be a serious matter for any junior Chief in the tribe.

Again they withdrew for further discussion and soon it became evident that Jerry's cunning suggestions had sown seeds of discord among them.The dispute waxed hot and fierce, not as to the guilty parties, who were apparently acknowledged to be the Piegans, but as to the course to be pursued.Running Stream had no intention that his people and himself should become involved in the consequences of the crimes of other tribes whom the Blackfeet counted their inferiors.Eagle Feather and his Piegans must bear the consequences of their own misdeeds.On the other hand Eagle Feather pleaded hard that they should stand together in this matter, that the guilty parties could not be disclosed.The Police could not punish them all, and all the more necessary was it that they should hold together because of the larger enterprise into which they were about to enter.

The absence of the Sioux Chief Onawata, however, weakened the bond of unity which he more than any other had created and damped the ardor of the less eager of the conspirators.It was likewise a serious blow to their hopes of success that the Police knew all their plans.Running Stream finally gave forth his decision, which was that the thieves should be given up, and that they all should join in a humble petition to the Police for leniency, pleading the necessity of hunger on their hunting-trip, and, as for the larger enterprise, that they should apparently abandon it until suspicion had been allayed and until the plans of their brothers in the North were more nearly matured.The time for striking had not yet come.

In this decision all but the Piegans agreed.In vain Eagle Feather contended that they should stand together and defy the Police to prove any of them guilty.In vain he sought to point out that if in this crisis they surrendered the Piegans to the Police never again could they count upon the Piegans to support them in any enterprise.But Running Stream and the others were resolved.The thieves must be given up.

At the very moment in which this decision had been reached Cameron rode in, carrying with him the incriminating hides.

"Here, Jerry," he said."You take charge of these and bring them to the Commissioner.""All right," said Jerry, taking the hides from Cameron's horse.

"What is up, Jerry?" said Cameron in a low voice as the half-breed was untying the bundle.

"Beeg row," whispered Jerry."Eagle Feather t'ief.""All right, keep close."

Quietly Cameron walked over to the group of excited Indians.As he approached they opened their circle to receive him.

"My brother has discovered the thief," he said."And after all a thief is easily found among honest men."Slowly and deliberately his eye traveled round the circle of faces, keenly scrutinizing each in turn.When he came to Eagle Feather he paused, gazed fixedly at him, took a single step in his direction, and, suddenly leveling an accusing finger at him, cried in a loud voice:

"I have found him.This man is the thief."Slowly he walked up to the Indian, who remained stoically motionless, laid his hand upon his wrist and said in a clear ringing voice heard over the encampment:

"Eagle Feather, I arrest you in the name of the Queen!" And before another word could be spoken or a movement made Eagle Feather stood handcuffed, a prisoner.

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